How much should I take in to lose weight?


Lady Member
Jan 19, 2014
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OK like a lot of people, I'm new to the fitness world and trying to push start myself with dieting and exercise. I'm 5'8 and weigh 231.8. I'm trying to set a goal to get down to 190 But I don't know how many grams of protein, fats, and carbs I need to take in and what My calorie intake should be. If ANYBODY can help me, please do! Just trying to Change My life the right way instead of starve myself skinny. Lol


SI Founding Member
Dec 16, 2011
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you already posted a thread asking for this.

being 5'8 @ 230 your BMI is 35.0

using this calc -

(used 30 as your age, just guessed) you should take in 2800 cals if your lightly active.

so if your looking to lose 40lb, drop down to 2300-2400 cals a day and bump up your activity. A 20 min walk every day, a aerobic video, going to the gym, etc.

Being new to fitness your not going to be able to push yourself too hard to start. you will slowly build your current fitness level with every workout you do. Expect or try to lost 1-2lbs per wk, make sure to take in 75g's of quality protein a day, healthy fats, slow digesting carbs.

pretty much every smart phone has a million fitness/weight loss app's you can buy or download and follow it. break up your 2400 cals into 5-6 meals a day, try to eat every 3hrs and avoid eating 1hr before bed.

We will help you as much as we can here but we cant spoon feed you info. You are going to have to buckle down and put in some time reading/learning and being active.


SI Founding Member
Oct 31, 2012
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I would suggest if you're serious then you need to put a plan in place. Long and short term goals. Long term being one year from now and then shorter goals quarterly and monthly. This will help keep you going so you don't quit.
I would highly recommend you get a cheap membership at a gym and start with doing cardio As many times a week as you can. Even if it's only once or twice a week for now build it up until you are going 5 or 6. When you start seeing results it will be highly motivating for you to push harder. One step at a time.
Diet and cardio is your main concern for now.
Starving yourself is the worst mistake you can make. You will lose Wight but it won't only be fat it will be muscle and you don't want that. You will become weak and ill and then you'll just gain it all back. You need to learn what foods to eat and which to avoid. It is fine to eat all through out the day as long as its the correct food and you're doing some cardio.

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