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    • Iowabull
      Iowabull replied to the thread T3/T4 combo.
      Not to sound like a bitch but it was more of a desperation move by me. Lol. I've been through 2 trainers the last 2 years and followed...
    • Iowabull
      Iowabull reacted to CJ's post in the thread T3/T4 combo with Like Like.
      It's just my opinion, others may have a different one. I know a few here have used it before, hopefully they'll chime in.
    • Iowabull
      Iowabull replied to the thread T3/T4 combo.
      Thanks for the information. It sounds like I probably shouldn't go that direction then. Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
    • Iowabull
      Iowabull replied to the thread T3/T4 combo.
      I'm trying to cut yes. I have had past trainers that have recommended it but we never got into the dosages and I'm not with a trainer...
    • Iowabull
      Getting ready to start a run of T3/T4 combo 12.5mcg/50mcg tablets. This will be my first time running them. What are some thoughts on...
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