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    • J
      Jingajinga replied to the thread Lung coughs.
      23 gauge needle right on the side of left quad, Aspirant and everything, still nicked something... i thought i was a veteran ping...
    • J
      Jingajinga replied to the thread Lung coughs.
      12 years on gear never had cough like this, even when heavy on tren, freaking trt dose and test e srsly WTF man? After 24 hrs still...
    • J
      Jingajinga replied to the thread Lung coughs.
      yeah man, no sign of blood after pulling plunger but there was blood after injection. Been over 24 hrs still have that weird coughing...
    • J
      Jingajinga replied to the thread Lung coughs.
      It was freaking Test E in the side of quad! 14 hrs later i still cant fully inhale as it trigger that feeling of something in my lungs...
    • J
      This morning while i was doing my TRT injection i think i nicked a vein, started coughing as i have this feeling of something in the...
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