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      clyde1818 reacted to Type-IIx's post in the thread Nolva/Arimidex with Like Like.
      Of course bro! I don’t want you to think that I’m ignoring you here, it’s just that it wouldn’t be fair to those I manage this for on a...
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      clyde1818 replied to the thread Nolva/Arimidex.
      Thanks for the info, very valuable ! I don't think I can get my hands on hMG, what "pct" protocol would you recommend for 500mg test...
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      clyde1818 replied to the thread Nolva/Arimidex.
      I've seen the Harleem study but I think alot of people speculate that the PCT is useful for keeping gains and feeling better in the...
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      clyde1818 reacted to Bro Bundy's post in the thread Nolva/Arimidex with Like Like.
      I find adex to be a stronger AI then aromasin..Its good to have on hand both
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      clyde1818 replied to the thread Nolva/Arimidex.
      Can't site shit unfortunatly since it's only what I've read from other users on random forums, not studies. I've heard Nolva had a...
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      clyde1818 replied to the thread Nolva/Arimidex.
      Did some more research and might go the Ralox/Aromasin way. Still unsure for a source atm since every source I trust only sells one or...
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      clyde1818 replied to the thread Nolva/Arimidex.
      From what I'm reading around, Raloxifene seems better for gyno but Nolva seems better for hormones ? I've just researched a bit for now...
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      clyde1818 reacted to Yano's post in the thread Nolva/Arimidex with Like Like.
      Never used AA for anything. When and If I have wanted to try something in the past I have used this company. This is in no way an...
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      clyde1818 replied to the thread Nolva/Arimidex.
      I am unfamiliar on those, I need to research them :)
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      clyde1818 replied to the thread Nolva/Arimidex.
      I have 0 experience on this, I'd prefer not to mess anything up lmao
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      Anybody used Amino Asylum for Nolva and/or Arimidex (Adex) ? I've been thinking going to QSC for Test but I beleive they only sell raws...
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      clyde1818 replied to the thread My Intro.
      I agree, i don't not consider myself natty. Thanks for the welcomes !
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      clyde1818 replied to the thread Am I doing things right ?.
      That's what I was thinking, start at 300 and see from there. Trying to keep sides to a minimum while making good gains.
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      This will be my second cycle, as I did one 10 years ago. I'm currently 28. A bit more about that is in my presentation, but basically, I...
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      clyde1818 replied to the thread My Intro.
      Thanks guys ! Cheers,
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