
I have lifted on and off in the past, however made a decision in September of 2016 to make a lifestyle change and one that I could adhere to. Lifting 5-6 days per week is the easy part. Cardio is my biggest struggle. Diet is not perfect, but for me if I go to the extreme, I always suffer burnout. Diet is clean throughout the week, but my wife and I do enjoy a nice meal out on the weekend and usually one night out of drinks. Gains are coming and body fat is reducing, just at a slow pace as I know if I go "balls to the wall" I will suffer from burnout. Slow and steady with TRT and occasional supplement assistance is what I am about. Don't mind having a little extra body weight. Realistically my goal is 12-14% bf as it is something I am hoping to maintain for life. Started at approximately 25% bf and I am guesstimating I am somewhere around the 18-20% range currently. I am 44 years old and wanting to be happy with how I look and teach my 3 boys who are all wrestlers good habits.

lifting, coaching wrestling, travel, and of course gorgeous woman.
St. Louis, MO
Excess claims analyst


"Rome was not built in one day"