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    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 reacted to psycho's post in the thread Opinions for my next blast with Like Like.
      I was too big for my height and couldn’t fit in a doorway,had to walk wasn’t very comfortable.everywhere I went people...
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 replied to the thread Opinions for my next blast.
      Thrown in HGH and some insulin and you are 100% correct. Sent from my SM-A156U using Tapatalk
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 replied to the thread Opinions for my next blast.
      I guess I proved I haven't been here that long........ Lol Sent from my SM-A156U using Tapatalk
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 replied to the thread Opinions for my next blast.
      Lol, I didn't think you looked like the bodybuilding type. I dont know anything about powerlifting. Good luck Sent from my SM-A156U...
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 replied to the thread Opinions for my next blast.
      You're competing as a light heavyweight bodybuilder?? Sent from my SM-A156U using Tapatalk
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 replied to the thread Opinions for my next blast.
      You could run that fast at that height and weight? Man, you have to be, pretty much, a born elite athlete. Sent from my SM-A156U using...
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 replied to the thread Opinions for my next blast.
      Jesus. 305 at 5'5". I have that reaction because, it was years ago, I still remember how uncomfortable I felt at 215 at around 5'6" or...
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 replied to the thread Tren enanthate for 4 months.
      If your using 200 MGS every 6 days that an ok dose. If you tolerate it for 3 months, really what's the difference, you'll tolerate it...
    • gp0385316
      250 MGS of test a week makes no sense at all to me. It's higher than just a trt dose but not enough to really get full benefits from the...
    • gp0385316,decrease%20in%20CVD%2Drelated%...
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 replied to the thread Opinions for my next blast.
      Man, that huge! You were seriously 250 at 5'4"?? You said lean, just curious, what do you mean by lean? 10% body fat or less?? That's...
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 reacted to psycho's post in the thread Opinions for my next blast with Like Like.
      This is so true ,it was the biggest I ever got.was up to 250 pounds lean and I’m 5’4
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 replied to the thread Beligas Pharmaceuticals.
      I'm sure it does. Where there is money to be made people always figure out a way. Sent from my SM-A156U using Tapatalk
    • gp0385316
      Already planning things out and I won't be competing until July of 2026. I'm going to add HGH at 4 IUS 5 X a week with 5 ius of...
    • gp0385316
      gp0385316 replied to the thread First Dianabol Cycle Tips.
      You really do not have much cognitive ability do you?? I glanced at the end of the post. Did you also actually ask what if he's...
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