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    • J
      Using ChatGPT is also an art and it can generate great outcomes if you know how to use it properly and prepare a good exercise chart and...
    • J
      john_and01 replied to the thread Squats and flexibility.
      I do believe that squats are the best way to get a good physique, and exercises like squats, pull-ups, push-ups, etc. work the core of...
    • J
      john_and01 replied to the thread Squats and flexibility.
      That's quite a nice advice, you have shared here. I would definetly like to follow it when I do my next squats workout.
    • J
      john_and01 replied to the thread Squats and flexibility.
      I like to do the squats. I have performed many types of squats my favourite is the one that my trainer explained me. I call it levitated...
    • J
      john_and01 replied to the thread Eat your protein people!!!.
      Protein is quite necessary for our Body and I have lots of sources to gain the same. But again I would like to know about other people...
    • J
      john_and01 replied to the thread Efficiency of Workout.
      Exactly! I am a bit undisciplined and it is not at all an excuse. I have made a schedule many times, but due to some unforeseen...
    • J
      john_and01 replied to the thread Efficiency of Workout.
      Workouts are important, but again not everybody likes doing it. Like me, I have started working out with all enthusiasm but again I lose...
    • J
      john_and01 replied to the thread Am I walking enough?.
      I don't like to walk that much, but yes due to my weight gain, I would go for some exercise and spend some minutes on the treadmill and...
    • J
      I don't know about ounces, but I drink about 4 to 5 liters water everyday. Sometimes it goes up, if I have a outside trip.
    • J
      Well, if you have increased your water intake, you might not have to go through the operation. I have seen many of my relatives having...
    • J
      It depends on the person to person and also the type of the built of body. You should consult a good dietician to know the proper...
    • J
      john_and01 replied to the thread back injury and it isn't good.
      That's quite an inspiring story. You have gone through a lot in these few years. It would inspire the people here and they will take...
    • J
      I think it is not fair to design the plan for 13 Years old and it is a very early age to restrict them for enjoying the foods. You must...
    • J
      john_and01 replied to the thread Healthiest dipping sauces.
      I have tried many sauces, and I personally like the fat-free sauces and salad dressings. My favourite is Chipotle.
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