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      mcantrell221 replied to the thread About me.
      thanks so much! I actually do what’s called carb cycling when I’m competing and in the testing pool. I cycle on carbs a bit before I...
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      mcantrell221 reacted to Rickt's post in the thread About me with Like Like.
      Most fighters have high carbs due to all the running and skipping and sparing they do. How do you find the high protine supports your...
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      mcantrell221 replied to the thread About me.
      Sure thing! Thanks so much for taking interest. I’ve been boxing since I was 7. I started Muay Thai at 12 and judo at 15. Got my golden...
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      mcantrell221 reacted to Rickt's post in the thread About me with Like Like.
      hi. Welcome. At 23 you should be more interested in pussy than gear. Leave the chemicals till you are so old the only chicks you get...
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      mcantrell221 reacted to Thrawn's post in the thread About me with Like Like.
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      mcantrell221 reacted to snake's post in the thread Compounds with Like Like.
      If you want to give it a try, I'd recommend it for the early pounds, not the late ones. Then again, the early ones are the easy ones...
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      mcantrell221 replied to the thread Compounds.
      Thanks so much for your advice! I’m around 14-15% BF currently. I guess could just take clen since I have some left over but I’d like to...
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      mcantrell221 reacted to CJ's post in the thread Compounds with Like Like.
      No worries, just trying to help. We were all new here once.
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      mcantrell221 replied to the thread Compounds.
      Lmaooo😭 my bad again sorry for all the inconvenience. Thank you for being patient bro i appreciate it!
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      mcantrell221 reacted to Yano's post in the thread Compounds with Like Like.
      Wait .. wait .. hold the phone ... you want to try winstrol ,, and used halo for cutting ? ..
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      mcantrell221 replied to the thread Compounds.
      Yes. Once when I was still in high school. My “friend” sold it to me as well as some dbol. I had very little understanding at the time...
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      mcantrell221 reacted to CJ's post in the thread Compounds with Like Like.
      I moved your thread to the correct area. In regards to DNP, it's poison, learn to diet better.
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      mcantrell221 replied to the thread Compounds.
      Okay! Thank you for moving it sorry I didn’t post it in the correct area🙏. My diet is pretty balanced I have a dietitian that helps me...
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      I’ve had plenty of experience with gear. Started when I was 16 (yeah ik I was an idiot teenager 😭). I’ve used my fair share of compounds...
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      mcantrell221 reacted to CJ's post in the thread About me with Like Like.
      Welcome to the Underground.
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