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      sethplun replied to the thread HGH Side Affect.
      Thanks so much and I do always run blood pressure daily which is always good and will be get another blood test panel this coming Friday...
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      sethplun reacted to CohibaRobusto's post in the thread HGH Side Affect with Like Like.
      Yeah I'd back way off and see if it goes away and if that was the cause. Then slowly work your way back up over time if things go OK...
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      sethplun replied to the thread HGH Side Affect.
      Thanks so much and I do always run blood pressure daily which is always good and will be get another blood test panel this coming Friday...
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      sethplun replied to the thread HGH Side Affect.
      10-4 I will give that a try.
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      I am taking 4iu a day with 2iu in the AM and 2 iu in the PM. I am now one month deep and noticed 2 weeks ago retaining water in my...
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