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  1. Equator

    What is your opinion of Elon Musk?

    I think he deserves credit for making the first ever Republican EV (Cyber Truck).
  2. Equator

    training and nutrition log

    Nothing easy about any of this.
  3. Equator

    Chinese Advertisers

    When it comes to what the top level pros are taking, where do you guys think that stuff comes from?
  4. Equator

    Who are your favorite actors/actresses?

    Which performers make you interested in a movie, just by them being in it?
  5. Equator

    How far could Ronnie Coleman have gone as a powerlifter?

    We often hear about how Ronnie "King" Coleman was the bodybuilder who trained most like a powerlifter. His lifts are legendary, and add to his aura as the GOAT of our sport. But what if he had focused his energy and efforts strictly towards strength, and not bodybuilding? How successful could...
  6. Equator

    Post Something That Makes You Laugh

    SUV held together with foam!
  7. Equator

    What do do after a day of lost discipline?

    If you do gain weight from this cheat day, don't panic and assume it's fat gain. A lot of bad food is high in sodium, which can really increase your water weight for a couple days.
  8. Equator

    Hooters is being sued for not hiring transgender waitress

    Sounds like the perfect time to hit up Hooters and watch Monday Night Football!
  9. Equator

    Sudden Weakness on Left Side

    I hope the OP is OK.
  10. Equator

    Hooters is being sued for not hiring transgender waitress

    If you don't look the part and have the right personality, you cannot be a Hooters girl. Simple as that.
  11. Equator

    Mike Van Wyck physically assaults Jeff Nippard

    That's one punchable face.
  12. Equator

    Transition from cut to bulk and help with macros

    Does it not matter where you're pulling those calories from? Eating less the wrong way can result in losing weight and size moreso than losing body fat. It's easy to become a smaller version of ourselves. It's less easy to lose fat.
  13. Equator

    breaking sports news

    As bad as it looks, it's still less bad than a torn ACL. Just more disturbing to look at.
  14. Equator

    Andrea Shaw Wins the 2024 Ms. Olympia, Her 5th Consecutive Title

    Congratulations to her, very well deserved. It's crazy to think that she didn't turn pro until age 35 and became one of the greatest right away.
  15. Equator

    2024 Mr. Olympia

    Congratulations to Samson Dauda. At 5'11", Samson is the tallest Mr. Olympia since Ronnie Coleman, who is also 5'11".
  16. Equator

    This is a really tough exercise

    Which one is tough? There are a few different exercises here. Is this the entire routine or added to the end of something else?