CJ Getting Bigger Version 2.0


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Winter is coming, time to put some meat on these bones. Starting next week, I'll be beginning a 20 week run of 400 mg Test Cyp and 400 mg Deca, with 50 mg Anavar daily the final seven weeks. Of course things can change, but that's the plan.

I did well last year on 200 Test and 400 NPP, with 4 weeks of Anavar, so I'm keeping it similar. Why fix what's not broken?

Had my yearly physical yesterday, and blood work done. Lipid panel looks decent, total cholesterol is 20 points lower, my triglycerides are much lower, down to 62 mg/dl. HDL and LDL both up a couple of points, but LDL is higher than I'd like though. My A1C is up a couple of points to 5.7, guess I'll get back to periodic blood sugar testing. Always was in the 80's in the morning, and had good blood glucose response when testing after meals. Yeah, I'm a goddam nerd, but hat glucometer comes in handy. I also check my blood pressure regularly, 120/75 is pretty common.

I didn't work out for 3 days prior to see if that would have a positive affect on my AST/ALT, with the liver having less muscle protein breakdown to deal with. AST improved by a couple of points, while ALT worsened by a few. Both were within my normal common levels, which is high normal to slightly above range.

I'll make separate posts for my nutrition and training plans, so it doesn't get too long. I tend to get wordy.
Feb 7, 2020
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Sounds good CJ. I think my next run will look similar. What is your goal for weight gain?


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2020
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Winter is coming, time to put some meat on these bones. Starting next week, I'll be beginning a 20 week run of 400 mg Test Cyp and 400 mg Deca, with 50 mg Anavar daily the final seven weeks. Of course things can change, but that's the plan.

I did well last year on 200 Test and 400 NPP, with 4 weeks of Anavar, so I'm keeping it similar. Why fix what's not broken?

Had my yearly physical yesterday, and blood work done. Lipid panel looks decent, total cholesterol is 20 points lower, my triglycerides are much lower, down to 62 mg/dl. HDL and LDL both up a couple of points, but LDL is higher than I'd like though. My A1C is up a couple of points to 5.7, guess I'll get back to periodic blood sugar testing. Always was in the 80's in the morning, and had good blood glucose response when testing after meals. Yeah, I'm a goddam nerd, but hat glucometer comes in handy. I also check my blood pressure regularly, 120/75 is pretty common.

I didn't work out for 3 days prior to see if that would have a positive affect on my AST/ALT, with the liver having less muscle protein breakdown to deal with. AST improved by a couple of points, while ALT worsened by a few. Both were within my normal common levels, which is high normal to slightly above range.

I'll make separate posts for my nutrition and training plans, so it doesn't get too long. I tend to get wordy.

hell yeah brother. looking forward to following your progress. hope you stay healthy throughout, been quite a few people getting sick mid cycle myself included which fukin sucks.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Sounds good CJ. I think my next run will look similar. What is your goal for weight gain?

Cop out answer: I'll take whatever the Gainzzz Gods give me. I'll be eating, but not to the point of digestive issues where I almost shit my pants.

Truthful answer: I'd like to gain about 20 mostly good lbs from this.


Ski bum
Jan 9, 2018
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Cop out answer: I'll take whatever the Gainzzz Gods give me. I'll be eating, but not to the point of digestive issues where I almost shit my pants.

Truthful answer: I'd like to gain about 20 mostly good lbs from this.

Whats your weight now?


SI Founding Member
Apr 12, 2012
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Can't wait to see your workout split.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Can't wait to see your workout split.

Here ya go!!!!

I wrote this program out, very influenced by a John Meadows style of training. I pick an activation exercise first that you really feel in the muscles followed by a compound strength exercise. 3rd exercise is to get the metabolic pump effect. The 4th exercise is to train that bodypart under a stretch.

This will be my first time doing more of a bodypart split. In the past I've done either an Upper/Lower or a Push/Pull/Legs split. There is a little overlap, so everything other than legs will get worked 2x per week. The leg workout leaves me sore for almost a week anyway, so I think 1x per week is good.

I'll be doing 4 workouts per week, and since it's not a high frequency split, I'll incorporate failure training and some high intensity technique sets within, since recovery shouldn't be an issue before the next session. I will be working up to a top set on each exercise. Each of these workouts should be about 60 minutes long.

Progression method for this program will be adding weight and/or reps to the movements, using autoregulation. Earn the weight increase, don't force it. If I get 2+ reps out of range, I'll increase the weight the next session.

I'll also try to get in some form of light cardio on my days off from lifting, about 30 minutes. Purpose of this is for general health primarily, and to slow down fat gain secondarily.

I'm going to intentionally start lighter the first few weeks, taking my time to build up. This makes sense to me, since my Cals and drugs will be building during this time. I took last week off completely, so the first week will be an intro week, then I'll build from there.


-1 ARM PULLDOWNS: 3x8/8/8+, Inc weight each set, take the last set to failure. First 2 sets are sub max, getting the movement pattern locked in for the final all out top set. Really focus on the lats, keeping biceps out of the movement, and hold the contraction for a second. Neutral grip.

-BB PENDLAY ROWS: 3x6/6/6+, same weight each set, but taking the last set to failure plus a few partials. I'll use a little momentum on these, but nothing crazy though. Overhand grip.

-INC BENCH DB ROWS: 3@r8/8/10+RP. Target rep range of 8-12. Neutral grip on the DBs. (First 2 sets are sub-max, r8 means leaving 2 reps in reserve. An r9 would be 1 rep in reserve, and an r10 would mean I'd be unable to get another rep). On the 3rd set I do an all out Rest Pause set. (a Rest Pause set is when I go to failure, rest 20 seconds, go to failure again, rest 20 seconds, then go to failure a final time).

-LAT PULLDOWNS: 3@r8/8/10+(10-15 range). Standard overhand grip. I lean back slightly on these, I get a good squeeze in my mid upper back, and a good stretch at the top of the rep. Hold the contraction for a split second. The 3rd set I'll take to failure plus partials.

-A1) DB INCLINE CURLS: 3@r8/8/10(10+ reps). 3rd set take to failure. I keep my wrists fully supinated on these, and I alternate arms used each rep, so as one arm is going up, the other is going down. No rest between reps, constant tension.

-A2) DB REAR DELT FLYES/ROWS: 3@r8/8/10+(10+ reps). 3rd set taken to failure, then bend the elbows to 90° and bang out more reps in more of a high row fashion.


-FLAT DB BENCH: 3x8/8/8+, Inc weight each set. First 2 sets are feeder sets, last set is to failure. Get a good pec squeeze.

-INC BB BENCH: 3x6/6/6+, straight weight each set, 3rd set to r10, but no technique breakdown. I touch my chest on these, full ROM, no bouncing. All clean reps. Bench is at about a 30° incline.

-SLIGHT INC DB BENCH: 3@r8/8/10+RP. Same weight each set. First 2 sets are sub max, target is 8-10 reps, but the 3rd set is an all out RP set. Bench is set at about a 15° incline.

-DEFICIT PUSHUPS: 3@r8/8/10, 3rd set take to failure. I hold onto DBs when doing these, it's easier on my wrists than if I put my hands on plates. Chest touches the floor each rep.

-A1) DB Y-RAISES: 3@r8/8/10+RP. (8-12 rep target). I do these facing an incline bench, arms out at roughly 45°. 3rd set is a Rest Pause set.

-A2) NTRL GRIP INC SKULLS: 3@r8/8/10. (8-12 reps), last set take to failure. I bring the Tricep Bar behind my head to get a really good stretch in the triceps. At the top of the movement, my arms are always less than vertical, to keep constant tension.


-LYING LEG CURLS: 3x8/8/8+. Inc weight each set. First 2 sets are feeder sets, the 3rd set is all out to failure, plus partials, and finish with an isometric hold. I set my bench to a decline on these, and really focus on not moving my hips, really squeezing the hammies.

-SQUATS, HIGH BAR: 3x6/6/6+. Same weight each set. Take last set to the last good rep, no form break!!! I put a bench behind me to standardize the rep ROM. I don't sit down like a box squat though, it's more of a kiss of the cheeks. It gets my thighs to parallel. Any deeper, I start to get a little butt wink, unless I widen my stance. I use the upcoming Leg Presses to get the full ROM of the quads.

-LEAN BACK LEG EXTS: 3@r8/8/10+RP(10-15 rep range). 3rd set do an all out Rest Pause set, doing partials on the very last set. Full hard contraction at the top, don't just rifle off reps, make them count. I also lean back to hit the rectus femoris, which isn't hit much during squats and presses.

-BANDED VERTICAL LEG PRESS: 3@r8/8/10(12-15 rep range). 3rd set take to failure. It's safe to do so on my machine. I get a good ROM in the quads on these, keeping a close stance really hits them hard. I use 2 doubled up orange bands from EliteFTS on this. Really makes it tough at the top of the movement. Burns like a mo'fo!!!

-A1) SLDLs: 3x6/6/6+. 3rd set I'll take close to failure. I do these in my power rack, with the safety bars set to standardize the ROM, and keep me from popping a hammy.

-A2) KB/DB STANDING CALF RAISE: 3@r8/8/10+RP. 3rd set do an RP set. Full ROM, hold the top and bottom of the reps for a full second, no bouncing.


-DB DELT RAISE TRIAD: 3x10/10/10+, same weight. I do 10 reps each of rear delt flyes, lateral raises, and front raises. On the 3rd set, I'll take each to failure.

-BB STRICT PRESS: 3x6/6/6+. Last set take to failure. Each rep touches the chest at the bottom to full lockout at the top for the most ROM from the shoulders. I do these seated, low ceiling in the home gym.

-Y RAISES: 3@r8/8/10+RP(8-12). 3rd set is an RP set. Same as on Chest day.

-INC FRONT RAISES: 3@r8/8/10+(10-15). I sit with my back to an incline bench, do standard DB Front Raises to hit the delts under a stretch. 3rd set to failure.

-A1) ROPE TRI EXTS: 3@r8/8/10+(10-15). 3rd set to failure and partials. Standard standing rope extensions, facing the machine and bringing them down towards the hips.

-A2) DB HAMMER CURLS: 3@r8/8/10+(10-15). 3rd set to failure, alternating fashion like in the DB Curls on Back day.

-A3) WRIST ROLLER: 3xMax. I attach a rope to the end of a barbell set at shoulder height in my power rack, then rotate up and down, using both wrist flexion and extension to raise the weight. Go until it burns like my arms were dipped in fire.


*exercises can change occasionally, as needed, this is just what I'm starting with. I will try to keep the first two exercises constant though, those will be my progress indicator exercises. If I'm getting stronger at those, I'm happy. Accessory lift performance can wax and wane, I'm ok with that.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Interesting. Why no conventional pulls?

I sometimes have them, others times don't. Just didn't include them to start, but they may make an appearance on Back day at some point. They hit my both my back and hammies hard, so if I include them, I'll drop the SLDLs.


Jan 29, 2014
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Nice CJ. I agree, why fix what ain't broken?


Retired UG Staff
Jan 20, 2017
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CJ is one of our most knowledgeable members when it comes to programming. We are lucky to have him here.

His only weakness is that he doesn’t look like he’s touched a weight in his life.



Senior Member
Sep 26, 2020
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Looks like a pretty solid plan. I’m excited to see your results.


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2020
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Sounds like a good plan,
Good luck!!!

Uncle manny

Apr 22, 2015
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Nice lay out you got there. What do you think about anadrol or dbol instead of the anavar though?