
  1. HermesLabs

    Large amounts of Bayer Rimobolan, Genos, Anapolons, and other Pharma Gear available.

    Hello friends! Let us introduce ourselves. We, at HermesLabs, are a team of professionals who have legal access to pharmacies and a few warehouses located in Türkiye, Iran, and a few other EU countries. Therefore, we will be shipping international, US Domestic (some limited items for now), and...
  2. P

    I tried the new CooperPharma brand - Opinion!

    Hello friends, I don't know if this is the right topic, but I'm new to the forum. My name is joão and I live in europe. I have been practicing bodybuilding for 15 years and over the years, I have tried several brands, and in all of them, there was something in common, when I used the oral...
  3. Wfox2

    Anadrol use in baseball?

    Since Anadrol makes you significantly stronger acutely. Do you think if a baseball player, specifically a pitcher, took Anadrol before a game they would throw harder? Does anyone have experience with Anadrol in sports? Just curious
  4. Wfox2

    Test/NPP/Anadrol Cycle

    What do you guys think about this cycle? I'm trying to put on serious mass. I'm currently 5'8 170lbs. I cycled sarms from Dec 2021-August 2022 (LGD, RAD, S4, S23, Ostarine, some prohormones) and I have been on 250mg-450mg of test since September of 2022. Planning on running 300 mg test e...
  5. nationrogue03123

    Best Steroids for a Strength Focused Cycle (minimal gains in bodyweight/size)

    Hey guys, I want to run a two month cycle which focuses on increasing force production (ie. strength and speed) with minimal gains in bodyweight/size for athletic purposes. I've heard some good gear (other than my test base) for this would include: - turinabol - anavar - winstrol - anadrol...
  6. D

    Proper insight on anadrol from pros....

    Hello ppl..... I read about anadrol alot. But i dont understand y there ain't many posts about test e and anadrol cycles being done. I understand the concern for ur liver, But still isn't anadrol the best bulker that adds tons of muscle in a proper diet and training cycle. Maybe im wrong but hey...
  7. Gt500face

    End of Cycle pics

    Here are some pics that I took after a 14 week test e cycle at 750mg. I'm pretty happy with the results, I now weighing 207lbs.