Undergroundsupplements Newsletter Issue #13


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Aug 26, 2012
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Issue #13


NOTICE: No liability is assumed by Underground Supplements or the authors for any information contained herein. This text does not contain medical advice. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed health practitioner. Neither Underground Supplements nor the authors advocate, promote or encourage the use of anabolic steroids or other illegal drugs. The information contained in this publication is not intended to induce or persuade anyone to use or possess anabolic steroids or any other illegal drugs. Any references made directly about the effects of anabolic steroids, about obtaining anabolic steroids are for information purposes only and are expressions of the authors opinions. This publication is an attempt for a practical source of information, rather than scientific.

Letter from the editor:
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter.
The UG


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Aug 26, 2012
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Technical Info:
It was hard to find alot of info on Arimidex because it is mainly used to treat breast cancer in women. But we are men!!! Argggghhh so here it goes......... Arimidex (anastrozole) tablets contain 1mg of anastrozole, a non-steroidal inhibitor, for oral adminstration. Many breast cancers have estrogen receptors, and the growth of these tumors can stimulated by estrogen. So far the treatment of breast cancer has been to decrease estrogen levels by the use of anti-estrogens, this has lead to decrease or the delay of the tumor growth. Anastrozole is a potent and selective non-steriodal aromatase inhibitor. Absorbation is good they say 83% to 85%. Food will not effect the extent of absorption. It has a half life of 50 hours. The product is produced by Zeneca.
This little ( and I mean little) white, film coated tablets containing 1mg of anastrozole. The tablet are impressed on one side with a logo consisting of a letter A (upper case) with and arrowhead attached to the foot of the extended right leg of the A, and on the reverse with the tablet strength marking Adx 1.
OK, are you sitting down for this one?? I have seen prices from $170 to $300 for a 30 tablet bottle. That is $5 to $10 a tablet!! I told you to sit down. Hopefully the price will come down in the future as it grows more popular.
My suggestion for a doseage depends if you have gyno yet or not. If you have gyno, I would start with 1 pill everyday, then when the signs of gyno subsides I would taper to 1/2 pill everyday or 1 pill every other day. If you are trying to prevent gyno before it starts I would take 1/2 pill everyday or 1 pill every other day.
Personal Experiences:
My last cycle I was taking Anabol and Mico Depo at a gram a week. One day my nipples started to itch, and I told myself "No it can be gyno, it is all in my head. " Then that night my nipples were burning when I went to bed. I knew then I had the start of gyno, so I popped 1 Arimidex, and when I woke up the symptoms were gone. I continued with 1/2 pill every day and have not had a problem since.
My advice, like Ravers, is gyno is something you do not want to mess with, always be prepared and if think you are getting, take care of it right away!


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Aug 26, 2012
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Snow's Drifts

BY: Snow White

Since this my very first time writing for the newsletter, I believe introductions and a quick bio would be appropriate before getting to the important bodybuilding subject matter. I've been into bb for 7 years now and never touched AS until my 6th year of steady workouts. I was at a crossroads where the gains weren't coming anymore and I had reached my genetic potential. At 5'3" and 125#'s, while my physique was better than average, the hardest person to please is the one that stares back at you from the mirror. I have no ambitions to compete, nor is my goal to "get huge". I leave that to you guys. What I am hoping to achieve is to ward off the debilitating effects of aging. I'm 46 and worry about things like osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, all which run in my family.

Now that you understand what my goals are and who I am, I'll get to the good stuff. There are two different areas I'd like to tackle for this newsletter. First, the 8 commandments of cycling for women and second, a sample cycle for a female first timer. I'd like to say that the commandments are not mine, but the work of Iron God from the Elite Fitness board. They are just so right on the money, I think everyone should share in the knowledge he has compiled.

Iron God's 8 Gear Commandments for Women

I. Knowledge is Power All too many people begin steroid use with little or no information on the subject. If you are going to get the most out of anabolic steroids and minimize the risks, you need to educate yourself first. Ignorance is often to blame for limited gains, losing gains post-cycle, and excessive side effects. Invest some time and learn all you can about the gear you intend too use.

II. Thou shall plan thy work and work thy plan. Before any successful cycle, you need to map out every important detail . Organize the schedule of drugs and doses, your workouts, and your diet. If you train instinctively and eat inconsistently you will seriously detract from your gains. Get a plan and stick to it , most importantly with your diet.

III. Thou shall train hard and heavy A common misconception is that if someone uses steroids, they will get incredible results without a lot of hard work. The opposite is true without a heavy, intense training steroid use is a waste of time and money. Regardless of what steroids are used, there will be strength increases. This newfound strength cannot be fully realized without pursing the limits of weight you normally use in all exercises. As important as hard and intense training is, FORM is not to be sacrificed keep the average rep range a 6 to 8 . Because steroids increase strength and recovery, over training is less of a concern, but it can occur. Spending more than an hour at the gym is a waste of time. If can't get it done in an hour or less you won't get it done in a whole day.

IV. Thou shall eat more, and more often Anabolic steroid work primarily by increasing protein synthesis. In order for protein synthesis to place a diet high in protein is necessary. An athlete on Gear should take in 2 grams and 20 to 25 calories per pound of body weight each day. To get the most out of any cycle (unless your precontest) you need to increase your calories especially protein and maintain that increase for the duration of the cycle. One should also not be concerned about gaining a little fat , your dietary needs change daily and nobody is perfect when it comes to getting just the right amount of calories so the excess gets stored as fat (no big deal). Also the added muscle mass after the cycle will require more protein and calories to be maintained in the future. Fat intake should be kept down around 25% to 30% and most of your Carbs should consist of mostly non -processed whole foods( rice, potatoes, yams , some pasta) and leafy greens . Essential fats such as (flax) should be supplemented in the diet and are best added to protein shakes or MRP's (meal replacement powders), Limit saturated fat and simple sugars in your diet. Eating 5 to 8 meals a day can be a difficult and time consuming affair but it needs to be done. By supplementing in between meals with protein shake or MRP's it should make it much easier to get the required amount of nutrients.

V. Thou shall rest All of the training, diet and drugs will not give you the results you desire without plenty of rest Your muscle only really grow when you sleep. That's when your body repairs the muscle fiber you destroyed during your workout. You should try to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

VI. Thou shall keep cycles reasonable in length Although the pro's hardly ever come off... you will. Keep cycles between 6 to 10 weeks (12 weeks maximum) If you can't get the gains you want in that time frame either your unrealistic in your goals or you did something wrong. 1 to 3 cycles a year should be more than enough to avoid size and strength plateaus and maintain gains. More is definitely not better. Try to get the most out of the least amount of drugs.

VII. Thou shall drink 2 gallons or more of water a day Your body is mostly made up it and it is the single most important factor in improving your performance. DRINK IT

VIII. Thou shall use it or lose it. The human body will allow muscles to grow only to cope with the demands of stress training . If you don't maintain your diet, rest and training your gonna lose the gains. It's a mistake to take time off from training after a cycle. Adhering to the rules is the surest way for a woman, or anyone for that matter to achieve their goals. Probably the most important rule for a woman is rule #7. We need to remember that we are basically changing ourselves into men for a short duration of time. In this vane, I'd like to add a 9th commandment:

IX. Thou shall watch closely for side effects. In the early stages of a cycle it is imperative that a woman closely monitor side effects such as deepening of voice, clitoral enlargement. If any of these appear cut down on dosage or wait longer intervals to administer the AS. Remember, with women, reaction to AS is highly individual.

Women's Cycles

I'm often asked by men, for the benefit of girlfriends and wives, and women what the best drugs and what the best cycles are. Since, again, this depends on individual goals and the length of time someone has spent in body building it's hard to answer. But, for the first timer, the best drugs are (in order) Anavar, Primo, Deca, and Winnie. Winnie being a wild card because some women, myself included, get a higher andro kick from it than others. I do not recommend sust for the first timer. Since mass is not an issue with most women, but quality muscle is the following cycle is what I recommend for a first time user:

Week (7-10 days Drug Dosage
1 Primo 50mg
2 Primo 50mg
3 Primo/anavar 100mg/5mg/day
4 Primo/anavar 200mg/7.5mg/day
6 Primo/anavar 100mg/10mg/day
7 Anavar 10mg/day
8 Anavar 7.5mg/day

This cycle will build quality muscle a woman will keep. And, remember commandments 8 & 9.

In the next newsletter I'll talk about advanced cycles and weight loss.

Snow White


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Aug 26, 2012
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Growth Hormone and Insulin use

By Ry Roid

I am not going to write about the boring stuff you usually read about GH and insulin because that is what I have always read. I am not a doctor so when I read an article about something I am interested in I don’t want to be put into a coma. The fact is GH has been around for a long time but, due to customer demands going up it is more easily purchased then when I started. I remember guys paying $1,500 for a kit and now they can be purchased for less than one-third that price. Insulin, however is relatively new in the bodybuilding world. So lets get to it.


Insulin is basically a hormone produced by the pancreas used to regulate glucose levels in the body. It brings glycogen and other nutrients in the muscles. It works by attaching itself to another protein on the outside of cells called the insulin receptor. This causes a change in the metabolism of the cell. Insulin increases protein synthesis and causing cell to suck up amino acids from blood so that the cell can make protein out of them.

Insulin and Hypoglycemia

If you don’t consume enough carbohydrates after insulin is taken then hypoglycemia can happen. In a nutshell, if carbohydrates aren’t sufficient enough then this will cause your muscles to suck up so much glucose from your blood that not enough is left for your brain. This can and will lead to hypoglycemic shock and possibly drop you into a coma.

Growth Hormone

Growth Hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. It promotes growth of tissues, protein deposition and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat stores. GH also stimulates growth in most body tissues due to increase in cell numbers rather than cell size. The transport of amino acids is also increased as well as protein synthesis. GH levels skyrocket during years of adolecence and drop off dramatically as you get older. This is why it also gives the effect of looking younger. This is, of course, the reason why I use it. That was a joke people.

GH and Insulin Used Together

GH and Insulin work better together than they ever would alone. This is because they complement each other very well. GH increases glucose output in liver and induces insulin resistance by blocking the activity of this hormone in target cells. Basically GH helps to make insulin better utilized by the body. The body will need an increased amount of thyroid hormones, insulin and androgens when GH levels are elevated. There is also the fact that when using these two together you won’t have to worry as much about the fat gained by insulin because GH will negate that as a fat burner.

Dosing Theories

This has been a subject of debate for a long time now. The guys that used to tell me to use GH year round were also selling it so you figure it out. I do believe it works very well used year round but, because I also believe using GH w/ insulin, T-3 and an array of juice makes it superior this theory is not an option by most. The reason I say this is I don’t exactly want to stay on T-3, Insulin and juice year-round and end up dead. Let’s not forget the fact that it can get expensive. I have tampered w/ medium to higher doses for shorter amount of time and found them to be just as good as year round. Recently I also tampered w/ short 4-5 days of high doses then 6 days off and found them to be ideal while bulking up. Basically, for good results a dose of 4-6iu’s split into 2iu shots for 8-12weeks will suffice

Here is an example of each:
Year-round=4-6iu’s 4-5 days a week
8-12weeks=4-6iu’s 5-7days a week
Short Duration=10-16iu’s for 4 days Off for 6 days

*Remember to take shots away from natural GH secretion times. Avoid before bed and directly after workout shots. If you lift in the morning try to take a shot before the workout and wait at least 2 hours after your workout to take another one.


Insulin is something you don’t want to take year round unless you want to end up a diabetic for life. I believe using for 6-8weeks to be an ideal amount of time. The best times to take insulin are right upon waking up and after your workout. During bulking up I take it before every meal but, do as I say not as I do.hehehe

Timing of insulin and GH shots

I have collaborated with many people and used personal experience and found that taking GH shot one and a half hours before your insulin shots proves to be optimal. The GH gives the effects of lowering insulin resistance. So taking the GH shot before your insulin shot makes more sense doesn’t it? I personally split up GH shots into 2iu shots spread over The entire day. So for days I am using 10iu’s I would do 2iu’s 5 times during the day.

An example GH and insulin schedule would like like this:
4A.M-2iu’s GH
5:30A.M-10iu’s Insulin
7A.M-2iu’s GH
8:30A.M-10iu’s Insulin
10AA.M-2iu’s GH
11:30A.M-10iu’s Insulin
1P.M-2iu’s GH
2:30P.M-10iu’s Insulin
4P.M-2iu’s GH
5:30P.M-10iu’s Insulin

Keep in mind that I have been doing this for a long time and you should not attempt this unless you have a good decade of juicing under your belt.

Growth Hormone and Insulin have been the reason for all the huge gains made by bodybuilders. Now everyone can achieve huge gains and still stay safe. I hope that I have answered all questions everyone has been having about GH and Insulin. I just want everyone to get as huge as they possibly can. So what are you guys waiting for??? Get to it guys!!!


Information provided is for informational purposes ONLY. It should not be miscontrued as condoning the use of anabolic steriods or any other illegal activity. Information is given to provide those wanting to use these chemicals, to do so with extreme caution and safety.


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Aug 26, 2012
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Last Minute addition from Raver:

https://www.ugsupplements.com/forums...ssage_ID=81035 you can read the post here!
Author Name: Raver, The , 44136 , The_Raver@undergroundsupplements.com
Subject: Sorry fellas -
Text Body: but was just to damn busy at work. I'm sitting here sick as a dog from hell after shooting 1cc of IP Prop with 2cc of vet. b-12 on Wednesday, so I thought I'd take some time to write this up.I see a whole lot of posts, from newbies, to intermediate users, to advanced vets and even monitors (none of the UG monitors of course, we are all omnipotent and know what to expect ;-)) asking about reasonable expectations for a given cycle. There are so many variables to that particular equation that I'm sure I'll miss a few, but in my 7 plus years of juicing, I've discovered a few common rules and variables that can affect the amount, and type, of gains to be expected from a cycle.I'll group these cycles by purpose (Bulking, Gaining Mass with minimum fat, and Cutting). Following the cycles, I'll put up a list of do's and dont's for each, in terms of eating habits, accessory drugs, alcohol use, and the effects these do's and don'ts will have on any given cycle.Our first cycle, is, of course, the classic Bulking Cycle. These cycles normally consist of high doses of Androgenic steroids, i.e., Anadrol-50, Dianabol, any Testosterone Ester, Trenbolone Acetate, Halotestin, or, the much revered and hard as hell to find Oral Turinabol. This base of high Androgenic dosage is usually (but not always) combined with a medium dosage (300-400mg/week) of an Anabolic steroid, such as Deca Durabolin, Laurabolin, Equipoise, Winstrol Depot, or Primobolan Depot. The idea behind this cycle is to flood the body's steroid receptors with Androgens, which will produce bulk, and adjust the bulk with a bit of hardness (or just some joint lubrication from Deca). The most important things to remember on these Bulking cycles are as follows:1) If you're going to stack 'Drol with Dbol, do the Drol for 4 weeks first, then the Dbol for 4-6 weeks after. Don't combine them.2) For long acting Test esters that take awhile to kick in (Sustanon-250, Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Undecanoate), do your shots every 5 days, as opposed to every 7 days. This will provide a nice, constant build up of testosterone in your system once it is de-estrified in your body.3) For the Trenbolone Acetate, if you use it, it depends on your personal preference. I like to use 152mg (2cc) EOD, some people only like 76mg EOD, while others like 76mg daily. Hey, they are your kidneys, find out how they react and adjust accordingly.4) For your Anabolics, use the Deca and / or Primo once a week, and the Winny, EQ, or Laurabolin ED.Remember, especially if you are using 'Drol, or Dbol, you are going to experience a pretty rapid increase in strength, which your tendons may not be very happy about. I know they look dorky, but elbow and knee wraps, as well as a lifting belt, are a must while bulking.FOOD: This one is easy...eat every damn thing in sight. Remember, you are not preparing for a contest, or getting ready to perform at the male strip club (unless you're Ragnar or Piggy or Amer or Big A). Eat a lot of high protein, moderate fat content foods such as lean ground beef, tuna, chicken breasts (grilled and marinated to your taste), hell, even Hamburger Helper and Tuna Helper. Don’t even worry about grabbing 2 Quarter Pounders with cheese (some folks like whoppers, but I’m a McDonald’s fanatic) every other day. When you make your protein shakes, use fruit juice (more calories than milk), add ice cream, flax seed oil, and a dab or 2 of peanut butter. Don’t be ashamed to whip up coffee cups with 20g of protein and 6g of creatine at work. All in all you want at LEAST 5000 (preferably 6000) calories a day, with 1.5g of protein for each pound of your DESIRED bodyweight, not your current bodyweight. Some other favorites are spaghetti with meat sauce, Naked (skinless) chicken wings from Hooter’s, Oysters (try eating 2 dozen oysters at an oyster bar and watch the waitress drool….), unbreaded Orange Roughy or Cod fillets, and lots and lots and lots of green vegetables, such as spinach, green beans, salad, or, if you’re a sick bastard like me, go to the Korean restaurant and get loads of Kimchi, Seasoned Garlic Shoots, Seasoned (hot) radishes. Visit the Sushi bar whenever you can afford it, and order loads of Tuna, Giant Clam, Eel, Yellowtail, Omelet Nigiri, and anything with loads of Tempura on it.

Ahhhhh…Tempura, I hear you shudder. Fellas, one thing is for goddamn sure…you are NOT going to be able to keep up the intensity in the gym without a significant amount of carbs. I’m not talking about the little Gold’s Gym carb drinks, or your home made Ultimate Orange stack…pure, unadulterated carbs that lsat in the system for a long time.

What can I expect from my Bulking Cycle?

Let’s assume you do EVERYTHING right. You administer the bean correctly, you train like a demon from Hell, you take your milk thistle, and Saw Palmetto, and, hopefully, a multivitamin and Zinc supplement. You sleep 9-10 hours a night, or, 8 hours a night with a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, you hit each muscle group every 6 to 8 days. What’s left? First off, on this cycle as well, Alcohol is a BIG, BIG, no no. No one is saying you can’t hook up with your buddies once or twice a week and have 2-3 (Light) beers, but slamming down a liter of Cuervo Gold once a week is definitely going to hurt you. GHB? God forbid that shit is still around, I’ve heard more horror stories about it than I have about Crack Cocaine. Yes, it’s supposed to release GH, but the amounts it releases are so pitifully small that it’s just not worth it. Sleeping aids? I know that when I’m on Dbol or ‘Drol, I can’t sleep worth a shit, so my accepted solution is a 10mg Valium with a single glass of wine. BOOM, bedtime. As for other psychotropics, fellas, it just doesn’t make sense to add that kind of sense to your system when you are trying to get big and strong. X, Acid, Meth, Coke…forget it, you might as well save your money for a cutting cycle.

So – given the above, here’s a rough cut by level of what can be expected:

Beginner – 18-25 lbs. – the first cycle is always the best, so don’t waste it. Intermediate – 10-18 lbs. – sorry bro, you had your first cycle, and your bod is more used to the juice. Advanced – 6-10 lbs, - At our level, every damn pound or kilo is a real bitch to get, and even harder to maintain.

Next Level: Gaining Mass with minimum fat

Sometimes, either during the last bulking cycle of the season, or during a simple off-season bulking cycle simply to get back into shape, we need to run a semi-bulking cycle, with a minimum of fat gain. Notice I stipulate FAT gain…you are still going to have the moonface, and the associated bloating until the bean has cleared your system.

These cycles normally consist of moderate doses of Androgenic steroids, i.e., Anadrol-50, Dianabol, any Testosterone Ester, Trenbolone Acetate, Halotestin, or, the much revered and hard as hell to find Oral Turinabol. This base of high Androgenic dosage is usually (but not always) combined with a larger dosage (600-800mg/week) of an Anabolic steroid, such as Deca Durabolin, Laurabolin, Equipoise, Winstrol Depot, or Primobolan Depot. The idea behind this cycle is to flood the body's steroid receptors with Androgens, which will produce bulk, and adjust the bulk with a quite a bit more anabolics. The most important things to remember on these Gaining Mass with minimum fat are as follows:

Use HGH!!! While GH has not really proven itself to enhance the effects of the bean, it has most definitely proved itself, at doses of 6-8 IU a day to burn fat at an incredible rate. Use T-3!!! At a dosage of 50-75mcg a day, the T-3 will reduce bloat, increase the efficiency of the bean, and, keep off a good amount of fat (yes, you still have to eat on this cycle). Cut your usual dosages of ‘Drol and Dbol by 1/3 or so…don’t exceed 100mg Drol, or 40mg Dbol a day. For long acting Test esters that take awhile to kick in (Sustanon-250, Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Undecanoate), do your shots every 5 days, as opposed to every 7 days. This will provide a nice, constant build up of testosterone in your system once it is de-estrified in your body. Use more Fina. Fina has a hardening effect that will make your muscles appear more solid, thus, less bloated. For your Anabolics, use the decrease the Deca and increase the Primo once a week, and the Winny, EQ, or Laurabolin ED FOOD: This one is not so easy….you can’t eat damn thing in sight. While a CKD diet is probably uncessesary, you do want to keep your fat intake to a minimum, and your carb intake at about half of hat you would use for a Bulking Cycle. When you make your protein shakes, use skim milk (less calories than fruit juice), add sherbet or yogurt, flax seed oil, and a dab or 2 of peanut butter. Don’t be ashamed to whip up coffee cups with 20g of protein and 6g of creatine at work. All in all you want at LEAST 3500 (preferably 4000) calories a day, with 1.5g of protein for each pound of your CURRENT bodyweight, not your desired bodyweight. Some other favorites are Naked (skinless) chicken wings from Hooter’s, Oysters (try eating 2 dozen oysters at an oyster bar and watch the waitress drool….), unbreaded Orange Roughy or Cod fillets, and lots and lots and lots of green vegetables, such as spinach, green beans, salad, or, if you’re a sick bastard like me, go to the Korean restaurant and get loads of Kimchi, Seasoned Garlic Shoots, Seasoned (hot) radishes. Visit the Sushi bar whenever you can afford it, and order loads of Tuna, Giant Clam, Eel, Yellowtail, Omelet Nigiri, and anything without rice or Tempura in it.

What can I expect from my Gaining Mass with Minimum Fat Cycle?

Let’s assume you do EVERYTHING right. You administer the bean correctly, you train like a demon from Hell, you take your milk thistle, and Saw Palmetto, and, hopefully, a multivitamin and Zinc supplement. You sleep 9-10 hours a night, or, 8 hours a night with a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, you hit each muscle group every 6 to 8 days. What’s left? First off, on this cycle as well, Alcohol is a BIG, BIG, no no. No one is saying you can’t hook up with your buddies once or twice a week and have 2-3 (Light) beers, but slamming down a liter of Cuervo Gold once a week is definitely going to hurt you. Sleeping aids? I know that when I’m on Dbol or ‘Drol, I can’t sleep worth a shit, so my accepted solution is a 10mg Valium with a single glass of wine. BOOM, bedtime. As for other psychotropics, fellas, it just doesn’t make sense to add that kind of sense to your system when you are trying to get big and strong. X, Acid, Meth, Coke…forget it, you might as well save your money for a cutting cycle.

So – given the above, here’s a rough cut by level of what can be expected:

Beginner – 8-10 lbs. – the first cycle is always the best, so don’t waste it. Intermediate – 4-6 lbs. – sorry bro, you had your first cycle, and your bod is more used to the juice. Advanced – 2-6 lbs, - At our level, every damn pound or kilo is a real bitch to get, and even harder to maintain.

Next Level: Cutting

OK, now you’ve done your 2-3 bulking cycles in the off-season, and it’s time to get ready for the swimming pool, the cruise ship, the beach, whatever. If you’ve had a good bulking season, you are probably carrying between 12-18% bodyfat (and this varies by individual, that asshole Bytor can stay lean even WHILE bulking). Cutting cycles are probably the most difficult of all in terms of the discipline required…if you think it’s hard to eat, sleep, jack enormous amounts of juice, and train, you are in for a BIG, BIG surprise.

The first thing you want to decide on is just how lean you want to get. Remember, the leaner your goals, the harder the effort is going to be, so don’t set yourself up for failure…there’s always next year. A good goal for an average (part-time, although I hate that term) BB is between 8 and 10%, and for a competitive BB, or someone who relies on their physique to make money over the summer months, between 4 and 6%. Let me make this utterly and completely clear….I have NEVER been below 10% BF, and, quite frankly, I’m not willing to make the effort to get there. I have, however, coached BBs at my gym on how to get that low, and even though they hate me during the process, the results speak for themselves.

You’re going to need to stock up on several items…none of which are particularly cheap. DNP at 300/600mg a day (depending on how much suffering you’re willing to put up with), at least 5 bottles of T-3 (pretty cheap). Enough GH to use 8-12 IU a day for 10-12 weeks (ouch, that hurts my wallet just thinking about it), E/C/A (cheap), Winstrol Tabs (preferably Zambon 2mg), Primobolan Depot, Testosterone Suspension or Prop, Finaplix, and plenty of Equipoise. In addition to the above, you’ll probably need enough Winny tabs (NOT Depot) to use 20-25mg a day during the cutting cycle. You’ll also need some Keto-sticks (available at CVS OTC) to check your level of ketosis.

You’re also going to have to learn the gospel of either BodyOpus or Animalobolics (personally, I prefer Animal’s plan, since I can carb up more often and see that I’m not totally flat).

The idea behind a cutting cycle is to lose adipose body tissue (fat), while maintaining as much muscle as possible. Note please that I say AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE…you WILL lose some muscle.

Use HGH!!! While GH has not really proven itself to enhance the effects of the bean, it has most definitely proved itself, at doses of 6-8 IU a day to burn fat at an incredible rate. Use T-3!!! At a dosage of 1mcg per day of bodyweight, the T-3 will reduce bloat, increase the efficiency of the bean, and, burn off a good amount of fat (yes, you still have to eat on this cycle). Don’t use Dbol, ‘Drol, or Sustanon…limit your Test intake to Suspension or Propionate. Use Fina. Fina has a hardening effect that will make your muscles appear more solid, thus, less bloated. For your Anabolics, drop the Deca and increase the Primo to 600mg once a week, and the Winny, EQ, or Laurabolin ED FOOD: This one is not so easy….you can’t eat damn thing in sight A CKD diet is a real bitch to maintain, and it tends to to keep your energy levles low. When you make your protein shakes, use water (less calories than fruit juice or skim milk), add sherbet or yogurt, flax seed oil, and a dab or 2 of peanut butter. Don’t be ashamed to whip up coffee cups with 20g of protein and 6g of creatine at work. All in all you want at LEAST 2000 (preferably 2500) calories a day, with 1g of protein for each pound of your CURRENT DESIRED bodyweight. Some other favorites are Beef Jerky (Oberto), Oysters (try eating 2 dozen oysters at an oyster bar and watch the waitress drool…), and Pork Rinds. Lots and lots and lots of green vegetables, such as spinach, green beans, salad, or, if you’re a sick bastard like me, go to the Korean restaurant and get loads of Kimchi, Seasoned Garlic Shoots, Seasoned (hot) radishes. Visit the Sushi bar whenever you can afford it, and order loads of Tuna, Giant Clam, Eel, Yellowtail, Omelet Nigiri, and anything without rice or Tempura in it.

CARDIO – I know, it’s not a four letter word, but it should be. The only acceptable cardio I’ve found is kayaking in the North Georgia Mountains, hiking the Appalachian Trail, and doing the Aerobics classes at Golds just to watch all the female ass moving around. The one and only undisputable fact is, if you don’t do cardio, you won’t get to the level of BF you want.

What can I expect from my Cutting Cycle?

Let’s assume you do EVERYTHING right. You administer the bean correctly, you train like a demon from Hell, you take your milk thistle, and Saw Palmetto, and, hopefully, a multivitamin and Zinc supplement. You sleep 9-10 hours a night, or, 8 hours a night with a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, you hit each muscle group every 3 to 5 days. What’s left? First off, on this cycle as well, Alcohol is a BIG, BIG, no no. No one is saying you can’t hook up with your buddies once or twice a week and have 2-3 (Light) beers, but slamming down a liter of Cuervo Gold once a week is definitely going to hurt you. Sleeping aids? I know that when I’m on Dbol or ‘Drol, I can’t sleep worth a shit, so my accepted solution is a 10mg Valium with a single glass of wine. BOOM, bedtime. As for other psychotropics, fellas, it just doesn’t make sense to add that kind of sense to your system when you are trying to get big and strong. X, Acid, Meth, Coke…forget it, you might as well save your money for a cutting cycle.

So – given the above, here’s a rough cut by level of what can be expected:

Beginner – Loss of 2% BF – you guys don’t have the discipline yet.. – the first cycle is always the best, so don’t waste it. Intermediate – Loss of 4-5% BF – you guys have done this before. Advanced – Loss of 5-7% BF - At our level, every damn pound or kilo of fat is a real bitch to get off, and even harder to keep off. ACCESSORY DRUGS –

After reading this board for awhile, you should be aware of the fact that you need to have Clomid, Nolvadex, Arimidex, Cytadren, and, possibly, HCG on hand. This will be covered in a future article.

The Raver

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