German Volume Training


Mar 3, 2014
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German Volume Training (GVT) is a a popular method of training that was said to originate from the 70s weightlifting coaches. I say "was said to originate" because, as far as I'm aware, there is no evidence of the Germans actually using such a protocol. It could be complete bullshit for all we know.
Anyway, it's a method used by many lifters, popularized mainly by Poliquin, and something I experimented with myself. I found it to involve way too much work for the end reward and can now say that we have data to support my experience with it:

Effects of a Modified German Volume Training Program on Muscular Hypertrophy and Strength

Full paper:


German Volume Training (GVT), or the 10 sets method, has been used for decades by weightlifters to increase muscle mass. To date, no study has directly examined the training adaptations following GVT.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a modified GVT intervention on muscular hypertrophy and strength. Nineteen healthy males were randomly assign to 6 weeks of 10 or 5 sets of 10 repetitions for specific compound resistance exercises included in a split-routine performed 3 times per week. . Total and regional lean body mass, muscle thickness, and muscle strength were measured before and after the training program.
Across groups, there were significant increases in lean body mass measures, however greater increases in trunk (p = 0.043; ES = -0.21) and arm (p = 0.083; ES = -0.25) lean body mass favored the 5-SET group. No significant increases were found for leg lean body mass or measures of muscle thickness across groups. Significant increases were found across groups for muscular strength, with greater increases in the 5-SET group for bench press (p = 0.014; ES = -0.43) and lat pull-down (p = 0.003; ES = -0.54).
It seems that the modified GVT program is no more effective than performing 5 sets per exercise for increasing muscle hypertrophy and strength. To maximize hypertrophic training effects it is recommended that 4-6 sets per exercise be performed, as it appears gains will plateau beyond this set range and may even regress due to overtraining.

What they did...

First of all, notice that it's a modified GVT.
The original programme involved 10x10 on 2 movements per workout using 60%1RM throughout with 60-90 sec rest periods.
Here, the modification involves the addition of accessory movements at 3-4 sets of 10 apiece to reflect the reality of how most people lift (99% of dudes do a shit load more than 2 moves per session).

So, we've got 19 guys, in their early 20s, averaging 3.5-4.8 years of consistent training experience placed into one of 2 groups:
GVT: 10x10 for the first 2 movements followed by 3-4x10 for everything else.
1/2 GVT: 5x10 for the first 2 movements followed by 3-4x10 for everything else.

Both groups lifted 3x week, for 6 weeks, with the same movements and rest periods (60 secs tapering up to 90 secs for the final few sets). Here are the movements for each session (this split sucks but you can't have it all):
Session 1 - bench, lat pulldown, incline bench and seated rows
Session 2 - leg press, lunge, leg extension, leg curl and calf raises
Session 3 - shoulder press, upright row, bicep curl and tricep pushdowns

Strength was assessed via 1RM on bench, lat pulldown and leg press. Muscle thickness was assessed via ultrasound and bodycomp via dexa.
The key thing to keep in mind here is that the main difference between the groups relates to volume.

What they found...

Both groups made strength gains but the 1/2 GVT group had greater increases across the board although the level of gain was smaller for leg press than bench or lat pulldown (approx 4% vs 10% difference).

Trunk FFM (fat free mass) - 1/2 GVT wins by 3%
Arms FFM - 1/2 GVT wins by 4%
Legs FFM - GVT lead to a 2% increase while 1/2 GVT's increase was so small that it was insignificant

Bicep muscle thickness - 1/2 GVT wins by 6%
Tricep thickness - GVT wins by 5%
Anterior thigh thickness - 1/2 GVT by 2.5%
Posterior thigh thickness - GVT wins by 1%

So, 1/2 GVT for strength and FFM except in the case of legs with a mixed bag for muscle thickness.

Summary & take home pints

This is the first ever scientific look into German volume training. They used experienced lifters and took into account how people lift in real life. This, dear readers, is what I call a HELL of a study.

Overall, greater increases in strength occurred in the 1/2 GVT group primarily due to the lower volume (which allows higher loads to be used). This is pretty logical.
Greater increases in muscle occurred in the 1/2GVT group except for legs. This might surprise a few people who assumed more volume automatically = more gains. The higher volume being necessary for legs is, again, logical considering they were made to do more work in general.
The muscle thickness data was mixed due to the fact that GVT, and higher volume training overall, is well known for increasing glycogen storage and giving the impression of bigger muscles (these sort of gains go away pretty quickly). Personally, I wouldn't put too much stock into these numbers.

What we have here is a clear dose-response relationship between volume and strength/gains wit the aim being to find that sweet spot rather than going as high as possible.
Going higher is not always better EXCEPT in the case of legs, which both anecdotally & scientifically seem to respond better to more volume in comparison. Make sure your training programmes reflect this.

Good luck experimenting with 10x10 for something like squats btw. Be prepared for a whole world of suck :)
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Aug 30, 2016
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Excellent read, thanks Zilla. I have used this training method for both chest and squats. And yes, for squats it is a whole world of suck.
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SI Founding Member
Jan 16, 2013
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I did enjoy Gvt when I ran it. I did both the 10x10 and the advanced 10x5

John Ziegler

Jul 13, 2015
Reaction score
Been doin the higher set front squats for a couple months now

Figured this program would take up some of the slack of not being able to do the lower rep heavier weight back squats.
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SI Founding Member
Apr 29, 2012
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Great study. I may need to back-off a bit on me upper body days...

John Ziegler

Jul 13, 2015
Reaction score
Have also done a lot of 5 x 20 front squats.

Gunna give the Gvt a shot
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Jan 16, 2018
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You ever check out I think, Russian program? It's this app called's basically just for a single lift, but it's awesome. Sort of the same principal