Yoga for mobility

Sep 26, 2018
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I started using Yoga for recovery from hip replacement, great stretching and improved mobility. It has helped me get back to the weights.

The teacher I have runs a class where I work (for free) but also does classes at gyms and health clubs. I get to hear stories told of how these "bodybuilder" types come into class with the large upper body and teeny tiny legs, calls them a piano shape, and zero core strength. He says it's sad when during the class half of them cannot hold a side plank !

I've never done a Hot yoga class may have to find one. My teacher incorporates a hybrid mix of traditional yoga poses and ballet. I attend 2 classes week. Some classes are "building" where muscles are strained like body weight training and there are whole classes just for "stretching"

I've been told when you build then some flexibility is lost and if only stretching is done then the building part can decrease so it has been enjoyable to have a mix of both to keep balance.

It's been quite a learning experience, just like working out it needs consistency to have the most benefit.

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