The “right” cycle?


SI Founding Member
Oct 25, 2012
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I would be interested if anyone has a different thought on this.

Most new people come in the door to either find a source, get a review of a source they have found, or get advice on a cycle. I am of no help for the first two and have chimed in on the last one, but am even having some doubts about my qualifications for giving cycle advice.

With the exception of suggesting a first cycle be test only so the user gets experience with the fundamentals and advising that you never add more than one new variable at a time so you understand what each one does individually and get blood work,I am at a loss.

When someone names 3 injectables and an oral they plan to use and asks if it will work or is a good

I can get lean on a “bulking” cycle by eating less and bulk on a “cutting” cycle by eating more. The only thing is if I care about holding water or not.

Would we be doing more justice if we just gave advice on what to expect from each drug individually (Not cycles as a whole) and not even get into dosing discussions since they are so individualized?


May 7, 2018
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I can only share with what I experienced and tried my self.


Oct 8, 2015
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Same here. I know all I've tried on myself and what works on me. My training buddies tried them with different results/opinions. The compounds all work differently on different people so other than your personal experience it's hard to say what to expect. I'll share my experiences and doses after lots of trial and error.


SI Founding Member
Jan 16, 2013
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I've made the decision to just stay out beginning cycle discussions unless the subject has at least some basic understanding of what he, or she is doing or asking, and more importantly has an actual plan lined up. I just don't have the patience anymore because I just get frustrated. Basics. That's all they need to know as a beginner.


Unstoppable Force
Mar 30, 2018
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translated your just a miserable old ****er

I've made the decision to just stay out beginning cycle discussions unless the subject has at least some basic understanding of what he, or she is doing or asking, and more importantly has an actual plan lined up. I just don't have the patience anymore because I just get frustrated. Basics. That's all they need to know as a beginner.


Feb 4, 2018
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You raise some great points.

I’ve received some good advice from people though I didn’t listen at the time. (POB and Jin!) In hindsight what may have made me slow down and listen (it wouldn’t have) would be the reasons why some of the choices would negatively impact me.

concerns I didn’t realize:

- blood pressure. I went from TRT to 750 instead of the recommended 500. Bailed 75% of the way through due to blood pressure values that would make all of us cringe. We should ask and warn anyone with high BP not to run stuff that holds water.

- running a cycle while cutting hoping to chase the build muscle while in a deficit unicorn. Didn’t work but I heard onto the muscle I had. The cycle was fine but the reason and expectations were highly flawed.

- experimenting with EQ. I stopped myself before doing this because my hematocrit was high. Glad I didn’t do it because it took 5 attempts at the Red Cross to finally let me donate. I was honestly debating a home phlebotomy.

The cycles themselves might be bad but our expectations of the results and our understanding of the health impacts might be very misguided and in need of some advice.


Unstoppable Force
Mar 30, 2018
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I don’t know enough

No. How about I've been doing this 2 -3 times a day, every day for the last 7 years. I'll let you handle it from now on.


SI Founding Member
Jan 16, 2013
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Vids, your last paragraph is pretty much dead on. Too often I see people with unrealistic expectations of results, too soon. Time and consistency is what brings actual results. Not months, but years. AND one should already havev at least a couple years dedicated time in prior. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2019
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As someone who asked advice on their first cycle, I thought I'd chime in.

I think everyone understands the reason people dont just want to do test their first cycle is because you read and hear about everyone else doing cycles with test, tren, anadrol etc and saying it's amazing, the best cycle they've done, they wished they'd done it sooner etc. Makes a lot of us impatient and makes us want to just jump straight on that stack/oral train.

Most people that tell you to do Test only tend to only give the advice of "it helps dial in your AI, how sensitive you are to E2, how well your body reacts to test and its enough for a first cycle. A lot of us don't want whats enough we want to feel jacked, look jacked, and get jacked fast and because of that are willing to look past the other points you mentioned.

Let's be honest, how many of the people that come on and ask for advice on their tren+test first cycle actually want to compete in the future in PL or BB? I probably bet about 5%. I'd say at least 75% want to just look good for the attention and everything else that comes with it and the other 20% want to be able to reach their goals of being really strong or being super lean because it's their personal target they want to hit.

A lot of people jump too quickly into AAS too, I wanted to jump into it until some of you gave me some tough love. I still do want to jump into it, But I want to be able to do it safely, efficiently and when I feel like I'm 100% ready and know everything, and that's really because of what everyone said to me.

I feel like the way you guys give advice is fine, it's critical, honest and there's no sugar coating. But about 80% of people you tell not to do that cycle, will just do it anyway. They are here to hear what they want to hear, not the truth. That's what I wanted at least.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2019
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As someone who asked advice on their first cycle, I thought I'd chime in.

I think everyone understands the reason people dont just want to do test their first cycle is because you read and hear about everyone else doing cycles with test, tren, anadrol etc and saying it's amazing, the best cycle they've done, they wished they'd done it sooner etc. Makes a lot of us impatient and makes us want to just jump straight on that stack/oral train.

Most people that tell you to do Test only tend to only give the advice of "it helps dial in your AI, how sensitive you are to E2, how well your body reacts to test and its enough for a first cycle. A lot of us don't want whats enough we want to feel jacked, look jacked, and get jacked fast and because of that are willing to look past the other points you mentioned.

Let's be honest, how many of the people that come on and ask for advice on their tren+test first cycle actually want to compete in the future in PL or BB? I probably bet about 5%. I'd say at least 75% want to just look good for the attention and everything else that comes with it and the other 20% want to be able to reach their goals of being really strong or being super lean because it's their personal target they want to hit.

A lot of people jump too quickly into AAS too, I wanted to jump into it until some of you gave me some tough love. I still do want to jump into it, But I want to be able to do it safely, efficiently and when I feel like I'm 100% ready and know everything, and that's really because of what everyone said to me.

I feel like the way you guys give advice is fine, it's critical, honest and there's no sugar coating. But about 80% of people you tell not to do that cycle, will just do it anyway. They are here to hear what they want to hear, not the truth. That's what I wanted at least.
You hit on some points that I would like to shed light on,,,that I can speak about on personal knowledge...1-first cycle Test only should be carved in stone in my book,,even 2 and perhaps 3............reasons are so painfully obvious,,but as you stated I want it now CRAP...2-I have always tried to keep it safe ,,lowest doses with best results,,less sides ,,BUT the main reason I've got room to grow.....3-the guys with that look didn't come from gear..!!! you are x-ing out all the Hard ass work...They are called Performance enhancing for a reason.other wish just take the shot and stay home..!! Today it's Tren on the 1st cycle and if you disagree with me you're an A-hole,,and this place sucks..!!Do the damn Test cycle and see what you learned about YOU..????........4- How many times does this happen.." My 1st cycle Test 200wk..with Dbol 50 ed and Tren-E.My dick wont work or I've got tits???.......AND 4-If the new guys would spent just a small bit of time doing their part,the BS questions would reduce by 50%...opening up the forum for REAL questions !!


Senior Member
Feb 25, 2014
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I think a lot of people that are asking if it’s the “right cycle” don’t need to be adding anything extra. I agree, see what test only does for you, then think about adding a new substance. By telling the people who ask if it’s a good cycle and it’s their first time, that it’s advisable to try test only, you are doing them justice. On my first time, I wanted to add all kinds of stuff, but someone on this board advised against it. I’m glad they told me that. After sticking around for a bit, I learned on my own what would be the next thing to try.


Jan 29, 2014
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I think your answer is in your statement. You mentioned stacking and understanding how each drug acts on its own. Wisely you mentioned adding in one compound at a time. "This one does this and typically has these side effects. That one does that and has those side effects." But in combination could display different sides or intensity and results. Therein that lies the rub. Sides are very dose dependent so should be discussed.

You apparently also have a better hold on your diet then most people who are cycling. That factor has more to do with the final product then the average person whats to admit. If you look like shit off gear, you may just be a bigger pile of shit after a cycle if you disregard diet.

And on that note; I have some apple pie and a 20 oz. glass of milk waiting for me before bed.


Aug 15, 2015
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I'm at a point were I only blast getting ready for a contest.
Bodybuilding test, mast tren finish with winstrol.
Powerlifting test with halo

Cruise at 250-300 rest of the year whether trying to put on some muscle or cutting a few lbs.

Just gotta find what works for your goals.


Mar 10, 2014
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Certain compounds work in synergy, but in general, a person can list any given cycle and it's a mystery how it will effect them until they actually try it, until then it's only educated guesses

For bulk I like the classic test deca dbol
For comp prep I like test tren mast winny

But for certain individuals dbol ramps up their BP and winny dries out their joints and they can't handle it
Feb 20, 2020
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As someone who asked advice on their first cycle, I thought I'd chime in.

I think everyone understands the reason people dont just want to do test their first cycle is because you read and hear about everyone else doing cycles with test, tren, anadrol etc and saying it's amazing, the best cycle they've done, they wished they'd done it sooner etc. Makes a lot of us impatient and makes us want to just jump straight on that stack/oral train.

Most people that tell you to do Test only tend to only give the advice of "it helps dial in your AI, how sensitive you are to E2, how well your body reacts to test and its enough for a first cycle. A lot of us don't want whats enough we want to feel jacked, look jacked, and get jacked fast and because of that are willing to look past the other points you mentioned.

Let's be honest, how many of the people that come on and ask for advice on their tren+test first cycle actually want to compete in the future in PL or BB? I probably bet about 5%. I'd say at least 75% want to just look good for the attention and everything else that comes with it and the other 20% want to be able to reach their goals of being really strong or being super lean because it's their personal target they want to hit.

A lot of people jump too quickly into AAS too, I wanted to jump into it until some of you gave me some tough love. I still do want to jump into it, But I want to be able to do it safely, efficiently and when I feel like I'm 100% ready and know everything, and that's really because of what everyone said to me.

I feel like the way you guys give advice is fine, it's critical, honest and there's no sugar coating. But about 80% of people you tell not to do that cycle, will just do it anyway. They are here to hear what they want to hear, not the truth. That's what I wanted at least.

Absolutely bang on this. Because im new to this, and very impatient. But since being on this forum just a couple of days, I've realised to just calm the **** down and perfect my training and diet first


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2019
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I think your answer is in your statement. You mentioned stacking and understanding how each drug acts on its own. Wisely you mentioned adding in one compound at a time. "This one does this and typically has these side effects. That one does that and has those side effects." But in combination could display different sides or intensity and results. Therein that lies the rub. Sides are very dose dependent so should be discussed.

You apparently also have a better hold on your diet then most people who are cycling. That factor has more to do with the final product then the average person whats to admit. If you look like shit off gear, you may just be a bigger pile of shit after a cycle if you disregard diet.

And on that note; I have some apple pie and a 20 oz. glass of milk waiting for me before bed.

super wise words.
And literally LOLd at the end. Well deserved, snakey.

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