he has a point

Feb 7, 2020
Reaction score
i really dont like this guy but he really has a point

Lol yeah whoever gave him a laptop and a webcam fml.

There was a time natural when I was doing way more volume than I'm doing now, I've always taken like 90% of sets to failure too. My muscles had adapted to it, I rarely got sore, and I wasn't making any progress. But looking back on it now, I think I wasn't eating enough back then. I wonder if I did that again and was eating 4k calories daily what the results would be? (I was probably around 2400-2800 calories a day at the time. It was stupid)

I'm also pretty sure that I could have maintained the same muscle mass bodyweight I had at that time doing way less volume since my diet wasn't on par with what I was doing.

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