Am I doing things right ?

Oct 21, 2024
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This will be my second cycle, as I did one 10 years ago. I'm currently 28. A bit more about that is in my presentation, but basically, I did a cycle when I was 18 (a dumb move), and I haven't used anything since. I did a lot of research back then, and I'm still doing some more now, but I was wondering if any practices have changed since then. From what I’ve read, not much has changed, but a lot of the stickies/posts on this forum and others are very old.

I'm thinking of running what I did back then, as it's kind of like a "first" cycle. I had very few side effects (only some back acne, and I’ve had close to that much even without being on a cycle).

I'm considering Test E (or C) 300-500 mg for 12-16 weeks, split into two doses (Monday/Thursday). I’ll have Arimidex on hand if estrogenic side effects show up, 0.5 mg EOD. For PCT, I’m planning to use Nolvadex two weeks after the last week of the cycle. I’m not exactly sure of the amount of Nolva at the moment, but I think back then it was something like 40 mg for weeks 1-2 of PCT and 20 mg for weeks 3-4. However, it seems like the current recommendation is 20 mg for weeks 1-2 and 10 mg for weeks 3-4.

HCG also seems to be very popular, and I’m not quite familiar with that subject yet. I need to do more research on it and weigh the pros and cons.

Enclomiphene also seems popular, especially for SARMs. From what I've seen, it's essentially a "better" Clomid. I’m wondering why it isn't more commonly used for PCT? I think Nolvadex is better for preventing gyno.

I’ve noticed a lot of people also like EQ and Deca. Would there be any advantages to running, say, 300 mg of Test with a bit of EQ or Deca, compared to doing 500 mg of Test on its own?

Sorry if this post isn't very structured; I’m just laying out my thoughts and questions as I go. I’m planning on researching every question myself, but writing them down makes it easier to track, and maybe some of you more experienced guys can offer your insights as well!


Edit: Also I'm Canadian, if any candians on here have tips to get bloodwork would be appreciated. It's unfortunatly a pain in the ass to get panels. I'm getting some done soon and I'll be able to get some more post cycle but I'd like to get some during aswell but don't think i'll be able to get that many from the doc.
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Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Stick to your plan, 300-500 mg of Test only per week. No need to add EQ or Deca, especially if you're not on TRT.

Start at 300 mg, only go up if progress stalls. More drugs means potentially more side effects, so if a lower dose is working, don't fuck up a good thing.
Oct 21, 2024
Reaction score
Stick to your plan, 300-500 mg of Test only per week. No need to add EQ or Deca, especially if you're not on TRT.

Start at 300 mg, only go up if progress stalls. More drugs means potentially more side effects, so if a lower dose is working, don't fuck up a good thing.
That's what I was thinking, start at 300 and see from there. Trying to keep sides to a minimum while making good gains.