Another newbie's first cycle

Jun 11, 2024
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Last i was into working out hard was back in 1999 a 48 year old man now. life happens, i ballooned, i was a really fatty and was 260lbs but for last 2 years i took Semaglutide and went to the gym to learn how to work out correctly i was able to cut down to 205lbs. last few month i have been feeling the effects of LOW T without thinking i started pinning last month ... i have made a LOT of mistakes and know how i should have done the correct stuff before jumping off the ledge. i did not get a bloodwork first to get a baseline on my testosterone. but still i was dumb to just pin away.

i took Sus 250 1ml last month once a week and went back to 212lbs now but getting leaner. ordered some Test E to replace the Sus250 (because of diff spikes and most say E is better) once i finish the vial . going for my 1st cycle next week i work out 4 x a week.

300mg a week of Test E ( 1 Pin on the weekends)
25mg of Anavar daily will bump to 50mg after this cycle
for 8-12 weeks and i think im staying on this for now.
still taking the semaglutide.

i dont intend to get off the Test E after this Var and Test cycle maybe drop it to 150mg (TRT Dose) a week ... as per what ive read
PCT is not really needed as long as im staying on TRT.

these are NOT Monster doses according to some. i finally had the courage to talk to my Doctor and get my Testosterone levels checked it should
come in in a few days.

any advise on this cycle and maintainance is greatly appreciated. im new to the forums and not sure if i broke any rules posting this if so please let me know and i will edit.
Thanks Guys...


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Tell us about your training and diet. What is your goal for this cycle? Unless I missed it, you failed to tell us.

Sure, drugs work, but they're boring to talk about.

Also, I changed the name of your thread to better describe your intent.
Jun 11, 2024
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Tell us about your training and diet. What is your goal for this cycle? Unless I missed it, you failed to tell us.

Sure, drugs work, but they're boring to talk about.

Also, I changed the name of your thread to better describe your intent.
Thanks for Fixing the Title i was trying to edit it.

the goal is just to drop to 200lbs and look leaner and better i have been stuck in 212lbs even with the semaglutide also still have some stubborn fats. Hoping the cycle can get me towards my goal.

I train 4x a week hitting all the muscle groups usually 4-5 exercises ,4 sets at 10-15 reps.

Diet is i avoid fastfood and just stay with healthier stuff like chicken breast and a lot of beef. Etc… im honest to say that im not a veggie person yet .Laying off sugar as well as i was horrible with it before. I dont eat a lot as im still taking semaglutide.
But enough that i still have energy to work out.

I admit im very new and maybe clueless at this. The cycle im hoping is the last link to getting me towards my goal.
May 12, 2024
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Thanks for Fixing the Title i was trying to edit it.

the goal is just to drop to 200lbs and look leaner and better i have been stuck in 212lbs even with the semaglutide also still have some stubborn fats. Hoping the cycle can get me towards my goal.

I train 4x a week hitting all the muscle groups usually 4-5 exercises ,4 sets at 10-15 reps.

Diet is i avoid fastfood and just stay with healthier stuff like chicken breast and a lot of beef im honest to say that im not a veggie person yet .Laying off sugar as well as i was horrible with it before.

I admit im very new and maybe clueless at this.
Dial in your diet and see results.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Thanks for Fixing the Title i was trying to edit it.

the goal is just to drop to 200lbs and look leaner and better i have been stuck in 212lbs even with the semaglutide also still have some stubborn fats. Hoping the cycle can get me towards my goal.
Drugs are anabolic, meaning they facilitate growth, which is weight GAIN, not loss. Your diet and daily activity will be the main driver to put you in a calorie deficit, thus driving WEIGHT loss. To make weight loss mostly fat loss, utilize proper training and diet. Drugs help in a diet to hold onto lean muscle, especially in those who are quite lean. A simple TRT dose is all you need.

What is the purpose of Anavar? To put weight and tissue on AIDS patients and burn victims, it's NOT a diet drug to cut fat.
I train 4x a week hitting all the muscle groups usually 4-5 exercises ,4 sets at 10-15 reps.
Explain this, in detail. It's very vague. Is it 4 total body routines per week? Two upper/lowers? Give us details. Give us your exercises and training day layout. What's your average daily step count? Do you do any formal cardio?
Diet is i avoid fastfood and just stay with healthier stuff like chicken breast and a lot of beef. Etc… im honest to say that im not a veggie person yet .Laying off sugar as well as i was horrible with it before. I dont eat a lot as im still taking semaglutide.
But enough that i still have energy to work out.
What are your average daily calories?
Macros? Do you take any vitamin and mineral supplements to offset the deficiencies in your diet?
I admit im very new and maybe clueless at this. The cycle im hoping is the last link to getting me towards my goal.
Most think drugs are the answer to this problem, and find out eventually that they're not. It's diet and training, recovery, lifestyle, and being consistent over time. It's up to you whether you want to spin your wheels, or make progress.


May 7, 2018
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1st cycle ? test only

tell us more about diet and training.
add some pics so we see what we dealing with.

also - welcome
Jun 11, 2024
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Thank you guys!!! i will hold off on the Var from what i read most folks use it as cutting and pre work outs i should do more research for now i will stick with the Test and Semaglutide . I really do appreciate the advice!


Taskmaster (Moderator)
Oct 28, 2020
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Thanks for Fixing the Title i was trying to edit it.

the goal is just to drop to 200lbs and look leaner and better i have been stuck in 212lbs even with the semaglutide also still have some stubborn fats. Hoping the cycle can get me towards my goal.

I train 4x a week hitting all the muscle groups usually 4-5 exercises ,4 sets at 10-15 reps.

Diet is i avoid fastfood and just stay with healthier stuff like chicken breast and a lot of beef. Etc… im honest to say that im not a veggie person yet .Laying off sugar as well as i was horrible with it before. I dont eat a lot as im still taking semaglutide.
But enough that i still have energy to work out.

I admit im very new and maybe clueless at this. The cycle im hoping is the last link to getting me towards my goal.
Losing 12lbs is not difficult. If you can't lose that weight then you are not actually in a caloric deficit even if you think you are.

You don't need drugs... You need to double down on diet, cardio, training, and also sleep/recovery