Beginner in TRT requests a review & opinions. "Am I doing it right?"

Dec 17, 2024
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My trainer suggested I contact a TRT clinic and do some bloodwork, since I'm an older guy & probably would benefit from some testosterone replacement. My bloodwork came back & magically I was just a few points below the "green zone" for testosterone, so the doctor suggested the combo below. He said "our target level should be right around 1000" and this is my first time taking anything to bump my natural levels.

After about 6 weeks, I have to admit that I'm feeling great & happy with progress so far. My strength is increasing & although I've gained a few pounds, it's noticeable that I've also lost bodyfat (we measured at the beginning, but I haven't done a second measurement yet, just going by eyeball here). However, from what I've read here (and I'm just a beginning reader) 200mg is a bit more than typical TRT levels. Whatever. If that's true, I'm ok with it, because the results are working for me. Oh, and I know my workout & diet isn't dialed in perfectly yet, but I'm definitely aiming in the right direction and hitting pretty close; three hard workouts per week with a trainer & I'll eat pizza once a week & maybe drink a soda. It's a combo that I can live with! Lol!

Anyway, I'd like a few experienced eyes to look over this & give a little feedback.

Enclomiphene Citrate - 25mg x 3 times per week (basically every other day, with a skip day to make it work out evenly)
Testosterone Cypionate / Anastrozole grapeseed oil 200/1 MG/Mil x 1 ML per week (so... 200mg/week)
I take it on Friday mornings, after my last workout for the week, with my next one on Mondays.

I'm more than willing to maintain these levels and even step it up a little in the future if all keeps going well. If I decided to do that, what would a good way to move up a bit?

Thanks for the info & opinions!


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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I like the 1,000 ng/dl target, but I absolutely fucking hate, and I can't emphasize that enough, your Dr's preemptive use of the anastrozole and clomid combo, without bloodwork showing a need for them.

Is this a men's/TRT clinic? If so, you're not a patient, you're a revenue stream, and they're going to put you on high profit margin drugs that more than likely aren't necessary.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Anastrozole should NEVER be mixed with the testosterone, as the odds of you needing that exact combo of doses of each is very low, if you even need the anastrozole, which the vast majority do not. And you don't want to use that drug if you don't have to, as it really messes up your lipid/cholesterol panel.

What is your estradiol level on your bloodwork?
Dec 17, 2024
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Anastrozole should NEVER be mixed with the testosterone, as the odds of you needing that exact combo of doses of each is very low, if you even need the anastrozole, which the vast majority do not. And you don't want to use that drug if you don't have to, as it really messes up your lipid/cholesterol panel.

What is your estradiol level on your bloodwork?

Yes, it's an online TRT clinic. I went with them based on my trainer's recommendation (he uses them also).

I'll have to look up my bloodwork results & reply to that later. Don't have it handy & holiday stuff is beginning.
I do appreciate your comments! This is exactly why I asked.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Yes, it's an online TRT clinic. I went with them based on my trainer's recommendation (he uses them also).

I'll have to look up my bloodwork results & reply to that later. Don't have it handy & holiday stuff is beginning.
I do appreciate your comments! This is exactly why I asked.

How much are you paying for your protocol?

Back when I used a TRT clinic, it was $500 for a 10 week supply, which included a 10 ml vial of 200 mg/ml Test Cyp, twenty 1 mg Anastrozole pills (which I never used because I didn't need them, but was forced to buy, anyway), and 10,000 iu's of HCG, plus needles.


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2020
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Or maybe just get the test ugl, which is vastly cheaper. I use TRT Nation, and have been happy with them. They are among the less expensive, you have access to talk with a Dr. anytime you want. I get test from them maybe every 3rd time; enough for them to keep me as a patient but not so much it is crazy expensive.


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2012
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List your blood test results with the ranges included.
Was the blood test taken just before injection?
Dec 17, 2024
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Anastrozole should NEVER be mixed with the testosterone, as the odds of you needing that exact combo of doses of each is very low, if you even need the anastrozole, which the vast majority do not. And you don't want to use that drug if you don't have to, as it really messes up your lipid/cholesterol panel.

What is your estradiol level on your bloodwork?

My estradiol was 33.2
Test was 261

I haven't taken a follow up test yet. After how many weeks should that be done?

Cost was $125 for the kit, which is 10 weeks worth. Royal Medical


Dec 1, 2013
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If your not bound by contract go elsewhere Anastrozole is toxic….Its ment for breast cancer.
Frankly tell them to fuking pack it.!!

You can find better and if they are legit they won’t give you anything NOT needed.

Seriously start looking and I would stop using that shit you have.
Dec 17, 2024
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If your not bound by contract go elsewhere Anastrozole is toxic….Its ment for breast cancer.
Frankly tell them to fuking pack it.!!

You can find better and if they are legit they won’t give you anything NOT needed.

Seriously start looking and I would stop using that shit you have.

What's the best "partner" to go along with the test? Obviously, something that keeps everything functioning in the event that I decide to completely go off the TRT.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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What's the best "partner" to go along with the test? Obviously, something that keeps everything functioning in the event that I decide to completely go off the TRT.

If you need TRT, it's because your body isn't producing enough of its own testosterone. If you stop, you'll be back to inadequate levels for health. Why would you do that?

A diabetic wouldn't just stop taking their insulin, someone with hypothyroidism wouldn't stop taking their thyroid meds, etc...


Dec 1, 2013
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What's the best "partner" to go along with the test? Obviously, something that keeps everything functioning in the event that I decide to completely go off the TRT.
You need the test as @CJ said…..What you don’t need is a mix that forces to take a toxic substance…….
Find a replacement without Arimidex……….

That should only be used if needed and even then it would be used for a controlled short time.
Dec 17, 2024
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If you need TRT, it's because your body isn't producing enough of its own testosterone. If you stop, you'll be back to inadequate levels for health. Why would you do that?

A diabetic wouldn't just stop taking their insulin, someone with hypothyroidism wouldn't stop taking their thyroid meds, etc...
I get what you are saying. It's just difficult to believe that I'll have to take the shots forever.
What I need is to learn more about Anastrozole, why it was prescribed by this physician, what alternatives are others getting and why. Honestly, it's a bit overwhelming especially when our instinct is to trust the guy who who went to med school. I certainly don't feel well informed enough to challenge him, and meanwhile 3 times a week I'm supposed to take this pill.

I need to read more in here, but what do most TRT programs consist of in addition to test?
Sep 9, 2024
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I get what you are saying. It's just difficult to believe that I'll have to take the shots forever.
What I need is to learn more about Anastrozole, why it was prescribed by this physician, what alternatives are others getting and why. Honestly, it's a bit overwhelming especially when our instinct is to trust the guy who who went to med school. I certainly don't feel well informed enough to challenge him, and meanwhile 3 times a week I'm supposed to take this pill.

I need to read more in here, but what do most TRT programs consist of in addition to test?
First off, welcome to the underground! Is that your KTM in your avatar? I was a sales manager at a KTM dealer many moons ago, love the brand!

TRT is likely forever, it sucks... kinda. Your E level was perfect on your first blood panel, I would personally stop the Adex immediately and leave it alone until you get another blood panel in 3 months to see what your levels are at that time. Also, split your test dose up to twice a week, Mon/thur or tue/fri or whatever works for you, it will keep everything more stable. I know it sound hypocritical because when I started on TRT back in May my doctor gave me Adex as well at 1mg a week and a test dose of 150mg/wk... I took his orders and took the Adex for a while, but after a good debate with some great members here I stopped taking it. It makes sense though, and long term use can be bad for you, it slowly becomes toxic after taking it for long periods. If you are sensitive to higher E levels and start seeing symptoms from elevated levels then by all means start taking the Adex to combat the symptoms and control it, your E levels are going to rise with your test levels, but not at a concerning rate and you want them elevated some.

I upped my test dose the last week of Sept to 400mg/wk and got my own blood work done a month later and my levels for E was over 1000, test levels right at 2000, I had itchy nipples and some other minor sides from the higher E levels so I started taking my Adex in order to combat the sides mainly and tapered down the dose frequency until the sides subsided. I have ran my course on the higher test dosage as this is the last week and will be going back down to TRT levels to get things in order before I go back to see the DR.

I say all that to say this, its good your Doc prescribes it and it is good to keep on hand but not necessary to take unless you really need it. And gonaderalin or HCG is not really necessary either unless you are trying to maintain some natural production for fertility reasons. Hope this helps. There are a lot of great folks here that will steer you in the right direction with boads of knowledge and years of experience, stick around I think you will like it here. I only speak from my experiences, I won't give you any bad advice and I won't give any if I can't relate to it or have experienced it myself.
Sep 9, 2024
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What's the best "partner" to go along with the test? Obviously, something that keeps everything functioning in the event that I decide to completely go off the TRT.
If you want to keep things somewhat functional naturally you can use gonaderalin or HCG, its 50/50 as some prefer one over the other, BUT basically its like letting the faucet barely drip to keep the pipes from freezing if that makes sense. I'd stick with TRT for the long haul (if that is your goal,) you are going to feel much better and perform better on a daily basis (if you just stick to TRT.)


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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I get what you are saying. It's just difficult to believe that I'll have to take the shots forever.
You don't HAVE to, but you should, if you want to be as healthy as possible.
What I need is to learn more about Anastrozole, why it was prescribed by this physician
High profit margin. That's why he didn't wait to see if you needed it first. I've been through it, too, but I was lucky. My anastrozole was in pill form, and I stopped taking it after blood tests showed that it was actually harming me. And yes, the Dr/clinic still forced be to buy it, as it's a cookie cutter high profit protocol. I was paying $500 every 10 weeks for a $25 bottle of Testosterone. Oh, and they overprescribed the Test, too. I was told to take 200 mg/wk, and I ran into side effect issues, as it put me out of range. 125-150 mgs should have been my dose.

what alternatives are others getting and why.
You MAY need it, but it should be a last resort, as there are dosing protocols that can mitigate estrogen conversion, basically more frequent, but lower amount doses, that still add up to the same weekly dose. Many use insulin needles and inject a small amount daily.

An alternative to Adex/Anastrozole, since you asked, is Aromasin. Most prefer it, but the clinics don't prescribe it because it's more expensive, so they profit less. It's as simple as that
Honestly, it's a bit overwhelming especially when our instinct is to trust the guy who who went to med school. I certainly don't feel well informed enough to challenge him, and meanwhile 3 times a week I'm supposed to take this pill.
Once I learned more, I stopped doing what the "Dr" wanted me to, and my health markers, and life in general, got better. There are good Dr's, and crap doctors. Sorry.
I need to read more in here, but what do most TRT programs consist of in addition to test?
Almost every TRT protocol should be only testosterone. Like 99+% of them.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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If you want to keep things somewhat functional naturally you can use gonaderalin or HCG, its 50/50 as some prefer one over the other, BUT basically its like letting the faucet barely drip to keep the pipes from freezing if that makes sense.
This usually causes high estrogen conversion, and from my understanding, it's more problematic to control.
I'd stick with TRT for the long haul (if that is your goal,) you are going to feel much better and perform better on a daily basis (if you just stick to TRT.)



Senior Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Keep reading and learning. Dr.'s do not all have the same opinions. Just as people here do not all have the same opinions. If you are on a BB forum asking about TRT you are likely to get a different response, then if you go to a site geared towards longevity. The reasons people have for what they do can lead to different ideas of what works best. I have been on TRT forums as well as other sources of info for over 25 years. Since just before i started TRT. And i can say opinions differ.
Dec 17, 2024
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First off, welcome to the underground! Is that your KTM in your avatar? I was a sales manager at a KTM dealer many moons ago, love the brand!

TRT is likely forever, it sucks... kinda. Your E level was perfect on your first blood panel, I would personally stop the Adex immediately and leave it alone until you get another blood panel in 3 months to see what your levels are at that time. Also, split your test dose up to twice a week, Mon/thur or tue/fri or whatever works for you, it will keep everything more stable. I know it sound hypocritical because when I started on TRT back in May my doctor gave me Adex as well at 1mg a week and a test dose of 150mg/wk... I took his orders and took the Adex for a while, but after a good debate with some great members here I stopped taking it. It makes sense though, and long term use can be bad for you, it slowly becomes toxic after taking it for long periods. If you are sensitive to higher E levels and start seeing symptoms from elevated levels then by all means start taking the Adex to combat the symptoms and control it, your E levels are going to rise with your test levels, but not at a concerning rate and you want them elevated some.

I upped my test dose the last week of Sept to 400mg/wk and got my own blood work done a month later and my levels for E was over 1000, test levels right at 2000, I had itchy nipples and some other minor sides from the higher E levels so I started taking my Adex in order to combat the sides mainly and tapered down the dose frequency until the sides subsided. I have ran my course on the higher test dosage as this is the last week and will be going back down to TRT levels to get things in order before I go back to see the DR.

I say all that to say this, its good your Doc prescribes it and it is good to keep on hand but not necessary to take unless you really need it. And gonaderalin or HCG is not really necessary either unless you are trying to maintain some natural production for fertility reasons. Hope this helps. There are a lot of great folks here that will steer you in the right direction with boads of knowledge and years of experience, stick around I think you will like it here. I only speak from my experiences, I won't give you any bad advice and I won't give any if I can't relate to it or have experienced it myself.

Thanks very much! That makes a lot of sense. It's good to know the Adex isn't necessary, and I will definitely follow through on this, get more info & professional guidance, and adjust (stop) accordingly.

Yes, that's my KTM, and I love it! I've done some VERY long trip over the past few years, and the KTM was an upgrade for me last year. Best dual-purpose adventure bike made!

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