Doing a Cycle with TRT

Jan 13, 2023
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Hey guys,

Only have access to TRT level Test E but wanting some extra advantage in the gym.
Currently I am taking 150mg Test E a week and that puts me at the top of the range for Test levels.
I am seeing some gains of around 200g muscle per month.

But I was thinking of going with another clinic and telling them I am currently on 200mg/week.
Only pin 100mg/week and stockpile the other 100mg for a couple of months.
Then I could pin 300mg/week for a couple of months and switch between those two levels.

No doubt my diet, exercise routine and form are not up to scratch but I will see a coach for that.

What do you guys think about switching between those levels?
Jan 13, 2023
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Good question. Using an UGL would also be far cheaper.
Problem is every forum says don't ask for a source and I have no idea and don't want to inject something that's not legit. I guess people normally have friends they can ask to get gear but I don't.


May 7, 2018
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cant help u mate, sorry, im in central europe (Latvia)
Jan 13, 2023
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You're right, I need someone from Australia. Unfortunately guys that go to my gym just want to work out and not socialise. There's also no large guys at my gym so maybe I need to change gyms.


May 7, 2018
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its not always the biggest dude. often it's the middle built guy who goes atleast 3x a week and has the cleanest car at the carpark lol


Mar 23, 2021
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What do you guys think about switching between those levels?

waste of oil. you also said...

my diet, exercise routine and form are not up to scratch

200g muscle per month
how are you measuring this?

wanting some extra advantage in the gym.
you will get more out of correcting your nutrition and training than taking more drugs

what have your macros been the last three days?

how is your training setup, be specific weight, sets, reps, movements, what days?

ht, wt, age?

post a pic
Jan 13, 2023
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how are you measuring this?
InBody scans over the past year.
you will get more out of correcting your nutrition and training than taking more drugs
Who doesn't love a shortcut? But I agree with you.
what have your macros been the last three days?
2300 cal, 178g protein, 263g carbs, 60g fat. Then I get hungry and eat biscuits and toast.
My body fat is 15.6% so I would like to cut that back to 10%, but whenever I do that I end up losing muscle.
how is your training setup, be specific weight, sets, reps, movements, what days?
5 day workout routine although I usually find a reason to do 3 or 4 days. Alcohol was the biggest problem but I quit drinking on New Years day and find it easier now. Time is usually the factor where we have dinner and put kids to bed, then go to gym and have to get home ready for work the next day.

A lot of the workouts are using machines with plates so I can't tell you the equivalent weights.
Mostly 6 Reps, 3 Sets except for leg exercises at 10 Reps, 3 Sets.
Monday: Machine Fly, Machine Chest Press, Cable Tricep Pushdown Rope.
Tuesday: Close Grip Vertical Row, Lat Pulldown Wide Grip, Calf Press on Leg Press.
Wednesday: Shoulder Press, Dumbbell Lateral Raise, Dumbell Bent-Over Raise.
Thursday: Back Hyperextension, Leg Extension, Leg Curl, Leg Press, Calf Press.
Friday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Cable Tricep Pushdown Rope, Dumbell Hammer Curl.

Barbell Preacher Curl is 35kg x 6 Reps, 3 Sets. Everything else is a plate number.
ht, wt, age?
5 ft 10 in, 185lb, 45yo.
post a pic
Front.jpg Back.jpg


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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InBody scans over the past year.

Who doesn't love a shortcut? But I agree with you.

2300 cal, 178g protein, 263g carbs, 60g fat. Then I get hungry and eat biscuits and toast.
My body fat is 15.6% so I would like to cut that back to 10%, but whenever I do that I end up losing muscle.

5 day workout routine although I usually find a reason to do 3 or 4 days. Alcohol was the biggest problem but I quit drinking on New Years day and find it easier now. Time is usually the factor where we have dinner and put kids to bed, then go to gym and have to get home ready for work the next day.

A lot of the workouts are using machines with plates so I can't tell you the equivalent weights.
Mostly 6 Reps, 3 Sets except for leg exercises at 10 Reps, 3 Sets.
Monday: Machine Fly, Machine Chest Press, Cable Tricep Pushdown Rope.
Tuesday: Close Grip Vertical Row, Lat Pulldown Wide Grip, Calf Press on Leg Press.
Wednesday: Shoulder Press, Dumbbell Lateral Raise, Dumbell Bent-Over Raise.
Thursday: Back Hyperextension, Leg Extension, Leg Curl, Leg Press, Calf Press.
Friday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Cable Tricep Pushdown Rope, Dumbell Hammer Curl.

Barbell Preacher Curl is 35kg x 6 Reps, 3 Sets. Everything else is a plate number.

5 ft 10 in, 185lb, 45yo.

View attachment 48604 View attachment 48605

InBody scans are grossly inaccurate. Something as simple as your hydration level can change the result dramatically. That's a fact, not my opinion.

I'm not saying this to be mean, I promise, but you're closer to 25% bodyfat. 15% is still fairly lean. You have a good amount of muffin top going on.

Your macros are fine, stop eating the biscuits and toast. You're probably adding 1,000's of calories by doing that. You're trying to lose fat, hunger is just part of the game, you want your body to use your bodyfat to make up the deficit.

Nutrition and training IS the shortcut, not drugs. Testosterone does absolutely nothing towards losing bodyfat, it's an anabolic, not a catabolic. Proper diet and training to be in a deficit while retaining or even SLIGHTLY adding muscle is the most direct part, the straight line from A to B.

Do you do any cardio? What's your daily step count?
Jan 13, 2023
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InBody scans are grossly inaccurate. Something as simple as your hydration level can change the result dramatically. That's a fact, not my opinion.
I agree, but I do keep will hydrated and figured it was ballpark enough. Even Dexa scans can be way off.
My strength has been going up and I've been adding weight every time the 6 reps gets too easy so must be gaining muscle.
I'm not saying this to be mean, I promise, but you're closer to 25% bodyfat. 15% is still fairly lean. You have a good amount of muffin top going on.
Sounds about right to me.
Your macros are fine, stop eating the biscuits and toast. You're probably adding 1,000's of calories by doing that. You're trying to lose fat, hunger is just part of the game, you want your body to use your bodyfat to make up the deficit.
I can see that, I'll keep away from extra snacks.
Do you do any cardio? What's your daily step count?
6,000 steps on my afternoon walk, then I spend 5min on the treadmill during my warmup at the gym.
In the past I have over trained and it impacted negatively so I'm always cautious of that and getting enough rest.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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I agree, but I do keep will hydrated and figured it was ballpark enough. Even Dexa scans can be way off.
My strength has been going up and I've been adding weight every time the 6 reps gets too easy so must be gaining muscle.
Not necessarily, you could be getting nuerologically better at performing the movement, but it's still a good sign
Sounds about right to me.

I can see that, I'll keep away from extra snacks.

6,000 steps on my afternoon walk, then I spend 5min on the treadmill during my warmup at the gym.
In the past I have over trained and it impacted negatively so I'm always cautious of that and getting enough rest.
You absolutely will not over train with adding more walking. There's no chance.

Also, you're nowhere near overtraining on your program. It's actually not much at all. Again, no offense, I swear, but you have no appreciable muscle on your frame. Most would assume that you don't even train. The good news is that you have a lot of low hanging fruit to pick off to help you progress.

More drugs are most definitely not the answer, better training and diet are.
Oct 18, 2023
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What do you mean?

Do you have an example of better training?
Monday: Machine Fly, Machine Chest Press, Cable Tricep Pushdown Rope.
Weighted dips, close grip bench, overhead tricep extension
Tuesday: Close Grip Vertical Row, Lat Pulldown Wide Grip, Calf Press on Leg Press.
pendlay row or yates row
Wednesday: Shoulder Press, Dumbbell Lateral Raise, Dumbell Bent-Over Raise.
add some other body part instead. this whole days barely doing anything. id say maybe move this to tuesday with the calves. then move tuesday here (minus the calves) and add in a bicep movement or another back movement
Thursday: Back Hyperextension, Leg Extension, Leg Curl, Leg Press, Calf Press.
add a squat variation if you can, maybe in exchange for leg press or in addition to
Friday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Cable Tricep Pushdown Rope, Dumbell Hammer Curl.
add dips, cgbp, or jm press supinated pulldowns or chinups. yours are all very low mileage movements. at least do 1 good compound for each elbow flexion and extension. and if I was only doing 1 tricep isolation exercise id make it overhead.
Jan 13, 2023
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Weighted dips, close grip bench, overhead tricep extension

pendlay row or yates row

add some other body part instead. this whole days barely doing anything. id say maybe move this to tuesday with the calves. then move tuesday here (minus the calves) and add in a bicep movement or another back movement

add a squat variation if you can, maybe in exchange for leg press or in addition to

add dips, cgbp, or jm press supinated pulldowns or chinups. yours are all very low mileage movements. at least do 1 good compound for each elbow flexion and extension. and if I was only doing 1 tricep isolation exercise id make it overhead.
How about this?

Monday: Barbell Bench Press (Close Grip), Barbell Overhead Tricep Extension, Weighted Dip
Tuesday: Barbell Shoulder Press, Calf Press On Leg Press
Wednesday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Lat Pulldown (Wide Grip), Barbell Row
Thursday: Back Hyperextension, Leg Extension, Seated Leg Curl, Calf Press On Leg Press, Barbell Squat
Friday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Cable Tricep Pushdown (Rope), Lat Pulldown (Reverse Grip), Weighted Dip
Oct 18, 2023
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How about this?

Monday: Barbell Bench Press (Close Grip), Barbell Overhead Tricep Extension, Weighted Dip
Tuesday: Barbell Shoulder Press, Calf Press On Leg Press
Wednesday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Lat Pulldown (Wide Grip), Barbell Row
Thursday: Back Hyperextension, Leg Extension, Seated Leg Curl, Calf Press On Leg Press, Barbell Squat
Friday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Cable Tricep Pushdown (Rope), Lat Pulldown (Reverse Grip), Weighted Dip
good bit better. tuesdays kinda pointless I bet you could just throw those 2 movements onto another day and call it a rest day at that point
Jan 13, 2023
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good bit better. tuesdays kinda pointless I bet you could just throw those 2 movements onto another day and call it a rest day at that point
Monday: Barbell Bench Press (Close Grip), Barbell Overhead Tricep Extension, Weighted Dip, Calf Press On Leg Press
Wednesday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Lat Pulldown (Wide Grip), Barbell Row, Barbell Shoulder Press
Thursday: Back Hyperextension, Leg Extension, Seated Leg Curl, Calf Press On Leg Press, Barbell Squat
Friday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Cable Tricep Pushdown (Rope), Lat Pulldown (Reverse Grip), Weighted Dip


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Monday: Barbell Bench Press (Close Grip), Barbell Overhead Tricep Extension, Weighted Dip, Calf Press On Leg Press
Wednesday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Lat Pulldown (Wide Grip), Barbell Row, Barbell Shoulder Press
Thursday: Back Hyperextension, Leg Extension, Seated Leg Curl, Calf Press On Leg Press, Barbell Squat
Friday: Barbell Preacher Curl, Cable Tricep Pushdown (Rope), Lat Pulldown (Reverse Grip), Weighted Dip

Mon: Pull
Pulldown targeting Lats
Row targeting Mid Back
Another Back exercise
Barbell Curl
Preacher Curl

Tue: Push
A Flat Press
An Incline Press
Dips, machine or free weight
Overhead Tricep Movement
Rope Cable Triceps press downs

Thur: Legs
Leg Curls
Squats or Leg Press
Back Hypers
Leg Exts

Fri: Shoulders/Arms
Shoulder Press
DB or Machine Laterals
Rear Delts on Pec Deck
Favorite Bis exercise
Favorite Tris exercise

That's just a list of exercises, sets and reps and proximity to failure, and progression model are other variables that are just as important. Don't be the 3 sets of 10 guy.
Jan 13, 2023
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That's just a list of exercises, sets and reps and proximity to failure, and progression model are other variables that are just as important. Don't be the 3 sets of 10 guy.
I thought 3 sets of 6 and progressive overload was what worked.