FatBlu's Road to Recovery - A log

Aug 19, 2024
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I've got a Dr. appointment this Wednesday morning to get a referral to an endocrinologist who is also covered by my insurance. Hopefully things are where they should be. Either way, it will be good to find out.

Kinda excited for this. My two outcomes are a) My test is fine. And b) my test is not fine, and I can fix it. Which is much better than floating around in the dark.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
8/26/24 - Push/Pull

2095cal, 186Pro, 85Fat, 127carb

I'm going to start adding a fiber supplement to my diet, such as metamucil. I used to be very regular first thing in the morning. Now it's like a random event from hell that may or may not happen, but when it does, it's an emergency. I also feel like it's augmenting my daily weight measurements, having a literal carry-on worth of shit in me.

1x30r - Smith Bench Press
4x12-15r - Smith Bench
1x30r - Upright Row
4x12-20r - Upright Row
4x12r - Inclined Smith press
4x15r - Kroc Row
3x12r - Cable Chest fly
3x12r - Cable Back fly

8/27/24 - Today

Weight: 205.5lbs
BP: 121/72

Felt like my pants were a smidge less tight around my waist this morning. This gives me a lot of motivation to keep this up. Plus I feel years better than I did just a few weeks ago.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
8/27/24 - Abs + Cardio
2202c, 202Pro, 77Fat, 158Carb

3x - Russian twist
3x - Crunch
3x - weighted crunch
30min - Elliptical

8/28/24 - Bloodwork, Bodyfat %, Weight Discrepancies

Went and got my blood drawn this morning. They are running just about every panel that is listed in @TomJ Newbie Bloodwork guide. And it's covered by insurance, so I'm happy for that. So lab work will be back in a couple days. Yay.

However, when running vitals this morning, I noticed some pretty big swings in their (far more robust) equipment's readings, vs the stuff I use every day at my clinic.

The first scale I stepped on weighed me at 217lbs(+10lbs over my at-work readings). After bloods were drawn, my doctor wanted to do a body comp reading, which had another scale - 214.4lbs. Both of which are digital units. The one I use at work is mechanical spring. So I may calibrate my work scale to the mean of the two weights I read this morning. Thoughts on this?

Mean Weight: 215.7lbs
BP: 103/69

I've attached a photoscan of the printoff from the body comp machine. Their numbers are pretty far off what I expected.


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Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
8/27/24 - Abs + Cardio
2202c, 202Pro, 77Fat, 158Carb

3x - Russian twist
3x - Crunch
3x - weighted crunch
30min - Elliptical

8/28/24 - Bloodwork, Bodyfat %, Weight Discrepancies

Went and got my blood drawn this morning. They are running just about every panel that is listed in @TomJ Newbie Bloodwork guide. And it's covered by insurance, so I'm happy for that. So lab work will be back in a couple days. Yay.

However, when running vitals this morning, I noticed some pretty big swings in their (far more robust) equipment's readings, vs the stuff I use every day at my clinic.

The first scale I stepped on weighed me at 217lbs(+10lbs over my at-work readings). After bloods were drawn, my doctor wanted to do a body comp reading, which had another scale - 214.4lbs. Both of which are digital units. The one I use at work is mechanical spring. So I may calibrate my work scale to the mean of the two weights I read this morning. Thoughts on this?

Mean Weight: 215.7lbs
BP: 103/69

I've attached a photoscan of the printoff from the body comp machine. Their numbers are pretty far off what I expected.

Don't worry about discrepancies between scales. Just use the same scale every time, under the same conditions.

Oh, and your Dr is using a bioimpedance bodyfat scale. Ignore the results, they're junk. You could hop on it today and it would give you wildly different readings.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
Don't worry about discrepancies between scales. Just use the same scale every time, under the same conditions.

Oh, and your Dr is using a bioimpedance bodyfat scale. Ignore the results, they're junk. You could hop on it today and it would give you wildly different readings.
Steady is the course then. Thanks CJ
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Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Steady is the course then. Thanks CJ

Yeah, look at this study on those scales vs a DEXA. Average error or 2.2 kgs/5 lbs for both fat and lean mass, even though total weight was fairly accurate. And that's the AVERAGE error, so some were higher...

Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
8/28/24 - Shoulders/Legs

2285cal, 211Pro, 75Fat, 152carb


3x10-12r - BB Squat
3x12r - Hamstring Curls
4x12r - Leg Press
4x12r - Front delt raise Dumbbell
4x12r - Side delt raise dumbbell (form failure)
3x12r - EZ Curl front delt raise
4x10r - Pec Deck Back fly (Failure)

8/29/24 - Today

Weight: 206lbs
BP: 113/52

Legs are cookin a bit, but not horrible. I definitely can notice my recovery speeding up since getting my diet dialed in. Pants are buttoning easier almost every day it seems. Shirts hang a bit nicer too. My blood pressure continuing to dip into optimal range is a major motivator for me.

Got a compliment from a girl(friend+married) at the gym who saw me right after the shoulder pump. That made me feel pretty good. Can't wait till next summer and feel oodles more confident around the marina.

Anxious to get my blood work back.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
8/31/24 - Push Pull

1x30 - Bench warmup
4x8-12r - Bench Press
3x12r - wide grip lat pulldown
4x10r - Dips (assisted to failure)
3x10-12r - pullup (assisted)
3x12r - Pec Deck Fly
3x12r - Reverse fly (back)
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
9/3/24 - Blood Test Results

Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable, Total
Albumin - 4.5
SHBG - 44.8
Free Test - 79.6
Bioavailable - 163.8
Total - 723

Lipid Panel
Cholesterol Total - 145
HDL - 64
Triglycerides - 65
LDL - 67

CHOL/HDLC Ratio - 2.3

Glucose - 84
Urea Nitrogen - 14
Creatinine - 0.71
EGFR - 123

Sodium - 135
Potassium - 3.9
Chloride - 102
Carbon Dioxide - 25
Calcium - 9.3
Protein, Total - 7.2
Albumin - 4.6
Albumin/Globulin Ratio - 1.8
Bilirubin, Total - 1.0
Alkaline Phosphatase - 58
AST - 301 (HIGH)
ALT - 162 (HIGH)
TSH - 1.89

WBC - 4.8
RBC - 5.06
Hemoglobin - 16.5
Hematocrit - 49.0
MCV - 96.8
MCH - 32.6
MCHC - 33.7
RDW - 12.3
Platelet - 249
MPV - 9.1
Abs Neutrophils - 2659
Abs Lymphocytes - 1435
Abs Monocytes - 610
Abs Eosinophils - 48
Abs Basophils - 48
Neutrophils - 55.4
Lymphocytes - 29.9
Monocytes - 12.7
Eosinophils - 1.0
Basophils - 1.0

C-Reactive Protein - <3.0

Estradiol - 37

Vitamin D - 25 (Insufficienty 20-29 ng/dl)

A little bit freaked out about my AST/ALT levels. But that's what chronic drinking will do. I have zero symptoms of Alcoholic Hepititis, so I've been informed that this is a good sign that I caught this before it gets worse, and abstaining from alcohol and eating a healthy high-protein diet will assist my liver in repairing itself.

I'm still going to follow back up with my PCP to see if there's anything they want to do to assist in the recovery of my Liver.

Any insight from yall would be greatly appreciated.


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score
9/3/24 - Blood Test Results

Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable, Total
Albumin - 4.5
SHBG - 44.8
Free Test - 79.6
Bioavailable - 163.8
Total - 723

Lipid Panel
Cholesterol Total - 145
HDL - 64
Triglycerides - 65
LDL - 67

CHOL/HDLC Ratio - 2.3

Glucose - 84
Urea Nitrogen - 14
Creatinine - 0.71
EGFR - 123

Sodium - 135
Potassium - 3.9
Chloride - 102
Carbon Dioxide - 25
Calcium - 9.3
Protein, Total - 7.2
Albumin - 4.6
Albumin/Globulin Ratio - 1.8
Bilirubin, Total - 1.0
Alkaline Phosphatase - 58
AST - 301 (HIGH)
ALT - 162 (HIGH)
TSH - 1.89

WBC - 4.8
RBC - 5.06
Hemoglobin - 16.5
Hematocrit - 49.0
MCV - 96.8
MCH - 32.6
MCHC - 33.7
RDW - 12.3
Platelet - 249
MPV - 9.1
Abs Neutrophils - 2659
Abs Lymphocytes - 1435
Abs Monocytes - 610
Abs Eosinophils - 48
Abs Basophils - 48
Neutrophils - 55.4
Lymphocytes - 29.9
Monocytes - 12.7
Eosinophils - 1.0
Basophils - 1.0

C-Reactive Protein - <3.0

Estradiol - 37

Vitamin D - 25 (Insufficienty 20-29 ng/dl)

A little bit freaked out about my AST/ALT levels. But that's what chronic drinking will do. I have zero symptoms of Alcoholic Hepititis, so I've been informed that this is a good sign that I caught this before it gets worse, and abstaining from alcohol and eating a healthy high-protein diet will assist my liver in repairing itself.

I'm still going to follow back up with my PCP to see if there's anything they want to do to assist in the recovery of my Liver.

Any insight from yall would be greatly appreciated.
Dude the liver is proof we didn't come from this planet , at least not all our DNA. Up to 90% of a liver can be damaged or surgically removed and it can regrow itself back fully. Only solid organ in our body that does it.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
9/4/24 - Continuing bloodwork/Chest cold

Woke up in the middle of the night with a wicked sore throat and hacking pretty badly this morning. Might not be good for me to hit the gym today. Going to grab my 10k steps and focus on my diet until I feel back to normal.

Spoke with 2 doctors yesterday about my elevated liver enzymes. They ordered an ultrasound and CD Panel (contagious disease). They want to check for Hepatitis and HIV. The odds are low that either of those are a cause, but it's standard practice to rule them out.

I learned that if AST is over 500, then it's time to consider hepatitis as a factor. Similarly, since my Bilirubin levels are spot on, that further alludes to Hepatitis probably not being a concern. That being said, early stage Alcoholic Hepatitis shouldn't be ruled out without proper testing. It's good I quit drinking when I did.

Zero symptoms are present, so if it is a factor, it hasn't reached the acute stage yet and in theory can be reversed.

NAC and Milk Thistle will be in today, going to include that in my daily routine alongside Vit C supplement and Vit D 5000iu to get my levels back on track.

Once I've finished this bottle of NAC+Milk Thistle, I am going to try Liv.52 as it seems to have a fair amount of supporting literature. Both NAC and Milk thistle do as well, but it might be nice to switch protocols up vs staying on the same supp indefinitely.

EDIT: Also getting Iron+Tibc test done. I did an ancestry thing about 15 years ago which said I have hemochromatosis. If that's the case, I could've been shooting myself in the foot by eating liver daily. Might have to watch that moving forward.
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Aug 19, 2024
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9/5/24 - Motherfucking COVID

Tuesday morning felt a slight tightness in my chest. Tuesday night had significantly sore throat.

Wednesday I powered thru thinking it was allergies.

Today I feel full-body aching, horrible chest congestion, and a positive screening. Yay me.

Doing my best to stay on track with diet, but appetite is pretty shot.

Started taking 500mg NAC + 300mg Milk Thistle + 50mg Broccoli sprout powder. After 5 days I am going to increase dose by 50%. After 30 days I will be switching to TUDCA or Liv.52. Both have pretty solid research put into them, as far as a holistic supplement goes.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
9/9/24 - Cardio + Abs

2275cal, 176pro, 75fat, 160Carb

7 mins - Red Light Therapy (Helps my eczema)
30 min - Elliptical (130-160bpm)
4x25-30r - Russian Twist
3x25r - Crunch
3x20r - Weighted Crunch

9/10/24 - Today


Crazy busy work week this week. Going in for liver scan and contagious/viral bloodwork tomorrow. Had Dr. buddy look over my first labs and noted it may be Hep A, and our area just had an outbreak a couple months ago. So that's shitty, and not terrible at the same time.

Currently upped my dose of NAC to 1000mg/day, Milk thistle 600mg/day. Noticed I was tolerating intial doses very well, and the higher dose also haven't bothered me.

Going to do Push/Pull tonight in the gym.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
9/11/24 - Ultrasound and Blood work

Weight: 204

Was advised by my doctor not to workout the night prior to getting bloodwork due to possibility of transient levels. So I wasn't able to gym last night. I will be getting in there today though for sure.

Ultrasound went well. The tech wasn't able to tell me much, other than my liver looked normal and had no signs of enlargement. We shall see what the doc says upon review.

Bloodwork fucking sucks. Missed the first poke, then used vein on bicep for samples. Doing full hepatitis panel, Iron, and TIBC.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody - Reactive
Hepatitis B Ab Quantitative - 56.5 (High)
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen - Nonreactive
Hepatitis B Core Antibody IgM - Nonreactive
Hepatitis A Antibody - Nonreactive
Hepatitis C Antibody - Nonreactive
HIV 1/2 Screen - Nonreactive

Good news I guess.... But when the actual fuck did I have Hep B??? I feel like I have to make a few phone calls now to ex's......
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
9/11/24 - Push Pull

2200cal, 175pro, 150carb, 85fat (was hard to determine lunch values)

Weight: 204


Upright Machine bench
(Planet fitness never has an open bench....)
2x30r - warmup
15,12, 8 - working set

Wide Lat Pulldown
1x30r - warmup
15, 10, 10 - working set (final set to failure, all others 1rir)

DB Fly, laying down
14, 12, 10 - working set (poor form final reps)

MTS Pullback (Basically a palm-up row)
20, 15, 12, 8 - working set, failed on final pulls

Pec Fly (Machine)
12, 10, 10 - Failed final reps

I have dogshit Pec development. My bench is god awful, and I don't feel much pump in the chest when doing bench. I feel like 85% arms doing the work. However, Pec Fly really gives me a good pump and burn in the chest. If anyone has any input on getting my chest to develop more, I would appreciate that. I know bench is bread and butter, but I wear my arms out way before I feel anything in the chest.

I'm not too concerned with my weight not dropping over the past several days. I'm about 3 weeks into daily creatine supp, so I'm assuming water retention is starting to play a role, and also took several days off due to covid. Stuck to diet, but didn't get shit done.

Made around 7 really awkward phone calls last night to tell people I recently had Hep B, so yay life.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
9/11/24 - Push Pull

2200cal, 175pro, 150carb, 85fat (was hard to determine lunch values)

Weight: 204


Upright Machine bench
(Planet fitness never has an open bench....)
2x30r - warmup
15,12, 8 - working set

Wide Lat Pulldown
1x30r - warmup
15, 10, 10 - working set (final set to failure, all others 1rir)

DB Fly, laying down
14, 12, 10 - working set (poor form final reps)

MTS Pullback (Basically a palm-up row)
20, 15, 12, 8 - working set, failed on final pulls

Pec Fly (Machine)
12, 10, 10 - Failed final reps

I have dogshit Pec development. My bench is god awful, and I don't feel much pump in the chest when doing bench. I feel like 85% arms doing the work. However, Pec Fly really gives me a good pump and burn in the chest. If anyone has any input on getting my chest to develop more, I would appreciate that. I know bench is bread and butter, but I wear my arms out way before I feel anything in the chest.

I'm not too concerned with my weight not dropping over the past several days. I'm about 3 weeks into daily creatine supp, so I'm assuming water retention is starting to play a role, and also took several days off due to covid. Stuck to diet, but didn't get shit done.

Made around 7 really awkward phone calls last night to tell people I recently had Hep B, so yay life.

Try doing your Pec Flies before your bench, it could help you connect with your pec muscles.

Plus, most people press incorrectly. Without video, it's impossible to know.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
9/13/24 - Arms, Shoulders

-Workout- (at home)

1x30 - Curl Warmup
1x25 - Straight arm overhead raise
1x20, 20, 15, 12 - Curl (to failure)
2x20, 15 - Side delt raise
3x20, 15, 12 - Overhead press (to failure)
3x15 - Preacher curl (to failure)
4x30 - Shrugs (damn those cramp up at end of set)
2x25 - Tricep chair dips

Obviously I need to learn exercise names, in time I will. Noticing some good muscle rebound/definition in the mirror after the pump. This excites me because I've felt like a fat slob for a while now, and seeing results is solid motivation.

Haven't heard back from Dr. yet about liver ultrasound, however, he did schedule me a followup for December 3rd, so it must not be urgent. Fingers crossed.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
9/16/24 - Push Pull


2100cal, 175pro, 65fat, 145carb

DB Fly

20, 20, 25, 12, 8

Krok Rows
20, 16, 15, 12

DB Flat Bench
20, 15, 12, 12, 8

Wide Lat Pulldown
20, 18, 12, 10

The gym was fucking slammed today and I was pressed for time. I didn't get as many exercises in as I'd liked to, but I gave it the ol' whatfor. Went to failure on every set. Got a wicked pump and felt good.

Hitting flies before my bench was golden. It seriously helped me hit new weight and reps combined. Nothing crazy, but 5 extra lbs per DB and 3 extra reps feels like it made a difference.


Pre-Shit. And I had 24oz of water before hitting the scale. Not bad. It's nice to see the needle move.

Going to start adding in another whey shake during the day to up my protein intake without fucking my calories up too much. Will shave a few cals out of the diet to accommodate for it.