Just got out of the hospital a week ago from a severe case of rhabdo and am trying to avoid doing that again. I have a casual interest in weight lifting- been active in gyms off/on since my teens. No real goals with lifting just trying to keep fit to go rock climbing and whatnot on my weekends.
31/M 5'5" ~160 20%+ bf. Pretty healthy diet in general, mostly cook everything from scratch using a lot of veggies and lean protein. I've thrown out my gym routine since it clearly didn't match my fitness level.
TRT 180 mg/week intake labs between 70-319 ng/dl. Been on TRT for about a year with one "dr" that didn't inspire confidence and now starting up again after a 6+ month break with a more reputable clinic.
Also random question-
I still have a pile of unused vials from my last clinic I have no idea what to do with. How long does test/deca last for? Should I be injecting that instead of the fresh meds I'm getting?
31/M 5'5" ~160 20%+ bf. Pretty healthy diet in general, mostly cook everything from scratch using a lot of veggies and lean protein. I've thrown out my gym routine since it clearly didn't match my fitness level.
TRT 180 mg/week intake labs between 70-319 ng/dl. Been on TRT for about a year with one "dr" that didn't inspire confidence and now starting up again after a 6+ month break with a more reputable clinic.
Also random question-
I still have a pile of unused vials from my last clinic I have no idea what to do with. How long does test/deca last for? Should I be injecting that instead of the fresh meds I'm getting?