Hello, I am a bber and have been for a few decades now. Competed, sponsored athlete, and decent human being.
Retired from my career thank the powers that be. It was a few decades of hair straight back and lots of sacrifice, but retired pre 55 which was my goal....
Now lead a nice quiet low key humble existence.
Early 50's using gear 3 decades now, looking to share some knowledge, help out some fol;ks and just chat now and then with like minded folks.
I am also hoping to learn new health and longevity type items and random new health supps that come into play.
Ill share more as i go along, more than enough for now.
6 foot, 255-275 lbs depending.
My health markers are stellar and i focus now primarilly on longevity and strength.
I am no longer competing, my wife does and i train her and she is an awesome athlete, i am just not into dieting right down anymore, 8-10 percent is as low as ill ever go now and do it slow and health in mind first.
Retired from my career thank the powers that be. It was a few decades of hair straight back and lots of sacrifice, but retired pre 55 which was my goal....
Now lead a nice quiet low key humble existence.
Early 50's using gear 3 decades now, looking to share some knowledge, help out some fol;ks and just chat now and then with like minded folks.
I am also hoping to learn new health and longevity type items and random new health supps that come into play.
Ill share more as i go along, more than enough for now.
6 foot, 255-275 lbs depending.
My health markers are stellar and i focus now primarilly on longevity and strength.
I am no longer competing, my wife does and i train her and she is an awesome athlete, i am just not into dieting right down anymore, 8-10 percent is as low as ill ever go now and do it slow and health in mind first.