My steroid cycle bulking for 12 Weeks

Jan 4, 2025
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One thing I will tell you is if it's truly important to you to gain muscle, change your physique ECT do not give up because your genetics are not great.

What you wrote reminded me of a good friend I've had since grade school. A bunch of us got into body uilding in High School, two of them ended up IFBB pros. One of my friend seemed to be similar to what you described. Fairly tall, thin, fast metabolism, har gainer. We all sky rocketed ahead of him and it seemed no matter what he did it took it just didn't work the same as others.

Long story short he didn't give up and in a few years he was 6'1" about 270 pounds and I would say 10% body fat. Stronger in the gym then I've about ever seen. I'll never forget watching him as he did shrugs with so much weight the Olympic bar, it was visibly bending on both sides. And he was really doing shrugs, correctly.

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Feb 16, 2025
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Some people get the dreaded deca-dick from the deca being a 19-nor nandrolone. Plus, with the Enathate, you’re going to have a longer weaning. Until you can begin PCT. There used to be a kick ass, steroid calculator that you could put in all of your compounds and dosages, and it would give you a line graph to plan your esters so that they were as acceptable level at the same time to begin PCT.
Everybody is different, but it could fuck with your prolactin (ED, inability to ejaculate). It did for me and at the time I wasn’t letting my girlfriend in on what I was doing. At that time I would’ve fucked a cactus if it looked at me wrong, but I couldn’t get hard and that led to some difficult situations at 26 yrs old even though holy shit I really wanted to.
It’s a classic stack with reasonable dosages. I did a sust-250/deca/dbol with similar dosages and it went very well. Deca also converts to DHT so it’s also not very friendly to your hairline if you’re genetically positioned did not be blessed with a good head of hair, if you care. As everyone else says, you better have some AI’s and SERMS in here with a planned PCT or it will be all for nothing with a awesome trophy of gyno. Nolva, cabergoline/dostinex, ameridex or aromosin is your friend here!

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