Post Something That Makes You Laugh


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2022
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While it certainly didn’t make me laugh at the time. Here years later I find it somewhat funny.

A few days after attending a big boat show where I entered several drawings. I received a call that my name had been drawn and I had won a boat. Was given the address and arranged a time for pick up several hours away. In fact, i borrowed my fathers truck cause i wasn’t certain my little Tacoma could not pull it.

I arrived and didn’t see a boat in the lot. Was a bit concerned but across the street was a Skeeter dealership I was certain i would be taken to.

A man approached me as soon as i stepped out the vehicle and asked if I was here for the boat. Yes sir! He proceeded to hand me a shoebox size pkg. Inside was a tiny inflatable raft that wouldn’t hold 3 GI Joe action figures. Even had this tiny motor that ran on D batteries.

I had won a display model.

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