Ramping up mid cycle/ clearing up before TRT visit

Sep 9, 2024
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Just curious, most that I know depending on what they are running just maintain same mg’s throughout their entire cycle, anyone ever ramp up their mg’s mid cycle, specifically Test if running Test only?

Say if you ran 400mg/wk for 4 weeks and increased to 600mg/wk for the remaining 4 weeks if you are going 8 weeks and in between visits with your TRT doc?

And, 20 days should be long enough to be completely off everything and allow levels to drop enough before going back for your blood work with your TRT doc?


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Just curious, most that I know depending on what they are running just maintain same mg’s throughout their entire cycle, anyone ever ramp up their mg’s mid cycle, specifically Test if running Test only?

Say if you ran 400mg/wk for 4 weeks and increased to 600mg/wk for the remaining 4 weeks if you are going 8 weeks and in between visits with your TRT doc?
Only increase doses if necessary. If you use more than you need, that's when unwanted side effects can pop up.
And, 20 days should be long enough to be completely off everything and allow levels to drop enough before going back for your blood work with your TRT doc?
Depends upon the drug. But you're not looking at the complete picture. Even if your T levels are back within range in 20 day, other health markers may still be off. The Dr's look at those, too, and will lower your T dose, or even discontinue it, if other markers are skewed enough to warrant those actions.


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2012
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As it seems the body increases the number of receptors due to the amount of T in the system from my reading. I tend to think that many especially on higher doses are not getting the full benefit of what they are taking early on as the body may not have enough receptors available. So i can see where increasing doses over time may have benefits. I have heard many pros talking of doing.
As for the TRT 3 weeks should get the Test down to more normal levels as long as long esters are not being used. Cholesterol RBC levels as well as other things may not be back to normal in that time though.
Sep 9, 2024
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If you have access gear, why worry about a trt Dr? Honest question
Mainly because I’m prescribed AI along with my TestC and my insurance pays for almost all of it, I know the doses are accurate so in that aspect I have fully confidence in what I’m using when I’m using it, instead of having to send off samples for testing and continually getting panels drawn.


Apr 29, 2012
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Mainly because I’m prescribed AI along with my TestC and my insurance pays for almost all of it, I know the doses are accurate so in that aspect I have fully confidence in what I’m using when I’m using it, instead of having to send off samples for testing and continually getting panels drawn.
You can do trt on your own, with an ai as well.

I find it kind of foolish trying to fool a trt doctor.

Do you donate blood often, because if you don't that with with you red blood cell count off as well.

That's the biggest thing I see an endo concerned about (RBC) and is were if off they will tend to want to have you on a stupid low dose.
Sep 9, 2024
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Only increase doses if necessary. If you use more than you need, that's when unwanted side effects can pop up.
I was mainly curious, I haven’t ordered a panel from PLMD test to see what everything looks like since I started running 400mg/wk TestC vs the 150mg/wk trt dose.

I can’t physically tell much of a difference because doc had me on cjc1295/ipamorelin and a handful of different oral supps when I started back in May, but I ran out of the cjc/ip and wasn’t going to pay his high price for more, he had me on progesterone and dhea as well and those levels got high so I stopped taking those and told him so on my last visit (he said them being high he was fine with, I wasn’t) so he called me in more test and AI and told me to maintain the doses and he would see me in three months.

Depends upon the drug. But you're not looking at the complete picture. Even if your T levels are back within range in 20 day, other health markers may still be off. The Dr's look at those, too, and will lower your T dose, or even discontinue it, if other markers are skewed enough to warrant those actions.
I know they don’t just look at total test levels, what I am trying to mainly figure out is what compounds I can run a cycle with and or doses with Test only and what all I need to look at and compare and reduce before my next visit so I can keep my TRT benefits with doc as well.
Sep 9, 2024
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You can do trt on your own, with an ai as well.

I find it kind of foolish trying to fool a trt doctor.

Do you donate blood often, because if you don't that with with you red blood cell count off as well.

That's the biggest thing I see an endo concerned about (RBC) and is were if off they will tend to want to have you on a stupid low dose.
Like I mentioned, the benefits of my doc are the fact that AI is prescribed along with my test and insurance covers most all of it so it’s safer/cheaper/smarter to keep him cause it all comes straight from my pharmacy and I know the doses are correct and it is all legit, plus I don’t have to worry about anything getting seized in the mail.

I have been donating blood ever 45 days since May, after my last visit he said my RBC was a little high and to go donate and I did. Shortly after that last visit I planned to increase my test but I also ran NPP for a few weeks and my body didn’t agree with it so I dropped it and maintained my test dose of 200mg/wk for two more weeks and bumped it up to 400mg/wk and have maintained that dose up to current and planned to keep going through December then doing what is necessary to get what levels I need to get back down before I go back to the doctor. I guess I’m looking for advice on what all I need to look for and correct before I go back


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Like I mentioned, the benefits of my doc are the fact that AI is prescribed along with my test and insurance covers most all of it so it’s safer/cheaper/smarter to keep him cause it all comes straight from my pharmacy and I know the doses are correct and it is all legit, plus I don’t have to worry about anything getting seized in the mail.

I have been donating blood ever 45 days since May, after my last visit he said my RBC was a little high and to go donate and I did. Shortly after that last visit I planned to increase my test but I also ran NPP for a few weeks and my body didn’t agree with it so I dropped it and maintained my test dose of 200mg/wk for two more weeks and bumped it up to 400mg/wk and have maintained that dose up to current and planned to keep going through December then doing what is necessary to get what levels I need to get back down before I go back to the doctor. I guess I’m looking for advice on what all I need to look for and correct before I go back

Sounds like your Dr doesn't really give a shit, that you're merely a revenue stream for him.

For 99.9% of males, 200 mg/wk is waaaaay more than a TRT dose.
Sep 9, 2024
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Sounds like your Dr doesn't really give a shit, that you're merely a revenue stream for him.

For 99.9% of males, 200 mg/wk is waaaaay more than a TRT dose.
Ha! You caught that too. He has several different clinics across two different counties. He plays it pretty smart I guess. I just know that in order for my insurance to cover it my levels have to be within certain tolerances and I’m sure he has to report that, otherwise insurance would cut it off and he would most likely get shut down for malpractice of sorts. Him and I do not have the kind of relationship where I can speak freely to him about what I do, although I have dropped a subtle hint or two at some of my visits, but I’m not gonna be too forward with him and ruin a good thing either. I could dm you and fill you in a little more, I try not to blast any and all information right here because this is still a public forum.

As for the TRT dose, I was prescribed 200mg/ml testC, he suggested or set my weekly at .75ml which is 150mg… I knew that was a little much before I ever started.. 😆 one dose of that and a week later my level went from less than 300 to 1370… yeah, panels don’t lie! I cranked it up to 200mg when I started the NPP (which I ran 300mg/wk of, total combined mg’s 500) and dropped it cause my body didn’t agree with it and just maintained the 200mg test for two more weeks, then I increased it to 400mg and continuing to run 400 through December
Jan 20, 2025
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Ha! You caught that too. He has several different clinics across two different counties. He plays it pretty smart I guess. I just know that in order for my insurance to cover it my levels have to be within certain tolerances and I’m sure he has to report that, otherwise insurance would cut it off and he would most likely get shut down for malpractice of sorts. Him and I do not have the kind of relationship where I can speak freely to him about what I do, although I have dropped a subtle hint or two at some of my visits, but I’m not gonna be too forward with him and ruin a good thing either. I could dm you and fill you in a little more, I try not to blast any and all information right here because this is still a public forum.

As for the TRT dose, I was prescribed 200mg/ml testC, he suggested or set my weekly at .75ml which is 150mg… I knew that was a little much before I ever started.. 😆 one dose of that and a week later my level went from less than 300 to 1370… yeah, panels don’t lie! I cranked it up to 200mg when I started the NPP (which I ran 300mg/wk of, total combined mg’s 500) and dropped it cause my body didn’t agree with it and just maintained the 200mg test for two more weeks, then I increased it to 400mg and continuing to run 400 through December
I’m in a similar situation with insurance. Good questions


Dec 1, 2013
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I’m prescribed 200 mg per week.
My free test is at 5 without it.
28-30 on 200 mg. ( perfect)

My doc wants to know if I’m using so he can monitor but doesn’t want me going over board.

Like after I finished my last cycle a couple months out I had E2 rebound an it shot up to 72 ……. He got me Arimidex cut back my test for a bit to settle the E2 . But not a bunch of bs because he was aware of the cycle.

I go to a wellness clinic.

And if you want to play get some Tpp test