Yano's old man lifts, such and so forth.


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score

July 27 '24 - Conjugate
Dyn Upper - speed work
199.8 body weight
1545 cals at work out - 155gr protein so far in that - headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 45 min mowing grass

First Exercise
20 min trying not to stare at the neighbors tits in her bikini when she stopped over to chat x fail :cool:

Today was ok , speed work and accessories , nothing too special at all.

Focus was good , got some leg drive going not too much.

Head feels better by the day , not so much in a funk and staring at the walls , not so much faking smiling and trying to act normal just kind of dead inside on the meds you sort of lose part of yourself as they take over.

Warm up -
Band Pulls x10
Band Press x10
Band Xover 2x10

Lifts -
Bench - 8x2 - Speed work - 60% 1rm + 2 red mini + hanging #40 in chains no touch down = #120 dynamic
Warm up - ebx3 - 2/x3 2/40x3
Progression - 135/2/40x3 - 155/2/40x3 - 175/2/40x3 - 185/2/40x3
Work - 195/2/40x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 - #315 at the top
Back off sets - pulled bands put #225 on the bar #40 in chains -
225/40 x5 - x3 - x2 - x1

JM Press - Left the chains on for some Oy Vey ! - 3xamrap - 175/40x 12 - x8 - x6+1

Side Delt - #30 3xamrap - 8 - 6+1 - 5+1

Front Delt - #30 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1+1 - 8

OHP - yeah yeah i know im not supposed to do these .. that Dr can eat a bag of dicks with whip cream I gota train - I went light on these for sure and left the swinging chains on - real light
- 65/40 in chains 3x - 10 - 10 - 10

Curls - long bar - #40 in chains for fun swinging around no touching - #10 on the bar
55/40 - 5x5x5x5x5

Abs - bent leg lifts - 4x30


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score
Satan came to me , stood before me and whispered in my ear ,
" You are just a man , you are not strong enough to withstand the storm ...."
I nodded and looked into his eyes , moved closer then whispered in his ear ...
" I am a child of God , A man of Faith , A Warrior of Christ ... I am the storm. "

OK real talk time ...

7 weeks out from the meet in Sept. I got a bad back , a bad hip , a weak leg and a pec tendon that keeps trying to hire a hit man ....

"Damn the torpedoes , full speed ahead !!"
Admiral David Glasgow Farragut Battle of Mobile Bay Aug 1864 to Captain Percival Drayton ordering him to put his flagship, the Hartford, in the lead and pass through the a "field" of sea mines. It paid off big time. They moved through 14 Union warships and shut down Mobile Bay as an open port for the Confederacy.

Plan is this , I have to register by Aug 20 at the latest , so it's training for 3 weeks at that time I need to just stop and honestly evaluate where I am and what I will be able to do at a meet and think about openers.

This is a new age bracket so I feel good about that , there is no real pressure this year for records or 1st place standings I can just go and have fun and put up some solid numbers.
........ hmph I hate getting out of fucking bed just to be average ,, it just feels like a waste of time.

Weight is right on , I'm sitting at 200 fairly steady , competing in 198 so that's nothing but dropping carbs for 2 days and salt for the week. Should come in around 196 again like last year.

Strength for deadz is on par with where I need to be on my good days , I can hook up and get a solid 515 up ,, on a good day. Squats and bench are just shit right now with being broken half the summer ... I've still got issues using any kind of leg drive on my bench ,, arching back to bring my chest up is no fucking bueno.

So thats the current situation and plan , 3 weeks , evaluate , test openers and go from there.


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score
I'm guessing this must be one amazing rack?
shes maybe 42 , tiny , shorter than my old lady like just 5 ft tall , and around 110 maybe ,, shes fucking little , red head , blue eyes ,,, and they arent huge tits like 32c maybe ,, but on that frame they look like the old Barbie dolls ... its uhhh ,, eye catching ,, no hips or ass to speak of but those fucking milk bags ,, God Damn ..

an she wants me to look ,, ohhh hi , you out mowing too , i was and just went for a walk ,, I see the wifes not home again ,, she baby sitting ? ,, uhhh yeah .... and she goes on and on with the small talk .. if i wasnt married id already have her gagging on the anaconda


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score

July 29 '24 - Conjugate
Max Lower
202.4 morning after refeed
1067 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - stat bike

Work out time - 100 min
Mass Moved - 27,585 lbs
Tonnage - 13.79 Tons

Today was a solid number day , nothing too heroic but some good work all the same. Deadz felt good moved good until the final rep that was a bit of a grinder , this time i stuck to it and locked it out instead of ohh what if'ing my back .. grab it and growl. Everything feels good.

Started bringing down the volume and fluff and started focusing more on moving weight and what I need for the meet and accessory work.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold
Pelvic Tilt 2x25
Pelvic Raise 2x25
Dead Bugs 2x25
Single knee to chest 3x10 hold
Bird Dogs 2x25
Side elbow Plank 3x30 hold
Superman's 5x5 count hold
Childs Pose 3x10 hold

Lifts -
Deadz - to triples to 1rm -
Warm up - ebx5 135x5x5
Progression - 185x3 - 225x3 - 275x3 - 315x3 - 365x3 - 405x3
Work kicked in - 455x2 - 475x1 - 495x1 - 515x1*grinder - shakey dizzy check ya drawers type of pull when ya get it locked out and back down
Back down - 455x1 - 405x3x2

Deficit Deadz - standing on #35's - #365x5x5x5x5 - added #20 for kicks on the last set - #385x3x1x1

Skwatz - Straight bar free no box - Squats need a ton of work after being hurt , not squatting without the box and basically using only ssb for a year I am unstable as 2 legged table -
Progressive 5x5 - 185x5 - 225x5 - 275x5 - 315x5 - 365x3x2

Pull Down - double looped red mini - Pull apart Press down - 4xamrap - 35 - 33 - 30 - 30+1+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 4x30


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score

July 31 '24 - Conjugate
Max Upper
201 body weight
1313 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - stat bike

Today went ok , not a big strength day by any means , main stalled out about 40lbs before I was hoping it would but , some days are diamonds , some days are stones. Still got in some good work.

Changed up accessories to a standard 4x8 today , took some time and tested for an 8 rep max so i got a bit of fluff in there between sets that might of taken a bit off the top ... by going off the old numbers in the logs , i hit it fairly close quickly and went from there.

Good focus , good form , head was in the groove , I got no real complaints to speak of.

Stretches -
Band Press 2x10
Band Pull 2x10
Band xover 2x10

Lifts -
Bench - triples to 1rm -
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 90x5
Progression - 135x3 - 185x3 - 225x3 - 250x3 - 275x2x1 - 285x1 real slow just repeated - 285x1 grindy
Back down sets - 265x2 - 245x3 - 225x5

Close Grip Floor Press - got down and dirty , haven't done these in a dogs age and it showed
4x8 - 175x8 - 180x8 - 185x8 - 190x7+1

OHP - yeah yeah i ain't supposed to do these at all ,, Dr can kiss my ass
4x8 - 85x8 - 90x8 - 95x8 - 105x6+1+1
Singles just cus I'm a dumb fuck , felt good
125x1 - 135x1 - 145 - 155x1 - 165xfail - half way - not going to try and grind over head

Delt Raises -
Side #25x8x8x7+1x6+1+1
Front #30x8x8x8x8

Curls - long bar -
4x8 - 70x8 - 75x8 - 80x8 - 85x6+1+1

Single Joint Bands - Tricep Pressdown - double looped mini reds today -
4xamrap - 18 - 15 - 14+1+1 - 10+2+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score

August 2 '24 Conjugate
Speed Work Lower
208 body weight after refeed/pig out
1405 cals at workout - headed to 2500
30 min cardio - stat bike

Today was a good work day , nothing heroic , worked triples up til I couldnt and moved on , nice and simple. Good focus , good speed on the bar , no aches n pains to speak of ,, it all went well.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold
Pelvic Raise 2x20
Pelvic Tilt 2x20
Dead Bugs 2x20
Single Knee to chest 3x10 hold
Super Mans 3x10 hold
Bird Dogs 2x20
Side Planks 3x30 hold
Childs Pose 3x10 hold

Lifts -
Dedz - Triples til they wouldnt trip no more - not a big day for pulling at all
Warm up - ebx5 135x5 135x5
Progression - 185x3 - 225x3 - 275x3 - 315x3 - 365x3 - 405x3 - 425x1x1x1

Skwatz -
Long Bar - No Box - 135x3 185x3 225x3 275x3 315x3 365x1x1x1
SSB - Competition Box - 330x3 - 350x2x1 - 370x1x1x1 - 390x1x1x1 - 410x1x1x1

Deficit Dedz - 2 plates + plywood = 4 inches high - 5x5 progressive
225x5 - 275x5 - 295x5 - 305x5 - 315x5

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score

August 3 '24 - Conjugate
Dynamic Upper
207.8 body weight
1293 cals headed to 2500
75 min cardio - 30 on stat bike - 45 on the ol lady :devilish:

Good solid dynamic day , stuck to the plan , got in my doubles work today for speed and adjusted and the accessories down to sets of 8 with proper weight.

Everything felt good and moved well , heads in a good spot finally and feeling right. I'm finally coming out of Eyeore mode most of the day ,, no more just sitting and staring if I'm not busy , feels ok just not like myself , its hard faking laughing or smiling when you just dont feel it inside but the meds are helping so I'll stick with em for now.

Stretches -
Band Pulls 2x10
Band Press 2x10
Band Xover 2x10

Lifts -
Bench - 8x2 - 60% 1rm +25% dynamic = #190 on the bar + #90 red bands looped - #280 at the top
Warm up - ebx5 - ebx5 - bandsx5
Progression - 135/2x2 - 155/2x2 - 175/2x2 - 185/2x2
Work - 190/2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Spoto Press - wide grip - 4x15 - high volume - #155x15x15x15x12+1+1+1

JM Press - 4x8 - #155x8x8x8x6+1+1

OHP - 4x8 - #110x8x8x7+1x6+1+1

Delt Flys - 4x10 - #20x10x10x10x7+1+1+1

Curls - long bar - 4x8 - #60x8x8x8x8

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 4x30


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score

Aug 5 '24 - Conjugate
Max Lower
206 body weight
1231 cals at work out headed to 2500
30 min cardio - stat bike

6 weeks out from the meet , God willing and the back n hips hold out.

Today was right on the money , some good work , some decent numbers , no aches n pains ... felt a bit like a dream to be honest. Lower is really coming back together so far ,, just gota keep working on getting my numbers back up.

Might not have a shot at a WR attempt this year after all the ups n down with my back but I want to at least be there and put up a good total all the same. The state meets are like my meathead Christmas.

Focus was there , good drive , hinge was firing well and my heads in a happy place. All in all , 10 out of 10 stars.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold
Pelvic Tilt 2x25
Pelvic Raise 2x25
Dead Bugs 2x25
Super Mans 3x10 hold
Bird Dogs 2x25
Side Planks 2x30 hold each side
Cat Cows 3x10 hold
Childs Pose 3x10 hold

Lifts -
Dedz - doubles up to 1rm -
Warm up - ebx5 - 135x5x5
Progression 135x2 - 225x2 - 315x2 - 365x2 - 405x2 - 455x2 - 475x1
Back down - 455x1 - 405x3x2

Matt/Rack Pulls - below knee -
Progression - 135x2 - 225x2 - 315x2
Work - 415x5 - 465x3 - 505x2
Heavy Singles - 555x1 - 600x1* no straps - felt good no slipping

Deficit Dedz - 4 inches - 5x5 progressive
275x5 - 315x5 - 335x5 - 355x5 - 365x5

Shrugs - first time doing these since injury - 4x8 progressive
225x8 - 275x8 - 295x8 - 315x7+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30
Pull Throughs - double looped red mini - 4x15


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score

Ok on todays episode of real talk with Yano starting to peak and swap out sets n reps.

So as we all know by now PLing sets n Reps look way different than BBing sets n reps in some cases. The BB sets have been great but Ive got to start knocking it down and trying to pull triples down to singles in groups of 2 and see where my strength is.

475 Dead came off the floor well this time , a bit slower through the mid shin/knee area than I would of liked it but I think that had more to do with my not hinging proper , without the ol lady here to film so I can watch it on her phone ,, im only guessing. I have a stupid high weight for SDL and if I blow my hinge thats what most DL's turn into for me and I just have to bull it up if i can.

Hit 600 on using @snake 's idea of going block high for pulls ,, being sans concrete block I just set the hooks down in the rack to my mid shin/below knee and pulled from there ,, putting the bar 4 inches or so higher than normal ,, like mat pulls - belt n chalk - right hand slipped a little on my old smooth stiff bar but I got it locked out with no straps.

The 600 came up way better than I thought it would , it was heavy as fuck in my hands but I just had to sit back on it and it came right up , never got that ,, fuck imma shit my pants headrush where the room gets small and far away

Skwatz oy vey 410/420 feels like ive got an unstable house on my back right now im wobbly like a new born calf , and I love to squat ive just had so much time off with the compression of my spine and my leg not working that my numbers have taken a giant hit ... that and losing weight I keep telling myself not to expect 550 back so fast if ever , I was 38/40 lbs heavier or so when I hit that and on a lot of drugs , my leverages are completely different now. Id probably sandbag squats a bit to be safe and call a low opener like 375 if im stable then 395 n 405 for my final ,,, from my lips to God's ear ,, we'll see

Ive got until the 20th to register , see how this week and next week goes.

This is the first year of a new bracket so there is no pressure for getting giant totals or any of that , Ive got 4 more years here and I would rather be healthy and stronger next year when I compete than destroy my back this year and only get to watch next year.

I play it off pretty good but losing the ability to move and control my left leg scared the fuck out of me. So I want to keep going and PLing but I gota be smarter as I get older and not keep trying to fool myself that I'm some kind of time lord , im just immortal , not special. :cool:


Taskmaster (Moderator)
Oct 28, 2020
Reaction score
I play it off pretty good but losing the ability to move and control my left leg scared the fuck out of me. So I want to keep going and PLing but I gota be smarter as I get older and not keep trying to fool myself that I'm some kind of time lord , im just immortal , not special. :cool:
I understand the fear... I also was scared shitless when I lost function of my left leg after herniating my l1 and l2.

Stick to your game plan; do what you can but also don't stress about putting this off until the next meet. Better to be fully healthy next time, than to go in half baked and potentially mess things up.

Will be paying close attention to see what you decide to do prior to the 20th.


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score

Aug 7 '24 - Conjugate
Max Upper
203 body weight
1409 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - stat bike

Today was ,, meh ,, still get get any real leg drive , bar is coming down slower than I want it to for some reason ,, no big boom off the chest ,, just a ... meh , kind of day ,, still got the work in and the accessories just not hitting the numbers I wanted to by this time of the year at all after fucking up my back.

Stretches -
Band Press 2x10
Band Pull 2x10
Band Xover 2x10

Lifts -

Paused Bench to 1rm - stopping on the chest and calling the PRESS in my head -
Warm up - ebx5 - 90x5 100x5
Progression 135x3 - 185x3 - 225x3 - 245x2 - 265x1x1
Singles - 270x1 - 275x1 - 280x1 - 285x1*real real slow grind but not a killer just no good leg drive

Pin Press - 5x5 - I seldom do these with my fucked up pec tendon and delt thing but I need to work them some so I started off light - added #40 in chains
155/40x5x5x5x5x3x1x1- no rack just a pause

JM Press - 4x8 - 175x8x8x8x7+1

Rows - 4x8 progressive - 155x8 - 165x8 - 175x6+1+1 - 185x4x2x1x1* last 2 of these was ugly

Delt Raise - 3x15 - #30x15x15x12+1+1+1

Bands - Tricep Press Down - 4x8 - 2 looped red mini - 8x8x8x6+1+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 4x30


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score

Aug 9th '24 - Conjugate
Dynamic Lower
203.5 body weight
1110 cals at work out headed to 2500
5 - 2 minute rounds heavy bag - 30 min cardio - stat bike

Good solid speed day , switched up the sets n reps to the proper dosages and got down n dirty. Head was all over at first but it calmed down as I got focused. Strength was good for the work done , forge was hot , fire was bright ,, no complaints.

*mental blooper reel cus I got no way to film it*
I learned today that 2 grey bands and 2 looped red minis are too much tension for the squat rack with out laying a few 45's on it ...
... First squat got my head into it , dug my back into the bar , unracked , stepped back ....
and flipped the rack over ..
standing there all confused with a couple of hundred pounds of tension in bands n chains on my back ... good times :ROFLMAO: (y)

Stretches -
knees to chest 4x20 hold
Pelvic Tilt 2x25
Pelvic Raise 2x25
Dead Bugs 2x25
Single Knee to chest 3x10 hold
Bird Dogs 2x25
Supermans 5x10 hold
Side Planks 3x30 hold
Childs Pose 3x10 hold

Lifts -
Skwatz - 8x2 - 60% 1rm + 25% dynamic tension - 255 on the bar - 270 in bands 60 in chains - I over loaded the bands n chains by ... well ,, a lot .. meh.
-- Straight bar - no box --
Warm up - ebx5 - 2/ebx5 2/60x5 90/2/60x5
Progression - 135/2/60x2 - 185/2/60x2 - 225/2/60x2 - 245/2/60x2
Work - 255/2/60x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 * 585 at the top

Dedz - 8x2 - 60% 1rm + 25% dynamic tension - 307 on the bar - 129 dynamic tension - over loaded this as well a bit - 315 on the bar + grey bands + 260 at the top + 60 in chains - OOPs heh
Progression - 135/2/60x2 - 225/2/60x2 - 275/2/60x2 - 295/2/60x2
Work - 315/2/60x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 * 605 at the top

Deficit Dedz - 4x12 - big sets oy vey - 2 plates high - #225x12x12x12x9+2+1

RDL - first time doing these since the injury - 4x12 - #225x12x12x10+2x8+2+1+1

Band Pull Down/Apart - double red mini - 4x12x12x12x12

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30