* You can get away with anything when you're a shredded sick ripped kunt *


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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So this is mostly to tell about the test/dbol cycle im doing.

I gave most of my history in the members intro section, after lifting with 40lb dbs for a year and getting too out of shape for my liking i felt it was time for me to go back to the gym and fix myself up. I thought it was almost too late for me and why even bother and almost just felt like giving up and completely letting myself go.

I do have experience with prohormones but i usually felt like total shit on them and wish i knew about this site 10yrs ago, tren would make muscles strong but my dick completely weak and useless and other stuff just caused other problems, many cycles i attempted i stopped in less than a week. I knew getting back into this i needed a kickstart boost to get me going and never thought id find a source for the good stuff so i went and tried the mildest sarm ostarine. Dont know if it was real or not but this shit got me so sick, back swelling non stop urge to urine tasted like shit so stopped that after a week and felt better very soon after.

Was talking to a newer friend i had met and by crazy chance told me he could get me the good stuff, i didnt believe but told him i def wanted it and wanted to follow the recommended starter cycle here of test/dbol (test cyp 250mg twice a week) (dbol 30mg 4weeks 5th week at 40mg cuz i had extras) I did about 2 or 3 weeks of the test while i waited on the dbol, now i dont know if the dbol is fake or not maybe it is because i didnt really gain any weight but i am cutting. I understand dbol is more for bulking but wanted to follow the recommended cycle but also cut for the summer, i will try to use again for bulking this winter maybe a different brand than i had (pink square british dragons).

So i go the stuff together read the directions on here over and over about injected watched a few vids and still was nervous about dying from ****ing this up, first shot was in the ass cheek and that did feel sore for a few days when id sit down but not too bad, 2nd shot i did was in shoulder and that to my surprise wasnt too horrible other than my hand being shaky. I figured just sitting down going in the quad would be just too easy and it was for my 3rd shot, well when i woke up the next morning i couldnt walk right for 4 days so dont think ill try that again. I just go in shoulder now even heat the bottle a little before and after like 30mins dont feel a thing.

Going back natural i still felt pretty strong for someone who didnt really lift heavy for 5 years, I was able to start with incline benching 80s dbs for 4 sets of 12 so didnt think that was too bad. I tried getting back into deadlifts but kept pulling stuff and getting hurt even with light weight so had to stop, i dont have any injuries so not sure why this kept happening but knew id really hurt myself bad if i kept going with it and thats the last thing i need. Doing dumbell rows a few weeks later with 115s all of a sudden i was just holding it in left hand and felt like a thread snapped in my arm just that feeling i thought i was going to have to go to the hospital, but i still made it thru the session very carefully using lighter weight and that pain mostly went away but it took a month, other injury was on a chest machine my outer pec by armpit area same side as bicep injury got very sore so had to go way lighter on bench first week couldnt really do anything at all. Soreness completely goes away but when i bench it comes back, i switched from dbs to the bar on flat because i can control how far i go down, cant go all the way down on left side so im still very careful. 225lbs for a few reps started to hurt so i had to stop but its frustrating because it felt so light.

Incline i can do more weight because its less stress on my sore spot so at this point about 2months in i can db bench the 115s comfortably, shoulder presses cause no pain at all can do 4 sets of 10 with 95s. Guess thats good for my weight im 160lbs but not tall at 5'6 so thats why. Most i ever did on db shoulder press was 115s but i was like 25lbs heavier just too big but it did feel great to do that.

I do my lifting then 2 diff ab exercises and usually ride the spin bike for 20 30mins 4 or 5 days a week, when im home ill do some work with the dbs, abs, and run or walk outside. I started at 178 or 180lbs and im down to 160lbs now and ive never looked like this before cant believe it all came so fast and i still have 6 weeks left of test also added in creatine and animal cuts in a week and see what that does for me. I am ripped now veins all over my arms, abs , v cut all that stuff. I def feel i look like im on something and get alot of reactions from people, one guy even held up traffic on the road to ask me what i was on.

Difference with being on this is i feel amazing, never felt this good in my life other than minor strains in the gym. Bp is always perfect, urine tests perfect no problems at all, dick is working great and better than ever. I'm taking tudca/nac/hawthorne berry/ doing cardio as supports and have ais and pcts if and when needed. Ill usually take 12.5 of aromasin twice a week or as needed but chest feels great.

Already looking forward to next cycle next year thanks for reading.


Tren Made Me Gay
Oct 19, 2020
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Thanks for starting a log.

I will say, punctuation like periods or commas would help make it a bit more coherent. I was out of breath reading that.

I’m sorry your “urine tastes like sh*t”, for example.

Sounds like a roller coaster.

Reactions and descriptions sound good. I am surprised by the choice to try dbol on a cut, but glad you’re pleased.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Sorry guess i went on alot, typed this out while having dinner kinda rushed it.


Bad Daddy
Mar 1, 2014
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Dbol promotes euphoria, makes you kind of feel like you're always just floatin in heaven/high on life

Tren also makes you feel like a God, but the downside is you get misconceived notions that every girl that glances at you wants to **** you and any guy that looks your direction is challenging you somehow.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Finally after a month had a bench day without any pain, still had to be careful.

235x8 it didnt feel bad but at that point i felt like id have to push harder to make 12 reps and didnt want to take a chance straining something again
drop set to 185x12 to make up for less reps

usually decline you can do more weight but for me i feel more of a strain so i have to be most careful on this

185x12 was nothing but to see how it felt
none of these were bad the worst part for me is the lift off than the actual reps almost feels like im doing half a pullover to get the bar into the right position. Im still not doing anything at near full strength to avoid injury.

Other machines felt good too like the pec fly machine, had bowl of oatmeal and started animal cuts today, feel great. Maybe more of an urge to pee but dont feel anything other than that.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Thanks trying, biggest regret is going to planet fitness and not lifting heavy for over 5 years.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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I honestly think the dbol i had was fake, nothing happened as i read online... no weight gain or anything like that, i think the test was doing all the work. I still have about 6 weeks left of test, since the dbol didnt do much i was thinking of doing some anavar for the last 4 to 6 weeks what do you guys think?

Left pec/shoulder/bicep injury is finally fully recovered but im still nervous to go full force on flat bench. I actually felt a bit of soreness on the right side now even with light weight but nothing like on the left side when it started.

205 x 12
225 x 12
245 x 12
255 x 5 drop to 205 x 12 to make up for low reps, 255 didnt feel bad but the soreness was starting so i didnt want to take any chances.

Decline bench
205 x 12 this was a joke
225 x 12 i hate positioning over chest but once im there this again was nothing
235 x 12
255 x 9, was gonna do 245 but cant resist going heavier, almost couldnt position this right but got it, didnt feel too bad but stopping at 9 because didnt want to strain myself. oh and did a drop to 185 x 12 this felt like an empty bar even immediately after the heavy set.

I'm hoping very soon to be able to do 275 for 4 sets of 12 on both maybe more, this fall and winter i plan to bulk up 20 or 30 plans so would be nice to do 315 3 plates for 4 sets of 12 on both. Incline i like to stick to dumbells and my gyms highest are 125s and wont be so fun to pick up and kick back but once i can do those for 4 sets of 12 easily maybe ill switch to barbell incline.

Rest of the day was bicep work and some chest machines, abs, and some spin bike riding.

This is all great because im almost as strong as i ever was at like 185lbs but im cut at 160lbs, thanks for reading.


SI Founding Member
Jul 24, 2012
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So, uh...

You do exercises other than bench, bench variations, and curls, yeah?


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Think the test is finally kicked in full force because i def look like im on now and making big gains in strength every week.

I swear by an energy drink and bowl of oatmeal pwo, never felt better.

Back day:

db rows
back down to 115x12 felt slight bicep strain

bent over db flies
think with 35s or 40s for 4 sets of 12

plate loaded tbar rows
went easy on these due to the strain but felt strong
3 platesx12
3 plates and a 10x12
same as above x 12
3 plates and a 25x12 usually max at this but it felt lighter this time

pec dec reverse flies
130 or 145 4 sets of 12

plate loaded lat pull downs
3 plates each side and a 25 x 12 for 3 sets
4 platesx 12 just being careful here but felt pretty light

cable pull rows
went lighter here didnt want to add to strain for 4 of 12.

always finish with 2 ab exercises and some time on the spin bike usually.

incline day

so it was crowded at the gym and had to share the bench with these other guys, so went right for the 105s to start (still feel weak because i used to just start with 125s) and the other guys were shocked asking me if im really gonna start with those, so i went and did the set and they felt like nothing all while they were still talking about me in the background.

next set was 115s for 12 and it was great cuz i still did these like nothing, then onto 120s which also went up no problem but that aggerevated chest strain from a few days back so only did 4 or 5. Next set tried to do 100s but felt too much soreness so did one rep and gave up.

Did pullovers superset with db flies with 40s, seems pullovers really hurt my elbow may replace with something else next time.

Think i did pec flies cuz cable flies werent available for 4 sets of 12 but def felt strong other than having some strain. Also do leg work this day because its the only time i can fit it in, nothing crazy to be honest just pretty light on some machines so it goes pretty quick.


Shoulder day

wasnt sure if strain would affect db shoulder presses,
95x12 felt pretty easy
100x12 took a chance on these i was a bit nervous, went right up but felt that soreness on right side again but still did 12 but very happy i got this done. Most i ever did was 115 for 10 barely but it was sloppy and i was like 25lbs heavier so im very close to that point again. Once tried 120s but failed think id be able to get 105s up now.
85x12 2 final sets, decided to go lighter here but went too light should have gone to 90s these felt like toys which also made me happy.

db side raises 27.5lbsx12 4 sets

db shrugs 125s x 12 4sets with straps, these honestly feel very light prob wont bother doing next week but i superset with plate loaded shrug machine 4 plates each side feels about right also for 4 sets of 12.

50lb barbell front raises 4 sets of 12

also do some tricep work this day because after the presses its a very easy quick day.


Taskmaster (Moderator)
Oct 28, 2020
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Good work! I'm curious, what are your current stats (height, weight, estimated body fat).


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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5'6 or 5'7, weight id guess now anywhere from 161 to 164, been feeling extra hungry lately maybe sneaking in too much peanut butter or cashews havent done as much cardio lately because weather hasnt been so great. Body fat im really not sure of id say based off google images i look pretty similar to 9 or 10%. I'm starting to like the slightly fuller look better have veins all over and abs so thats great. I started at 180lbs like 16 or 18% bf and same height... too bad theres nothing i can do to fix that.

I'm pretty excited to see what ill be able to lift when i bulk to 185-195 this fall winter and i get on some stronger stuff, should be fun.


Taskmaster (Moderator)
Oct 28, 2020
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Wow, we're pretty close to the same but you're crazy strong compared to me... even before my injury. You're doing 125lb dumbbell rows for 12 reps, perfect form, no twisting of the torso or use of momentum? I'm 166lbs, 5'8", maybe 11-12% body fat (could be lower... not sure), and I would only use 70's for DB rows; using a 3-1-1 tempo. That's crazy to me at 160lbs. Good job man, hopefully I can get that strong soon.


Taskmaster (Moderator)
Oct 28, 2020
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Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Honestly anything below 115 on db rows is very light now, but im only like 160lbs so with the 125s i also have to work harder to keep my balance, i used to cheat more in the past lifting but now the last thing i want to do is get hurt ,if i cant do the wait ill have to keep trying and be patient until i get there. ive been working thru soreness and minor injuries for the past two months so im very cautious with everything and dont even really go full force because i fear really straining or tearing something. btw my other huge problem with those are grip too, sometimes if i dont wrap the strap just right im not even holding the db will all my fingers so ill have to rush the set before it just slips out of my hand.

didnt really think 125s were that great, seen other guys doing it who dont even look all that big.
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Taskmaster (Moderator)
Oct 28, 2020
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translate it to barbell rows.. that's 250lbs... which is 2 plates + 12.5lbs on each side. I don't see many guys pulling that weight on bent over barbell rows who aren't already big. So give yourself some credit; that's impressive for that particular exercise. Or maybe I'm just really weak AF. LOL :32 (18):


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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I guess im always harder on myself feel like im not doing good enough... Deadlift is shit tho could never get great at those.


Taskmaster (Moderator)
Oct 28, 2020
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Deadlifts are hard; requires a good amount of technique. I'm only deadlifting 225 for reps, but yet I squat over 300. So I share this struggle with you :32 (18):