Recent content by DNp

  1. DNp

    Getting back up strength in big 3 lifts.

    Makes tons of sense. Doing continously heavy does put serious strain on body + more risks of injuries. Especially now. should i do barbell roll ? Since it's also putting stress on my glute or i can feel it there now. I only do that lightweight and always done light in Barbell row due getting...
  2. DNp

    Getting back up strength in big 3 lifts.

    Been doctor and to Phsycial therapist. I have to go atleast 10 more times to PT she said. I've always mixed light and heavy. But i'm more into heavy lifts. Right now my main focus is is size. Wanna look good naked while keeping big 3 lifts decent. But if i gotta sacrifice weight to look better...
  3. DNp

    Getting back up strength in big 3 lifts.

    Today i did light leg workout. 110 lbs squat 10x10 and it nearly killed my stamina haha. But the pump i got was insane. Also did walking lunges and bulgarian split squat with no weights. Apperantly my balance is off when standing on left leg when doing BSS. I had to hold balance to wall...
  4. DNp

    Getting back up strength in big 3 lifts.

    Been to doctor and PT. I've got to like 10 more times to PT atleast she said, since i strained it almost close to needing surgery. Don't even know how. how did you train while healing? High reps low weight?
  5. DNp

    Getting back up strength in big 3 lifts.

    After straining my left glute badly last year it affected Deadlift, Squat and Few other leg workouts. I'm back training and been doing what used to be light deadlift for me. 310 lbs. But it seems so have suffered way to much to be true. I could easily rep 440 lbs on deadlift 10 reps. But now...
  6. DNp

    2 Cycle's opinions needed!

    I agree to post above that you made. 2 cycles only meaning i will have to be natural too. I can stay natural and do cutting myself until low 12'is then run ECA stack maybe with Cardio. Then after that run cycle. also even if i do loose strength i'm not really worried since i wanna look like...
  7. DNp

    2 Cycle's opinions needed!

    Done test before. dbol makes me bloated as hell, think that deca would make make me blow up even more so.
  8. DNp

    2 Cycle's opinions needed!

    not first no, done dbol only + test + dbol. Haven't figured out diet since i'm not sure when to start cycle and so on. Not in a hurry.
  9. DNp

    2 Cycle's opinions needed!

    Primo perhaps instead of Tren?
  10. DNp

    2 Cycle's opinions needed!

    Age: 27. Training since 2011. Last known bodyfat: 20.1 Weight currently: 97 kg Best lifts: BP 150kg 3 reps. DL: 240kg 4 reps. SQ: 175kg before it was 160 kg 3 reps. Now those lift aren't as high. Strained glute muscle last year ( January i think) was off training from October until 2020...
  11. DNp

    Deadlift. Bar too much away from left leg.

    When i'm deadlifting doesn't matter if it's 225lbs or 500lbs. The bar when going down goes like this (the O is my head) ---> o/<--- Instead of ---> o| <--- . This started to happen 8-9 months ago after i was doing cable rows and i had a huge snap pain on left side lower back. (Posted a...
  12. DNp

    Bench press descent slow.

    update.. failed 330lbs bench.. shouldn't have tried. It will be back up within 2-3 weeks. Squads and Deadlifts have gone down way faster than my Bench.
  13. DNp

    Bench press descent slow.

    just a gym rat! Not competing or anything like that.
  14. DNp

    Bench press descent slow.

    Chiropactor couldn't find anything atleast.. so still no idea what happened.. i worked out light after it happened then it came back full force and didn't go to work for almost 2 weeks. Still today no clue. Weird i know. But it is what it is i guess. Right now i foam roll EOD.
  15. DNp

    Bench press descent slow.

    Now my lack of English understanding comes in. So too slow for you, means less power when exploding up?