Recent content by FL3X MAGNUM

  1. F

    Superdrol - A Designer Steroid ~ Long Write Up

    That is a decent assessment I guess. When I ran it I was under the impression it was great on size and strength so that's how I tried to treat it. If I tried to run it again I would do it differently, definitely style my workouts for volume versus strength. I love the pump some PH's can give me...
  2. F

    What is everyone's favorite natural test booster?

    Never tried HyperTest, saw a good deal on it yesterday. I see good deals on this all the time too!
  3. F

    Superdrol - A Designer Steroid ~ Long Write Up

    I ran boladrol once, didn't really see much from it. It was still kinda new then and it hadn't been really set in stone on how to use it so I was trying to bulk...seems to me it might be more of a cutter. PVL what is your take on it? You looking at a recomp?
  4. F

    What is everyone's favorite natural test booster?

    Over 600 views and not one opposing view?
  5. F

    What is everyone's favorite natural test booster?

    The most impressive one I have used yet is Tropinol by iForce. Very solid weight and strength gains from it and leaned up a little. I ran it for 8 weeks at recommended dose. My favorite natural SERM-like test booster would have to be SuperTest by Beast Sports. It has AI properties and DHT...
  6. F

    Control Leptin and Control Your Leanness!

    DAA+7,8 benzo at night time I saw someone saying that in theory it will help your body use leptin to your advantage while you sleep
  7. F

    2,4 Dinitrophenol (DNP)

    Good read!
  8. F

    12 week study on Ostarine

    Let's make some SARMs!!!
  9. F

    Curcumin - Herbal Clenbuterol?

    Seems logical but I bet that would be one costly strategy. The average bottle of curcumin caps is say...$25. Now let's say our obese person weighs 92kg. So 500mg curcumin per kg of bodyweight is 46 grams of curcumin a day. That's almost a whole bottle, as an estimate would be about $20 a day...
  10. F

    wassup people

    What's up buddy, glad you made it over
  11. F

    decent natty stack?

    Nice...Erase+DAA=awesome aggression for me anyways. I don't know that I noticed much difference when dosing an extra 3 grams preworkout of DAA but I had plenty when I was doing that so I figured why not. No negative sides aside from my terrible GI problems with DAA and other powders. How you...
  12. F

    12 week study on Ostarine

    I am looking into finding a way to make a SARM into an oral suspension, like with cyclodextrin maybe. Not finding much. Not even necessary actually since SARMs are already dosed effectively, but it will be fun.
  13. F

    Superdrol - A Designer Steroid ~ Long Write Up

    Re: Superdrol - A Designer Steroid Very thorough. Speaking of superdrol...not sure if that ban will end up happening but I have been stocking up!