Recent content by Hollywood72

  1. Hollywood72

    New Here

    Diet is everything. You’ll like it here
  2. Hollywood72

    The Boys season 2

    I will be starting it soon. Season 1 was great
  3. Hollywood72

    The Uncle Bee

    I’ve been gone a while but welcome to the board
  4. Hollywood72

    Greetings all

    You’ll like it here!
  5. Hollywood72

    It's just me

    POB, it's mostly a sharp pain. Hurts worse when sitting vs Standing. PT does a little ultra sound and some stretches. Lie on back and lift my legs up towards my chest. It's kind of provocative. One at a time and both together. Other than that it's just your basic sports type stretches...
  6. Hollywood72

    It's just me

    I wish I knew. X-ray and MRI are normal. Mostly lower back pain that goes through my legs. PT has been helping but insurance doesn't want to pay because there is "no injury". Hit from behind at a stop light by a dui driver going speed limit...30mph
  7. Hollywood72

    It's just me

    Not new around here but been gone a while. Got in a car wreck and ****ed my back up. Just now wanting to workout again, probably because I'm sick of being fat.
  8. Hollywood72

    New here

    Welcome home
  9. Hollywood72

    Introducing myself

    Welcome home
  10. Hollywood72

    hey guys !!!

    Welcome home
  11. Hollywood72

    New guy

    Welcome home
  12. Hollywood72

    First post

    Welcome home!
  13. Hollywood72


    Welcome home