Recent content by kittensandkilos

  1. kittensandkilos

    Hey guys new member

    Welcome aboard. Found the right spot!
  2. kittensandkilos

    Hey everyone

    Welcome aboard!
  3. kittensandkilos


    Welcome aboard! Surrounded by a good group.
  4. kittensandkilos

    New member intro

    Welcome aboard! Thank god for cropping photos….
  5. kittensandkilos


    Welcome aboard!
  6. kittensandkilos


    Welcome back! Here's to hoping you can keep the injuries at bay.
  7. kittensandkilos

    Workout gloves GHEY or not?

    Anytime I’ve worn gloves for anything it hurts my hands more than without. Includes bikes, baseball, whatever.
  8. kittensandkilos

    Running Tren Ace and Tren Ethan

    Yeah I would say it depends on what the mg/ml is first. That could make a difference for which way you structure it.
  9. kittensandkilos

    Noob to the board

    Welcome to the underground.
  10. kittensandkilos

    Friday Food Porn Thread

    holy shit I’m mouth breathing.
  11. kittensandkilos


    Welcome aboard!
  12. kittensandkilos

    New guy here!

    Welcome aboard!
  13. kittensandkilos

    New member

    Welcome aboard!!
  14. kittensandkilos

    Injection Site Swelling

    This has happened to me before. One week out of random and then the next week everything was fine. Sometimes we have injections that don't agree with us. Rotate to a new site and let that area chill.
  15. kittensandkilos

    First time doing Tren ace!

    200 is plenty. As others have stated make sure you are spacing your pins out evenly to keep bloods level. I have always done every other day when using tren a.