Recent content by mediocre1645

  1. mediocre1645

    Mediocre's New Journey

    One week of the DNP cycle down. Monday: Upper Lift, 45 min elliptical Tuesday: Lower Lift, 45 min elliptical Wednesday: Recovery lifting, 45 min elliptical Thursday: Upper Lift, 30 min elliptical Friday: Lower Lift, 45 min elliptical Saturday: BJJ sparring Sunday: rest I went in and rolled...
  2. mediocre1645

    Mediocre's New Journey

    25 degrees F outside and this DNP has me clothes soaked through lol. Bout to get tough!
  3. mediocre1645

    Mediocre's New Journey

    Hey what's up everybody, sorry for falling off the face of the planet. Just too damn busy to keep it together. I have had a really solid fall. Got out a lot to hunt, went to some beautiful places this year muzzleloader elk hunting and made the mistake of doing modern firearm for deer...saw more...
  4. mediocre1645

    Mediocre's New Journey

    I was thinking about military folks and rucks the other day on that hike...I never understood how the hell you run with something that big on you. I don't think I have the rhythm or the joints for that lol
  5. mediocre1645

    Mediocre's New Journey

    It's not as strong as I used to be, but I'm pretty happy with my pressing strength. I think I can eek up to 4 plates if I stay consistent. Edit: yes all were for 6 reps except last set. The hike wasn't too bad actually. I just did two laps partway up this "mountain" in my back yard. 120' up...
  6. mediocre1645

    Mediocre's New Journey

    9-19-22: Bench: 4 x 6 x 255, 280, 300, 285 (5) Pullups: 4 x 6 x 30 lb Forearm Curls: 3 x 10 x 50's Rev FA Curls: 3 x 10 x 60 Light DB curls, chest flys, and back flys 9-20-22: 45 min hike with 65 lb pack 1-Leg Squat: 3 x 10 x bw with help 1-Leg DL: 3 x 10 x 90
  7. mediocre1645

    Mediocre's New Journey

    I don't know what to say about DNP. It has not been a part of any of my epic cuts. The couple times I've taken it, I've gotten something out of it, but i think my biggest issue is the cravings. I do think if I timed the DNP run better I could keep a stronger will, or there might be other ways to...
  8. mediocre1645

    Mediocre's New Journey

    Things going pretty decent. Finished my DNP run and proceeded to cheat hard for like 5 days lol. Gained a few lbs I'm sure. Been back cutting cals a bit this week and will probably continue for another week depending on how I feel. I need to get some really hard hikes in for elk season and I'll...
  9. mediocre1645

    Mediocre's New Journey

    Things are going pretty decent here. Still cutting on low dose test, low dose tren, and DNP (500 crystal, adding a pill or two of 100 mg powder once every couple days to get a little kick). If I can string together a few days of not binging before bed I can crack 10% bf and then ill probably...
  10. mediocre1645

    Caliper measurements while on DNP

    I see/hear lots of things about DNP bloat, flatness, water weight, etc. What these terms refers to depends on who you talk to and even then I don't understand them well. Does the DNP water/bloat/flatness cause bf caliper measurements to read high? Put another way, when you come off DNP, you lost...
  11. mediocre1645

    Mediocre's New Journey

    ^ thanks man. We need more therapy than wer're getting, but every bit helps lol. 8-19-22: quick circuit with child weighted pushups, pullups, and maybe some hanging leg raises for abs. 8-20-22: ? 8-21-22: Gnarly hour long circuit 8-22-22: One hour hike and some stretching Not sure what I'll do...
  12. mediocre1645

    Piano vs Guitar, difficulty for inflexible meathead

    I dont know if you guys have been to a Hofbrahaus (one in LV and one in Chicago maybe still?), but they take one of those big mountain horns or whatever they're called and have sloots from the audience sit on it.
  13. mediocre1645

    Piano vs Guitar, difficulty for inflexible meathead

    Well I have a shitty piano (for the boys to mash on) and a shitty guitar already...had I not you would be absolutely correct lol. Yeah man that is a very good point, yeah I have a piano but I'm not taking that anywhere even if I could play Mozart Concierto #69.
  14. mediocre1645

    Piano vs Guitar, difficulty for inflexible meathead

    Yano yesss! lol. I started with the alto. Thanks for the recommendations wife has an old guitar, I think I will mess around with some basic lessons on YT with that, then maybe hit up a music shop like you suggest to see if there's anything more comfortable. If by the time I'm 40...
  15. mediocre1645

    Piano vs Guitar, difficulty for inflexible meathead

    That is a good question and is likely to drive me to guitar I suppose. I mean i do like some classical piano, but let's be realistic I'm probably not playing that worth a damn anytime soon. Some mix of rock, sappy love songs to surprise the ol ball and chain, and older country/classic rock.