Recent content by -SD-

  1. S

    best homebrew setup to use with pre-steriled vials.

    Syringe filter method is fine as long as youre not a one man operation trying to supply a half million dollar year operation
  2. S

    Top rated sources at eroids

    If theres a top 50, theres way too many sources there.
  3. S

    Orange Beach fitness trainer accused of selling steroids

    Just about everything that could have gone wrong did
  4. S

    Chicago Area (Oak Lawn) Steroids Seller Bust

    He screwed up doing everything face to face, as usual
  5. S

    is weed bad during a cycle?

    the substance itself isnt bad but if the sides like laziness cant be controlled then its an issue. Also its good for appetite for bulking *if* you can manage to just eat the foods necessary and stay away from the garbage.
  6. S

    Forums and boards

    Some with good reason is correct.....
  7. S

    Robolics labs and black widow labs?

    Robolics uses email only
  8. S

    steroids and teenagers

    He seems to present his argument as a false choice between two extremes. It doesnt have to be either sitting on your ass all day eating junk food or taking gear at 15. But then again I wouldnt expect a 15 year old to make much more sense if they were already on gear.
  9. S

    Where do you guys buy your generic cialis?

    That being said Ive used for years, never let me down. Its India Int'l