Recent content by StillKickin

  1. StillKickin

    Best Diet killer

    Well here’s something different, now I’m a sucker for the usuals like everyone, but I happened upon a snack at work. Theres always “snacks” stuff out at work which I avoid. But about 3 months ago I grabbed the peanut butter, Ritz crackers and honey. Spread a generous glob of peanut butter on a...
  2. StillKickin

    New Member

    Hi Care! Welcome to the UG.
  3. StillKickin

    Hello from STL

    Hi Tin! Welcome to the UG. Important question here...are you a cards fan? Just had a blast last weekend at the game, and then eating at the The Hill!
  4. StillKickin

    Veteran newbie

    Hi ASP! Welcome to the UG. So during the board break did you take an extended training break as well?
  5. StillKickin

    Wanna lick the brownie batter?

    Ha that’s very cute. Did she share with dad I wonder? Her little pink dress or tu-tu....I bet that’s her favorite and she wears it all the time.? My daughter was like that.
  6. StillKickin

    Cussed out my mom' significant other....

    Probably needed said. What was his response to what you told him?
  7. StillKickin

    Good to be back

    Welcome back, and glad you got the custody judgment to go your way.
  8. StillKickin

    What's good

    Hi rester. Welcome to the UG.
  9. StillKickin

    What's up guys?

    Hi Rego. Welcome to the UG!
  10. StillKickin

    Protein powders

    This may be the second time that Spongy has mentioned labdoor, or maybe we were just discussing myprotein...don’t remember but you should check out the site for product verifications on all kinds of things.
  11. StillKickin

    Looking for some community

    Hi dgs. Welcome to the UG.
  12. StillKickin

    Protein powder only

    I hope someone breaks out the science on this one. And I hope the answer is what I’m hoping for....yes I rely on my shakes to much.
  13. StillKickin

    New to UGB

    Hi foolproof! Welcome to the UG! Tell everyone a bit more, what’s your experience, goals, current stats...
  14. StillKickin

    New member

    Hi Wildcat. Welxome to the UG!
  15. StillKickin

    Dad moment

    That’s just awesome Snake. Did you leave him be or break down, run in, bear hug him, and run out? Just really cool. Ive been taking my 6 yr old to the gym on Sundays if I go during regualr hours and not really early while everyone’s in bed. He makes obstacle courses on the cardio floor for me...