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  1. P

    At what age did you start using steroids?

    Wish I never stopped running hgh
  2. P

    Ready for tren?

    Might decide to run next spring again. Who tf knows with the way things have been going on my side of the woods by then though.
  3. P

    What to run with test 400 to prevent gyno

    So glad I’m not prone to this shit
  4. P

    Best Bulk Cycles

    I like 400 drol and deca and just uckin eating
  5. P

    HGH newbie questions

    Wish I could walk into a store and buy test. Lucky bastard. I’m 31 and ran HGH for 6 months, I didn’t read all the reply’s on here but the first and would have to go with what your goals are which I’m sure you’ve figured out by now by the time I’m replying to this post. One thing I do remember...
  6. P

    Buying steroids online

    Def agree about the internet but sometimes local dudes start acting goofy too like they are now around my way.
  7. P

    How long before HPTA shutdown

  8. P

    First Cycle/Blast

    Lol yea same here my girl here’s me come home and plays dead 😂
  9. P

    Guy is new

    Also new to this forum. Looking to meet and get advice from some experienced people. I am 30 years old 5”9 and currently 200 lbs with 10% bf as of today
  10. P

    A little advice about hgh

    Just grabbed sero kits for the first time let’s see what the hype is really about