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    YK11 SARM Cycle: Dosage, Side Effects, and PCT

    When it comes to bodybuilding, YK-11 is ideal for anyone looking to build lean muscle, whilst shedding fat. YK-11 has been tested and found to have a remarkable prowess for simultaneously boosting lean muscle, as well as getting rid of fat. So if you’re already at your peak fitness, and really...
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    MK 677 and Post Cycle Therapy

    MK-677 is a very effective product especially for bulking cycles. This is why I was also in doubt whether this product needs a Post Cycle Therapy or PCT after taking MK-677. But since this product will not suppress the natural testosterone production and there is also no effect on the natural GH...
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    Deca Dosage & Cycle!

    Hey guys, I have a question about Deca and test being run together What would be the major difference between running: 250mg test and 400mg Deca? OR 500mg test and 400mg of Deca? I seem to be pretty sensitive to test sides, so I was thinking of running closer to a high TRT dose. What would be...
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    Soy Milk Benefits?

    Hello all, Anyone else drinks this stuff?? I am a whole milk guy but when I’m trying to lose fat I opt for organic non-GMO sugar-free soy. I hate to take skim milk. Won’t go there. I’ve heard the myths about soy raising estrogen levels but they are just that. Or are they? Anyone else drinks it...
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    SARMS: Liquid vs Capsule, Which Is Better?

    The effectiveness of liquids vs capsule SARMS is not really up for debate, as they both contain the exact same substances. So which one you would prefer for muscle mass, cutting and bulking, for muscle strength?