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  1. T

    how do i prevent abdominal, ingroinal, and umbilical hernias?

    please help! i felt a pain in my abs doing squats last week, it hasn't returned, but it got me reading up on abdominal, ingroinal, and umbilical hernias and getting scared. i don't smoke or drink or do any drugs, and i eat healthy. i started doing a leg - kickback machine on legs day instead...
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    3 months of cardio, 6 months of weight lifting

    red bull doesn't give you wings, lat pull-downs do!
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    my arms are tingling like they are lacking circulation

    i am very vascular, they're like oil pipelines. but i am also doing a lot of training. my arms are tingling now like therye going to go numb about 1/3 the way through the workout and for hours afterwards. here is what i am doing and taking. anyone else experience tingling? workout every day...
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    whats the best pre workout sup?

    whats the best pre workout sup?
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    Gimme Thermos recipies!

    I just started carrying around a thermos all day and eating chicken nuggets and hamburger helper out of it. The chicken nuggets taste gross after like 2 hours but the hamburger helper stays good for many hours it seems. Gimme some thermos recipes to get that protein down! Thanks in advance to...
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    Hi I'm Pat, please give me a diet and routine check

    Like the red and black, and the general vibe. Found this place number 2 on duckduckgo for body building forum, gj guys. Here's what I take and do, got my mouth in a vice so you can all jump down my throat lmao! But please, give me some tips esp about how much to do of this or that, or what to...