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  1. F

    How common is AAS/PED usage in IPF/USAPL?

    How common do you guys think PED usage is in feds with out-of-competition testing like the USAPL/IPF? Especially at the higher levels? Definitely not looking to cheat or anything, just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the matter. Seems to me like almost anyone who is a high-level...
  2. F

    Eric Lilliebridge 1030 Squat

    Eric hit a 467.5 kg/1030.6 lb squat today at UPA Iron Battle on the Mississippi. Absolutely crazy. Can't wait to see what Malanichev comes back with at Boss of Bosses 2.
  3. F

    Prion Risk in Urine-Derived Gonadotropins

    Hey all, Recently found this study which found that there is a possible risk of prion (misfolded proteins that cause CJD/Mad Cow and other similar diseases) transmission through urine-derived gonadotropins such as hCG, hMG, FSH, and LH. Of course, hCG, FSH, and LH are available in recombinant...
  4. F

    New Here

    Hey all, I made an account a while back and have just been lurking, but I figured I'd officially introduce myself. I'm mostly interested in powerlifting, and figured UGBB would be a great resource to learn from. I've been lifting for about a year (w/o any gear, planning to wait on that until...