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  1. Rumpy

    Anyone from the Seattle area

    I assume the job is at Everett. You might get lucky and find something you can afford around Mukilteo, otherwise look North for housing.
  2. Rumpy

    中国人看过来,我也是中国人All Chinese look here,I ‘m Chinese too

    Sometimes I miss being staff. Welcome to UGBB Thetabio. Post up, make friends
  3. Rumpy

    Mission accomplished here at UGBB

    Mugzy is a good guy. I'm glad he's back
  4. Rumpy

    How to control Estrogen

    You listed your E2 as 120, slightly high of the normal range on your test. Was that while you were "crashed"? I hope the 735TT is not on cycle or there's something else really wrong with what you're doing. Short answer, try a low dose of aromasin, maybe only 2-5mg/week Long answer, tell us...
  5. Rumpy

    Finding reliable sources

    I understand your frustration. Personally, I get mine through a "private source", aka a friend of mine. He's a damn fine cook, but not looking to expand his business and not looking for new customers. I think most of the guys here are in a similar situation. The best don't advertise, and...
  6. Rumpy

    Looking for an experienced anabolic steroid user to "coach" my cycle! Happy to re-emburse!

    A 10 week sust cycle is stupid. 10 weeks isn't long enough to get the full benefit from any cycle, and sust has test deca in it, a long ester that takes a long time to clear before you can start PCT, so you'll feel like shit and loose a lot of your gains while you wait to start PCT. I'd go...
  7. Rumpy

    Correct way of taking Sustanon

    I use sust once a week and think it keeps me more stable than cyp once a week. More than a week with sust and I start to feel it drop.
  8. Rumpy

    Trt regimen survey

    Quick update. I just had labs run and came back at 546 TT and 39.5 E2. Blood draw was morning of pin day, or seven days from last pin. 550ish is too low for me, I just don't feel right. I'm going to bump it up a bit after my next Dr appointment.
  9. Rumpy

    Trt regimen survey

    50yo 6' 2" 240lbs Sust @ 125mg once a week. No AI, hcg maybe once a year or less I've recently lowered my dose down to 125/week and have not run bloods at this level. I'd say 175-200 feels better, 125 seems to be the bottom end of feeling just ok.
  10. Rumpy

    Esters: same hormone, different effects?

    Overall I think the hormone is the hormone so the ester doesn't really matter. However, I think I our bodies do react to rapid changes in hormone levels, so short esters might feel like they have more side effects than longer esters, but in my experience, any ester, with proper pinning...
  11. Rumpy

    No UGL is sterile: change my mind

    I'd keep some Cephalexin on hand, just in case. (ADC sells it)
  12. Rumpy

    No UGL is sterile: change my mind

    Hopefully someone that knows more than me will comment, but I'm pretty sure it's bacteriostatic, meaning nothing will grow in it, so age shouldn't matter. It should still be as clean or dirty as the last time you used it.
  13. Rumpy

    No UGL is sterile: change my mind

    The guy I buy from is sterile. Does that count?
  14. Rumpy

    No UGL is sterile: change my mind

    No, the temperature required to sterilize it breaks down the hormone. That's why it has to be filtered.
  15. Rumpy

    Test decanoate?

    Test Deca is one of the esters in Sust. I've used both Undeca and sust for TRT, (but not straight test deca), pinned once a week. I prefer sust, FWIW
  16. Rumpy

    I did blood tests

    post a pic of your actual results and what gear you're running
  17. Rumpy

    Any audio/music/wiring guys here?

    Banana plugs should just be a straight through. One pin = one wire. Just plug the speakers in as normal
  18. Rumpy

    Time between Blood tests on Pct

    Oh, and depending on how much you were running, 7 days isn't long enough to wait. PCT does nothing until your test levels drop below natty, so the first few days were wasted.
  19. Rumpy

    Time between Blood tests on Pct

    You're kinda overdoing it on the PCT in my opinion. 50 clomid and 20 nolva for 30 days should do it. Why are you taking stane with nolva? You do not need an ai on pct, probably why your e2 is low. Personally I like to run HCG while on cycle, but nothing wrong with blasting at the end. I'd...
  20. Rumpy

    More frequent injections?

    With cyp, twice a week worked best for me. I've tried eod, e5d, one a week, but always went back to twice a week. For me, that felt like the right amount of peaks and valleys