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  1. F

    Red face

    What causes my face to turn red when on test? And how do I fix it? BTW my blood pressure is ok.
  2. F

    newbie peptide cycle

    I plan on running pegmgf 250mcg twice a week with DES 5days a week for 4 weeks Then, IGF-1 LR3 @ 100 mcg once a day 5 days a week for 4 weeks with DES pwo In addition, I’m using cypionate 200mg a week throughout Anybody see problems? And how much DES would be recommended? BTW 216# 6’ 1”
  3. F


    Hello everyone, New to this site. All BB sites actually. I am trying to learn as much as possible. Lifting on and off for many years, but trying to get more serious with it.