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    Aburaihan Test E carrier oil ?

    ok thats good news brother , thick is good. means not ethyl oleate garbage. ill take 100 :D
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    Test E cycle... how long can I run it for?

    ridiculous either stay natural or just go on. permanently staying on 100 - 125 mg per week you would have much better results and manageable health risk.
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    Aburaihan Test E carrier oil ?

    Does anyone know what the carrier oil is used in Aburaihan. Or if you could at least tell me if its thick or thin. Trying to avoid ethyl oleate. Thank you.
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    Aromatase Inhibitors and cholesterol

    based on studies on women: "Of the available data on effects of aromatase inhibitors on serum lipids from short-term studies, exemestane has little or possibly a slight beneficial effect on serum lipids, and anastrozole appears to have little effect or possibly an adverse effect, while letrozole...
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    cant decide 2.5mg or 5mg anavar, experiences?

    i know man, time and money issues. i figure sleep is more important than training.
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    Steroid for Fat Loss

    they certainly do reduce fat mass. if you take your testosterone dose high enough it will help a lot. 600+ per week will burn some fat. The fact is most people on high doses binge out like fat pigs so they have no clue.
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    Cheapest Pharmacy Option For Script

    thats complete bullshit its a CDC Policy and when i lived in America I never had a problem if i showed them the paperwork. but you might have to check many pharmacies, most freak the **** out with a 10ml so they only carry the 1ml due to fear.
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    cant decide 2.5mg or 5mg anavar, experiences?

    I decided to go with 5 mg. Its been about one week. She is loving it, muscles feeling harder, horny, clit very sensitive, midsection tighter. Went a little too hard on a leg workout, 5x10 on back squats with 20kg bar and cannot walk normal for a few days. Backing off to 3x10. Training 2 days a...
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    Wife's Test Prop Experiment 2mg/Day

    your wife is now a mild F to M transsexual. 15-20mg of test a week is absurd for a female. stick to anavar or primo.
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    cant decide 2.5mg or 5mg anavar, experiences?

    this is a normal weight not some fat **** american bullshit. drugs work period nobody got anywhere naturally especially women. please women share your experiences with 2.5mg var thank you.
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    cant decide 2.5mg or 5mg anavar, experiences?

    not anorexic just good genetics. the var should add a bit of weight. training will stepped up.
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    cant decide 2.5mg or 5mg anavar, experiences?

    My girl is a first time user. 5'0 and 85 lbs. minimal training. Im thinking 2.5mg will be enough but then again its ugl. I have run it myself so i know its good to go. Has 2.5mg actually produced decent results for you guys?
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    Year off cycle. Is it worth doing another pct

    **** any asinine pct garbage. you need trt start 100 mg per week. add a little hcg in there as well if fertility is a concern.
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    TRT with a test blend

    200mg once a week is fine. thats a shit load of test your not gonna have any dips too low unless your chemist is garbage.
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    250mg trt

    the average trt dose is between 80-120 mg per week, that will get most people to high normal. you can run 250 or 300, but yes you most likely will need to give blood and keep a closer check of health markers.
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    Post-Cycle Test levels higher than expected

    your on a high dose, 700 mg/wk will clear slower than say 100 mg/wk. your right on schedule. One more week to taper off and you wont have much left in your system. Then you should start to see some lh/fsh activity. stop taking that adex, with your test running low now your estrogen will as well...
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    logging coming off no pct

    i had a minor delay, the prop i was shooting before hand was either enan or cyp! this was at 3 weeks off.....should not have had any in the system. Jan 19 2017 thats ~424 in ng/dl. kinda crazy their range is 142-923 been 11 days since this test, still feeling decent. if a drink a big cup...
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    Blood test results

    looks like you got the total testosterone test done. thats puts your total at 395 ng/dl. what time of day was this at? get your free testosterone done as well, you could be right in the middle of the range on free and have nothing to worry about. If your free test is low normal then your in a...
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    logging coming off no pct

    Day 16 going strong, still having good sex. Sometimes wake up a little tired but im ok once i get going.
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    Bloodwork/PCT advice

    Show me one study, placebo-controlled proving that pct works.