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  1. M1seryD1str1ct

    Sore Nips 1 Month After PCT?

    Title Finished PCT a month ago and this week suddenly my nipples (they tend to alternate daily) are so tender they burn in the shower and under a shirt. Getting bright pink when acting up. Was first cycle of just test cyp 250-500/week, PCT was Nolva 20mg for 6 weeks and clomid 50/50/50/50...
  2. M1seryD1str1ct

    Enlisting In Army. Advice/Insight? (Gear, MOS, etc.)

    Title Unless MEPS doesn't take my ass next week I'm swearing in Thursday. Scored a 92 on ASVAB, went in wanting to do something in combat but folks encouraging me to do something higher up there that would "carry over" to civilian life after my contract ends. Just finished up a...
  3. M1seryD1str1ct

    ED 3 Weeks Into PCT

    In week 3 of PCT following Nolva 20/20/20/20 and Clomid 50/50/50/25 following a 6 week cycle of Test Cyp. Dick won't get hard. Whole PCT this far I've felt better and better as far as mood, energy, etc. (balls dropped back too) but I have not been horny at ALL. Normally screw and wank 1-2x/day...
  4. M1seryD1str1ct

    AI During PCT? The Age Old Question...

    Should one run an AI during PCT or no? I've kept myself up for weeks researching this question to seemingly no avail as no one can come to a common ground with a definitive answer. I trust you guys so would like to hear your current opinions on the matter.
  5. M1seryD1str1ct

    Some Remaining PCT Questions

    It's me again... for real though you guys have helped me out a shit ton I'm very grateful. After researching, I'm left with just a few questions on my upcoming 1st PCT: 1) I am currently in the 2 week downtime between last pin and PCT and have extremely swollen nipples. Can I run 10-20mg of...
  6. M1seryD1str1ct

    Complications on 1st Cycle

    Hey Doods On my 1st cycle of plain ol' Test (Cyp 500/week), 16 days in and though size/strength are shooting up (no pun)...I've come across my first minor issues: 1) My skin's been red as a damn lobster. At rest at work people keep coming up asking if I've been tanning or laying out (in the...
  7. M1seryD1str1ct

    1st Pin Last Night...Let's Make It a Log!

    Broke the skin on my ass for the 1st time last night after 3-4 years of training, pretty stoked I must say I have so much respect for all of you on here and have received so much fantastic information over the past year that I wanted to share the experience of my first cycle with everyone I...
  8. M1seryD1str1ct

    Best PL Programs For Bench?

    In between programs right now Just finished a great run of 8x3 twice a week for about 3 months but programming has stopped working it's magic. Time for new stimulus. What are some good powerlifting programs out there (tested and true) that are specifically capable of yielding good bench gains...
  9. M1seryD1str1ct

    Test and BP/Cholesterol

    Beginner Q: Does a test only cycle raise BP and/or cholesterol? And if so do any of you have actual numbers you can quote as an example? Thanks Doods
  10. M1seryD1str1ct

    MK/BPC Insight

    Hey Doods Starting a run of MK677 with BPC pinned SubQ around injured joints, hoping to heal considerably from the obnoxious tendinitis and brittle cracking joints I've developed over the past year or so Any insight from those who've tried either? *Interested to see how close to the joint...
  11. M1seryD1str1ct

    Your Goals

    Less than 6 months left of 2016! What are YOUR GOALS that you want to hit before the year comes to an end?
  12. M1seryD1str1ct

    Pain Followed By Cracking And Grinding?

    Injury Question: A few months back I all of a sudden developed this bad, achey pain in my right knee to the point I had to lay off leg movements for a bit. After about a month, out of nowhere, the pain went away!...Then immediately followed with loud cracking that is now permanent. The crack...
  13. M1seryD1str1ct

    Ulnar Nerve Sublaxation (And More)

    Hey Dudes, just got back from Orthopedic doc and had some stuff I wanted to gather your insight on... 1) So I have Ulnar Nerve Sublaxation in my left elbow, meaning anytime I perform a pressing movement it makes my nerve in the elbow 'snap' across bone which ultimately causes nerve damage in...
  14. M1seryD1str1ct


    Anyone here taken Ostarine? Coach is advising me to try for joint health (currently have elbow, knee, and shoulder trouble due to inflammation). Very cautious with this sort of thing as I currently have never been on any anabolic yet either, however I understand this is simply a SARM.
  15. M1seryD1str1ct

    Reflections on 3 Years of Lifting

    Well today marks 3 years of weightlifting. Here are some honest thoughts about 'the grind' I wanted to get off my chest So far what I've got to show for it: -a broken back -messed up shoulders -benched 215 -heavy sleep deprivation -squatted 255 -an inferiority complex -deadlifted 345 -leg...
  16. M1seryD1str1ct

    Sumo deadlift?...

    So pulled sumo for first time today just bar 3x10 and so far feel fine. With my back (injured a year ago) that's a small miracle. Almost all tension on hamstrings significantly less on back than conventional. Hm...
  17. M1seryD1str1ct

    Continuing Back Issue

    Hey Dudes Posted here and there over the past few months about this back issue I've had, haven't been able to squat/dead for going on a year due to a pain in what was my lower back but now emanating mainly from my tailbone (no idea what that would mean...fracture? displacement?). At any rate...
  18. M1seryD1str1ct

    Enhanced Bench: Expectations Vs. Reality

    Hey Dudes To the point: Just how much (ballpark) will gear serve to boost one's bench press? For instance, I'm really measly on bench sitting at a max of 215 lbs at 5'8" 160 lbs. 24 years old (shoot me dead...) Adviser of mine said a 1st cycle would probably put me up to a max of 250 or so...
  19. M1seryD1str1ct

    Pill Size and Questions

    About to order Tamoxifen and Clomid caps from AAP for 1st cycle, fine with pinning but horrible with pills. Can anyone confirm how big these capsules are please? And if they're soft-gel or hard (to where you can cut in half). Thanks so much (Side-Note: HCG is strictly injectable right? Hard to...
  20. M1seryD1str1ct

    Honeymoon Deload

    Alright so going on our belated honeymoon next week for 9 days Haven't deloaded or taken time off in 8 months, been busting ass on bench lately and my shoulders are now snap/crackle/popping under the bar. Mostly painless but mild pain on occasion. Called ahead, hotel gym with pulley system...