Recent content by gymrat827

  1. gymrat827

    Another day another dollar

    Keep going man, stay on the horse
  2. gymrat827

    Experience with Tbol??

    It’s great at 100
  3. gymrat827

    Methyltrienolone dosing?

    its far beyond tren man. respect it.
  4. gymrat827

    My serious struggle with COVID

    It’s good to hear you are making forward progress, good luck brother
  5. gymrat827

    Aromasin (Exemestane) dosage

    were not here to bash you.... most of us would of liked for you to be 24 and a bit bigger than where your at before you started with aas. like 180-190 or so. than your at the point where you will need to work so hard natty to gain more its almost impossible unless you only bodybuild (no job...
  6. gymrat827

    100 Rep Sets (Super High Rep Training)

    agree.....forcing & pumping the blood in/out is good. I do it every 4th or 5th workout.
  7. gymrat827

    The process of Leaving a job

    My wife is a HR manager Tell hr and your boss sane day, give 2weeks notice is common practice If u don’t give a rats ass, tell them, get your stuff n go
  8. gymrat827

    Performance enhancement and joint pain

    The issues will come right back when u drop deca. But for a short period you will get some relief
  9. gymrat827

    Low dose Tamoxifen to block ER in breast tissue?

    It’s a hard question to answer The kiss way, no d bol......why not var? Yes nolva should do that in theory or on paper....but do u want to be the test dummy ?? I’d go low dose mast, test n var if you already have any sort of lump, sensitivity or anything I have minor gyno and regret a few...
  10. gymrat827

    Hgh+ t3 help

    How long have you been on gh?
  11. gymrat827

    Orals Have Arrived

    Bump to 40mg for dbol minimum, try 50 and see how you do with it Drol another cycle
  12. gymrat827

    Bulking cycle suggestions

    500mg a week of tes is all you need D bol at 50 I wouldn’t do nor the deca Dial in the calories you take in
  13. gymrat827

    Hgh+ t3 help

    Squats n I bet your gh is fake
  14. gymrat827

    First cycle / is HCG worth it?

    If u can get If course