Recent content by Tinbeater36

  1. Tinbeater36

    1st time dhb

    I've had the worst PIP of my life w DHB. I think I've found a way to make it bearable. I warm it up in the vial on one of those coffee cup warmers. Mix it in my syringe w test. When I feel the PIP coming on I put a heating pad on the area i injected. From what I've read and I'm kinda...
  2. Tinbeater36

    Hardcore Gym List

    I found Flex Fitness in Kansas City. Pretty cool place. Nice mix of new and old school equipment.
  3. Tinbeater36

    Hardcore Gym List

    Yeah I was at Disney for a work conference, not by choice.
  4. Tinbeater36

    Hardcore Gym List

    Looking for a place in Kansas City next week if anyone has any suggestions.
  5. Tinbeater36

    Hardcore Gym List

    Got to check out Kissimmee Muscle, in Kissimmee Florida. Cool gym, cool owner and members.
  6. Tinbeater36

    Hi everyone...

    Welcome to the Underground. I was a skinny kid. Still not a big guy as far as this board goes. That being said I don't think body dysmorphia ever goes away, it just evolves. There are a ton of cool folks here with a ton of knowledge and some who excel at sarcasm, so enjoy.
  7. Tinbeater36

    Israel / Hamas Conflict

    We ain't a sharp species. We kill each other over arguments about what happens when you die, then fail to see the fucking irony in that. -Justin Halpern
  8. Tinbeater36


    Welcome to the UG. Lots of smart people here.
  9. Tinbeater36

    New to forum from Canada

    Welcome to the UG. Lots of smart folks here.
  10. Tinbeater36

    Tinbeater Shows Us how to train.

    Try this again. Pic didn't post first time.
  11. Tinbeater36

    Tinbeater Shows Us how to train.

    Haven't posted in forever. I got skinny.
  12. Tinbeater36

    Yo bro's

    Welcome to the UG.
  13. Tinbeater36

    Looking to learn.

    welcome to the UG. Lots of smart people here willing to help.
  14. Tinbeater36

    Hardcore Gym List

    You from that side of the river? I know a couple guys who train (or did) at American Family Fitness over in Edwardsville.
  15. Tinbeater36

    Tinbeater Shows Us how to train.

    Thanks man. Appreciate it.