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  1. GSgator

    Shit throwing

    @Hughinn hey man just wanted to apologize for what was said in the prior thread . Also mods I apologize for breaking any rules I’m just a guest in your house here and there are rules it won’t happen again.
  2. GSgator

    2024 daily changes Anyone have anything in particular they plan on implementing in their daily lives they want to start off the year with . I want to try and start my day off with a cold shower .
  3. GSgator

    Ignore button for threads

    Is this an option . Or let me guess just don’t go in it lol.
  4. GSgator

    Message guns

    My message therapist had emergency surgery and is out till November and I believe Im suffering from piriformis syndrome my sciatica nerve has damn near immobilized me. I think it’s that because my right glute gets a very intense dull pain that feels deep also it constantly spasms. My right leg...
  5. GSgator

    Low carb/cal meal

    What are you guys eating for a low carb/cal meal any suggestions for any that can keep hunger at bay ? I’m thinking adding a sweet potato with my chicken instead of greens would help keep from feeling so damn hungry.
  6. GSgator

    Macro template

    Any of you guys have any templates of what you eat and a break down or a sight that has some meal plans listed with the macros listed . Maybe I can adjust to cater my needs. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed trying to brain storm everything I eat or would want to eat so I can get a good baseline...
  7. GSgator

    This may piss you off There’s always 2 sides to every story. DISCLOSURE VIDEO OF AMERICANS GETTING MURDERED
  8. GSgator

    Post Hernia surgery

    My boss had 6 hernias removed Friday all in one area fucking savage .
  9. GSgator


    Are these guys shutdown
  10. GSgator

    Free link to 2000 mules outrageous proof of voter fraud
  11. GSgator

    Baking with whey protein powder

    Anybody know off hand if baking would some how degrade and render powder whey protein useless . I use it for my oatmeal but 5 min in boiling water is way different then baking it @375-400 for 25-35 min.
  12. GSgator

    Twitter has a new owner

    Damn he spent some money he throws 44 billion around like nothing . I wonder if he turns a profit .
  13. GSgator

    Libido and test levels

    Anyone know off hand if using drugs that decrease libido also decrease testosterone levels?
  14. GSgator

    AAOS Rotator cuff shoulder conditioning program AWSOME program for strengthening or rehabbing the shoulders
  15. GSgator

    Title 42 When they allow this to expire next month you can consider American a border less country. I’m for immigration but in my opinion this will completely change America in a bad way. Our resources will be so clogged up US...
  16. GSgator

    Army Prevails again
  17. GSgator

    Correcting unbalanced body parts

    This guys has been pretty inspirational for me on breaking down Impendments and body parts that aren’t balanced. He has a whole host of videos for pretty much everything.
  18. GSgator

    Early release with zero restrictions

    So I got a call today from my boss and he says they will comply with my restrictions but they want a full release with no restrictions from my doctor. I don’t think this will be possible because that makes my surgeon responsible. I’m not sure how to approach this I was thinking of maybe trying...
  19. GSgator

    Deload - workout of light working sets

    Can someone please explain to me this process is it a workout of light working sets ? My son is very into BBIng and I can see he has been pushing things really hard and he is complaining of his shoulders. I don’t want him to have the same outcome as his dear old dad. I have him coming over...
  20. GSgator

    Laying around

    When is just laying around to much becomes a issue. I’m going on month 4 of doing absolutely nothing. I’m kinda getting into that funk of being tired all day and I find myself sleeping 12+ hours. So last week I started waking up just feeling like I got ran over. I did something to my foot...