Recent content by white ape

  1. white ape

    Training for Hypertrophy: The function of Intensity, Volume, Recovery and Injury Prevention

    Lot of big words in there for a cowpoke. Do you need to sit down or have a glass of water after this? Maybe take a nap? I’m here for you buddy!
  2. white ape

    Cholesterol, fiber, carbs, sugar, and more.

    Holy smokes dude. I didn’t deep dive but is this a new thing or has this tick caused allergy been around as long as the lone star tick? So I’m assuming you don’t risk and and stay away from red meats. My conspiracy brain is going off thinking this is some bio lab government forces evolution...
  3. white ape

    Cholesterol, fiber, carbs, sugar, and more.

    I’m sorry but I have no idea what any of that means.
  4. white ape

    Cholesterol, fiber, carbs, sugar, and more.

    So from what I know this isn’t an issue I’m places like Europe where they don’t over process grains and have banned glysophates. Humans have eaten grains and breads for centuries but only recently has gluten intolerance in America been a thing. Also peanuts. Wtf is with that. I knew like one kid...
  5. white ape

    Cholesterol, fiber, carbs, sugar, and more.

    I think you’re correct about the individual mattering and what their personal genetics play. Haha. You ever see that book called something like “Eat Right for your Blood Type”? Always wondered if there was any validity to that. So do you believe that with enough research and genetics we...
  6. white ape

    Cholesterol, fiber, carbs, sugar, and more.

    You’re a self proclaimed nerd and research guy. Sure we can survive on a variety of diets but you don’t think that there could be an “optimal” diet to extend health, age, and good health into old age? It’s seems like there’s a ton of time and money going into this exact question. And again...
  7. white ape

    Cholesterol, fiber, carbs, sugar, and more.

    What’s crazy to me is how much of our mass is actually bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. We are walking talking petree dishes
  8. white ape

    The VA thread

    Don’t be bashing the veteran version of Obama care 🤣
  9. white ape

    Arnold on Netflix

    That’s a solid point. If you come from a country with lack of freedoms you would think you would be agaisnt that no matter what.
  10. white ape

    Arnold on Netflix

    With the low carb craze going on a bunch of folks would probably say Mentzer didn’t know what he was doing either. Dude was a big proponent of carbs. Seems like he ate less but larger meals as well. People may say that’s wrong. At the end of the day I think Arnold looked great as dude Mentzer...
  11. white ape

    i bought a beautiful baby 7 week old pitbull

    Always knew you were a big softy. Good looking pup
  12. white ape

    Arnold on Netflix

    I wouldn’t hold his father against him. Lots of peoples fathers in that area were nazis. For whatever their reason. I wouldn’t blame the children of those people for that.
  13. white ape

    Arnold on Netflix

    I always thought Franco had the better build. Arnold was new and exciting because he was taller and was able to build the mass. Not taking anything from the dude. He came here and did great for himself.
  14. white ape

    Arnold on Netflix

    I don’t know a lot about that time period but didn’t most train that way then? I guess I always assumed that and Mentzer was the odd ball. I had read about training decades before that where they would train full body like every 8 days with 1 set for each exercise to all out failure. Wish I...
  15. white ape

    Arnold on Netflix

    That’s the truth. I would stay out of the media and politics though. Fuck being a puppet for the elites. Dude could have just gone off and enjoyed his money. But staying in the limelight probably keeps money flowing in…..