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  1. white ape

    Cholesterol, fiber, carbs, sugar, and more.

    So I figured I would make this and not derail the threads from @LethalAnimal or @Gadawg Something GaGawg said in lethal animals thread got me thinking. Hence this thread. There is so much information out there that i bet most are confused. I know I am. This thread is in the longevity and...
  2. white ape

    Texas Marines on a Bus

  3. white ape

    Test boosters

    I’ve been seeing quite a few threads of people asking about test boosters. The majority opinion is that they are worthless and a waste of money. I wonder if they may actually cause long term issues. This may get lengthy. I have been on some sort of HRT since I was 29. Probably could have been...
  4. white ape

    Transition off TRT

    Anyone here know of or heard of someone being on TRT for years and then transitioning off? If so, what’s the stories? How was it? Did they get back on? Why did they go off? Etc.
  5. white ape

    Yanos Yarns

    Lobsters @Yano
  6. white ape

    Post King

    You’re almost there @Bro Bundy
  7. white ape

    White Ape strength log

    First time squatting in months. Looking for form check. Weight is only 185.
  8. white ape

    How long per session?

    How long does a weight training workout last for you? Not including warm up, abs, stretching, cardio, or any of that. Just the weight training? And then how do you lift? Bro split? Ppl? Power lifting? I’ve basically just been doing bro split style. Shoulders and tris Back and bis Legs Don’t...
  9. white ape

    Daily and almost constant headache

    Has anyone ever here dealt with daily and seemingly constant headaches? For like 3 months straight Headache is in front behind eyes and base of skull with a tense neck. Never feel like I'm fully hydrated. Maybe lack of sleep or maybe not tolerating caffeine anymore? If you've been through...
  10. white ape


    Who here is into endurance activities/pursuits? What are they and why? I get that many on here just want to get a big as possible and endurance pursuits would be exactly the opposite of that. I think there many be others here that want to be strong, look good, and have good cardiovascular health.
  11. white ape


    There was a pretty sweet Netflix documentary on adderall. Not sure if its still up or not. Been thinking about trying it. Anyone have experience with it? How was it? Why did you take it?
  12. white ape

    Understanding body types

    So for a long time I have heard about "mesomorph, endomorph, and ectomorph). Could never figure out what type I was. Is there any science backing this up? How do you know which type you are if so? I assume you would have to be pretty lean to know. Bet there is a lot of fat dudes out there...
  13. white ape

    White Ape 2022

    Hey all. I haven't been around much the last 6 months or so. I pop in from time to time to see what's new in the posts but have not been active here. Figured I would start up a log for 2022. Probably won't be active outside of this thread much though. Doing dry January and eating less overall...
  14. white ape

    Russia: UGBB > linkedin

    Just wanted to let you know that while in Russia a person can still access this board, but we cannot get on LinkedIn as it is blocked by the government. moral: it’s better to be strong than have a job or be wealthy.
  15. white ape

    BS calorie counts?

    So I read the article (link below) and was quite intrigued. I would love to know what your take on it is though. I think the science is solid, but would it not still be beneficial to count calories? If you are eating whole foods and tracking consumption well, it seems like you would get close...
  16. white ape

    Question on how you all eat

    So as I ate chicken and rice again tonight, I was wondering something. Kind of a two per question. how many of you basically eat the same thing each and every day and how many of you have lots of variety in your meals? second part is this. Are you more focused on powerlifting, body building...
  17. white ape

    Tuesday with Trump

    Trump - please explain to everyone what a stone is. Stone referring the a unit of measure. Not an actual rock. thank you
  18. white ape

    Metric system

    There countries in the world do not use the metric system. The United States, Myanmar, and Liberia. How is the rest of the world on the same page and the US is using a system that makes no sense along with two (third world?) countries? I had a 15 minute argument with a project manager from...
  19. white ape

    TRT, E, and anastrozol

    So before when I was using clomid to treat low T I had to use anastrozol for high E levels. Now I am on 100mg of test C once a week. Did my four week bloods. Got a call that I’m getting a prescription for anastrozol again. my question is, are some people way more prone to high levels of...
  20. white ape

    Longevity and anti aging

    Does anyone here prescribe to any ideas. Been listening to a lot of Dr. David Sinclair, Dr Peter Attia, and Dr Rhonda Patrick. Lots of talk about sauna use to stimulate heat shock proteins, fasting, time restricted feeding, and eating a certain way. Also supplements/drugs such as metformin, MNM...