fatloss INFO


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Dec 16, 2011
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Ever get confused by all the different nutrition, training, and supplementation techniques you hear about? Well don't worry, 'cause you're not alone. Bodybuilders everywhere are constantly being bombarded with information on everything and anything that can supposedly help them get the results they're after. When the topic of fat loss comes up, some of the theories and misconceptions become even more ridiculous. The record needs to be set straight, and the only way to do that is by revealing key research studies that show the real techniques you can use to maximize fat loss. Don't get caught up following some strategy that isn't proven to work. To get shredded beyond belief, take a scientific approach to fat loss, and you'll be guaranteed to maximize your results!

Keep Your Protein Intake High

Bodybuilders must eat a high-protein diet for two very important reasons: (1) to support fat loss, and (2) to build and maintain muscle. The fact that a high-protein diet is better for fat loss is well-supported by research. In a study conducted in Copenhagen, Denmark, it was shown that a diet with an increased ratio of protein to carbs has positive effects on body composition. (1) So, take this reminder seriously, and always keep your protein intake high.

Enhance Fat Loss with Essential Fats

Some of you may remember the anti-fat craze that started in the late 1980s and lingered through the 1990s. Many people--with the notable exception of some bodybuilders--seemed to be oblivious to the fact that certain fats (essential fatty acids) are actually good for you.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs)--commonly referred to as essential fats--can be found in high quantities in fish oil, flax oil, olive oil, and almonds. These fats play a vital role in countless different functions within the body, and they can help you lose fat. As a matter of fact, the data from one study showed that consistent fish oil supplementation of four grams per day significantly increased fat oxidation during exercise. (2) In other words, by simply taking fish oils every day, you can burn off more fat as energy during your workouts!

Eat Low-Glycemic Carbs


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Dec 16, 2011
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Diet Composition for Maximum Fat Loss
Calories do count. But they are not the only thing that counts. The person that eats a 1500 calorie diet of tuna and green vegetables will look considerably better than the person who eats a 1500 calorie diet of soda and bacon....even if they weigh the same amount.

Diet composition is the percentage of each of the macronutrients (protein, fats, carbohydrates) that make up our diets. There are multiple opinions (and supporting research) regarding the optimal ratios for maximum fat loss. In the end, it is probably more important to focus on the type of fat (omega-3 and monounsaturated preferentially over saturated and omega-6 polyunsaturated) and carbohydrate (whole grains, fruits and vegetables over sugar and processed grains) than to obsess over macronutrient ratios.

Low Carbohydrate
Make no mistake, low carbohydrate diets burn fat like there is no tomorrow. In fact, low carbohydrate diets beat low fat diets when compared head to head. Excess carbohydrate also appears to be one of the primary contributors of weight gain, and may decrease leptin secretion. There also appears to be less of a metabolic slowdown while dieting with a low carb diet than a low fat diet.

Low Fat
On the other hand, some of the greater weight loss shown by the low carb dieters may be due to the depletion of glycogen and its associated fluids and lower caloric intake (though this could be seen as a positive for low carb dieters in that they are able to sustain at lower calories without excessive hunger issues). If you are to succeed on a low fat diet, the quality of the carbohydrates becomes extremely important. When quality carbohydrates are emphasized, the advantages of a low carb diet seem to disappear. Fiber seems to be the most important thing here, the more the better.

Eating more lean protein may make you leaner whether you choose a low fat or low carbohydrate diet. High protein dieters lose more fat than low protein dieters, though high protein diets are associated with a higher bodyweight.


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Dec 16, 2011
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Appetite Control
Dietary self control becomes much easier when appetite is not raging out of control. Appetite appears to be controlled by multiple systems that signal the brain about the nutritional status of the organism.

Gut hormones
Grehlin signals the brain that the stomach is empty. Cholecystokinin (CCK), PPY and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) signal the brain that the stomach is full. Leptin, secreted by the fat cells, is part of a feedback system that informs the brain of the amount of bodyfat. Low levels of leptin signal the brain that the organism is starving and appetite is upregulated.

Modulating the gut hormone levels is an exciting new way to control appetite. Previous appetite suppressants modulated neurotransmitters.

Neuropeptide Y is a major appetite stimulant. Serotonin also appears to be involved. Most likely these are signaled by the gut hormones. Norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter that stimulants modulate to decrease appetite.

Circulatory Hormones
Insulin, cortisol and thyroid hormones increase appetite. These major hormones are best controlled by lifestyle, i.e. avoiding stress, moderate exercise and eating quality, whole foods.

Appetite Control Top Five

Fiber. In various forms, fiber is an excellent appetite suppressant. Some fibers increase CCK.

5-HTP. Increases serotonin levels, which decreases appetite.

Green Tea. In addition to being a fantastic antioxidant, green tea positively affects leptin signaling. also boosts metabolism very well.

Long Chain Fatty Acids. The longer chain fatty acids release more CCK and GLP-1.

Leucine. This amino acid signals the brain, via mTOR, that ample protein is available. It is also considered to be "anabolic"


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Dec 16, 2011
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Abdominal Fat
What is VAT?
VAT (Visceral Adipose Tissue) is fat that is deposited around the organs in the abdominal cavity. VAT is different than subcutaneous fat (fat just under the skin) in that you cannot pinch it. VAT is far more dangerous than subcutaneous fat and more metabolically active. Accumulation of VAT is associated with insulin resistance and results in a complex of symptoms (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides and high fasting glucose) known as the metabolic disorder (or Syndrome X). VAT occurs in both sexes, but is more prevalent in men and postmenopausal women.

How can we measure VAT?
The waist to hip ratio (WHR) is a common way to determine the severity of VAT accumulation. Higher ratios indicate more VAT accumulation. Ratios above 0.8 for a woman and 0.95 for a man indicate an unhealthy level of VAT.

What causes VAT?
Insulin resistance appears to be the strongest primary cause of excess VAT. In fact, a high WHR is strongly associated with fasting insulin, total whole-body glucose disposal and glucose oxidation. Also, other factors associated with insulin resistance are also positively correlated with a high WHR, including triglycerides, hepatic lipase (HL) and HL/LPL ratio. Likewise, factors negatively correlated with insulin resistance are also negatively correlated with WHR including HDL.

Many hormone systems are also involved. Androgen levels appear to be involved, but the research is conflicting. For instance, some studies have found that DHEA-S levels are associated with abdominal obesity, while other have found a reverse correlation. A decline in growth hormone levels appears to be a contributer, along with increases in cortisol.

What can be done to reduce VAT?
The same things that improve insulin sensitivity will also reduce VAT. Weight loss is the number one thing here. Minimizing dietary intake of saturated fats, trans fats and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids is also hugely important. Monounsaturated fats (like olive oil) and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (like fish and flax oil) improve insulin sensitivity. Fiber intake is negatively correlated with WHR. Pectin appears to be the most effective fiber for reducing WHR. Increasing protein while reducing carbohydrate intake also improves WHR.

Exercise is extremely effective for improving insulin resistance and eliminating VAT. Walking works well for this. But higher intensity exercise works better.

Some supplements that show promise for reducing VAT include pantethine, taurine, calcium and tea. Stimulants should be avoided due to their direct effect on cortisol levels and indirect effect on insulin sensitivity.


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Dec 16, 2011
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Diet Super Foods
Choosing better foods can make a world of difference in the results you achieve on a diet. Quality foods will satisfy you for a longer period and won't hinder your fat loss. These foods are all low glycemic, so you won't get a corresponding insulin spike which temporarily halts fat loss.

Green vegetables
If there is a perfect diet food, green vegetables are it. Packed with nutrients and fiber and devoid of calories, green vegetables are a dieters dream food.

Most fish are excellent diet choices. Salmon rates even higher due to its high level of omega-3 oils and its unique antioxidant, astaxanthin (the component that makes it pink).

Green Tea
As well as being a top notch antioxidant, green tea kills appetite, increases thermogenesis and fat oxidation.

A long time dieters staple, researches are still unsure why grapefruit improves weight loss efforts, though it does partially reverse insulin resistance. Grapefruit may interact with the metabolism of some drugs, so ask your doctor.

In addition to being a low calorie food, apples are loaded with pectin, a viscous fiber that helps improve insulin sensitivity and prevent abdominal fat.
May 19, 2014
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Thanks for the info! I needed to read that.
Jul 12, 2014
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Diet Composition for Maximum Fat Loss
Calories do count. But they are not the only thing that counts. The person that eats a 1500 calorie diet of tuna and green vegetables will look considerably better than the person who eats a 1500 calorie diet of soda and bacon....even if they weigh the same amount. .

Great Post... the item that really helped me gain control is weighing out every portion of every meal, religiously. For about two / three weeks. Then I could eyeball and know roughly what I was eating. I'd study the nutrients in each food and learn them as well as I could so when I was out at a restaurant I could eyeball a meal and get a rough guess at what I was putting in my body.

Nutritional knowledge, even without any other items, goes a long way to your weight loss success. The knowledge that serious body builders have about Nutrition puts doctors and others to shame.


Senior Member
Jun 10, 2014
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Great post. I am good at making things complicated so a good reminder how simple it is.


Nov 6, 2014
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i alreday knew most of that, but re-reading it was very helpful. thank you bro.


Nov 30, 2013
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I totally dont agree with the statement about calorie/macros bot being equal, for body composition.. Ive just seen it way too much for it not to be hockus pockus...As far as boby composition goes 1500 calories with equal macros whether coming from twinkies and protein powder will do the same thing as the 1500 of brown rice and chicken breast... Your insides may be healthier in the long run but trust me when I say food composition by itself is only a detail calories and macros is what makes it... The benefits to body composition based on "clean" food is not noticeable except under some very small percentage...Ive seen it played out over and over again diets of top ramen, tuna, dunkin sticks and protein powder getting guys in amazing shape brothers... I myself dieted down to 190 low double digits (11 or 12) based off quaker apple and cinnamon oatmeal, top ramen, canned mackerel and prison main line food....And did it by accident (wasnt trying to cut) just wasnt supplied enough calories by the state.... Food composition is WAAAAY less important than Calories/Macros... I also guarantee calories alone without regard to Macros determines whether the body grows or shrinks....The macros and training stimulus will dictate how much of what kind of tissue grows.....
In short dont complicate shit,,, are 15 13 percent bodyfat 25 percent and want to cut,,, you can do it with high carbs just fine believe that,, keep protein as high as possible drop those calories below maintenance and whether high carb and liw fat or high fat and low carb its gonna work...Just do whatever is easiest for you to stick to
Jan 16, 2015
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Good info & thanks for refreshing my memory. Fat kid here trying to get back in the groove of things. :)